Whitby Free Press, 13 Apr 1988, p. 1

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Colunciliors opt for-study on ousin A Whitby councillor's motion. to consider requiring developers to provide low to moderato priced residential development was rejected at an administrative committee meeting last week. Instead, committee decided to have Town planning staff report on methods to provide low and affordable housing. Councillor Gerry Emm's original motion, to have planning staff consider the "appropriateness" of requiring developers to provide low and moderate priced housing, was opposed by both Mayor Bob Attersley and councillor Ross Batten. 'Tou can't force a developerto develop a non-saleable market," said Attersley, arguing that developers won't provide low and -moderate priced housing if there is no market for it. "Itfs, not going because the market is not there. You can't sell what isn't there," said Attersley. The mayor also said ' committee members already have the opportunity to assess housing types when applications are made, without a policy requiring it. 'We have ta deal with it site specific, said Attersley. 'We've always had this opportunity of what this motion is asking for," he added, referring to Emm>s motion. "Tlhe philosophy is there. But I would hate ta lock it in as a resolution of council." "1 think the mayor is rigbt on," said Batten, agreeing witb Attersley that committee already bas the opportunity to deal with housing applications. I agree we s3hould be very careful about how we implement any proposaI, ta deal with -an approach to any item, said.Batten, who suggested the revised motion to have staff investigate ways ta provide low and affordable housing. Emm said he only introduced the motion at a previous council meeting because "This bas been on niy mmnd for somne time." He said it was wrong for the Town "ta do one thing on one site and not on another." Emm pointed out that when larger homes go in, "People are concerned about tbe type of development we need in Whitby." He said bis motion would indicate to developers "wbat we'd like and need" in Whitby. I think it's beyond political, it's in the real world," said Emm. 'We cater ta a lot of large homes in this municipality." He said the Town bas- ta, "go beyond tbe market and deal with wbat we need in this municipality." Attersley said if -the Town miade it mandatory for someone to developa certain way, 'We start ta dictate ta private developers. I tbink it's wrong," be said, notinig tbat the Town's official plan already dictates bow ]and sbould be developed. 'We can't dictate to free enterprise how ta, seil and develop their property," said Attersley. He also asked Emm, "What is affordable housing?" and later noted Its différent to every individual." He agreed, as did Emm, to bave a staff report. Cm*ema planned as part of south Thickson ecomplex Protest cavalcade DURHAM NUCLEAR AWARENESS 'members were among those who staged a mock disaster of spilled tritium in front of the Darlington nuclear station on Saturday following a cavalcade, imitating Ontario Hydro's truck tran- sportation of tritium, from Kincardine to the Darlington station. Attending the event was Ontario NDP leader Bob Rae who opposes Hydro's plan to transport tritium on highways and says an en- vironmental assessment should be made of the plan. Free Press photo Boats moved frcom launch area The two large boats in Whitby's harbor were moved last Saturday .by tug boats bired by the Town. The boats, whicb have been moored at the barbor -since January, 1987, were moved back 50 feet after complaints that boaters could not launch fr',m the Towns public boat launch. i<dministratar Bill Wallace says the action was also taken because the Town bad no response from .one of the owners of the two boats, AtRobinson, when tbey requestèd the boats be moved. Walla4e says the bill for the operation, about $1,000, will be sent ta Robinson, owner of Are's Auto Wreckers. The Town bas been attempting ta have tbe boats mioved since tbey were moored at the harbor, and bas again brought charges against the owner of the boats. The case- was ta be beard in Ajax prbvincial court on Monday. But on a, request from Robinson's selicitorý the trial waa resched- uled to May 9. Original plans for the boats, the Isle Royale and the Prince Ed- ward Island, were to convert the P.E.I. ta' a floating. generating station then seIl it ta, Haiti. The Isle Royale was ta be scrapped. But the sale neyer materialized, and in Octaber the Isle, Royale was moored beside the P.E.I., imnpeding the launcbing of boats. One of the complaints was mnade A six-screen cinema complex bas been proposed at the corner of Chanmplain Ave. and Thickson Rd. S. in Whiitby. At a public meeting beld last week, it was learned that the cinema will be part of a future industrial complex yet ta be built. Developer Rick Gay said there would only be theatre use, and no bingo use. General support for the project was given by R.R. MacDougall, representing the Grabam group whicb owns an adjoining pro- perty. But MacDougall inquired whether there would be parking by filmgoers on the Graham property. "We are concerned that our property doesn't become a parking lot," bie said. " (However) we want tet cooperate with tbe develovment as fully as possible. Planning 'directar Bob Short explained tbat there would be a total of 439 parking spaces for the theatre, one parking space per'six seats in the cinema. "Parking is a concern ta us," said Short, and will be addres- sed." Whitby resident Doug Anderson said that "One parking space for every two people is more logfical." Short noted that some arrange- ment might be considered wbere- by parking space at nearby indus- tries could be used for the -theatre wben not used- by industry employees on Friday nigbt and weekends. Committee advised the ap plicant ta consider parking. The proposai is for the, nortbeast corner of Thickson and Champlain. An exception. ta~ the existing- indutitjal zoning . 's i t t i i i i - i 4 i i ~ i i. ' ; si q*ê ~ t4~4 ~A~$ *i~t.'*4 -f' ~t ' ~ '> ~.' ~ 4 A~k14.i&.i.~'~ required to permit entertainment uses. The cinema will be designed as part of the office building use for the subject property, site of a future industriai complex. Mayor Bob Attersley absented himself from the public meeting, declaring a conflict of interest as he bas an interest in the property. Outdoor living Special supplement inside Ormiston wins award See page 20

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