Whitby Free Press, 13 Apr 1988, p. 40

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seu:É,*tk?±Mi_____ PAr. 'Ad UTUT'1'V t'TPIR DPQQ CITTMMrP iDT.TV7Mrl APRTL.12t 1ARS Plant bre eder' s rights The issue of plant breeders' rights -rights pertinent to the sale and propagation of new varieties of plants -bas resurfaced as a result of the introduction of Bill 0-107 in the House of Gommons last January. Farmers will be affected, by the legisiation, and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture is calling a major meeting to examine the issue. Speaking at the meeting will be Wilf Bradnock. director of the seeds SPRINII DARDEN division of Agriculture Canada's Plant Health Directorate who will explain the details of the Bill. Also invited te address the meeting is Elbert van Donkersgoed, research and policy director of the Christiann Farmers' Federation of Ontario The meeting wil be held at 1:30 p.m., April 15, at the Delaware Community Hall located on High- way 402, west of London. For more information, contact: John Lyons (416) 838-2383. FULL Y ïUANANdTEJEO FRESHLY DUG NURSERY STOCK ARRIVINO DAILY Potted Rose Bushes *Reg. $9.99 The Garden Mort Prico $7.44 OId Gold Juniper 30cm.*Reg. $22.98 The Garden Mort Prico Weeplng Pea Trees 100cm.' Reg. $50.00 The Gardon Mart Prico $39 .88 Little Glant Globe qedar 3cm. *Reg. $19.95 The Garden Mort Price a1.8 Apple Trees 4 - 6' *Reg. $18.99 The Gardon Mort Price $14.88 <Large landscape size.> *Reg. $50.0 T he Garden Mart Price $3 9 .8 8 Eburhumn'scLmr!go3!t D..jlk BEa!g Yc>uir Owru Cý«rutrde -garden soil -beach sand -3/4"crushed limestone -garden manure -limestonie screenings -pea gravel *garden mulch -3/8" limestone chips -red brick chips -3/4" crushed gravel -white marbel chips Items we wiIIbe stocking for the do- it-youselfer from $2.OOIbag! Bag and shovelprovided SAVE EVERV DAY ON GARDEN SUPPLIES Privot Hedg lng )c)oi;cRAsHF- 20 kg. bag 40cmn. *Re. $.98 ~CATTLE AlIwto The Gardon Mort PrIce MANURE &U sh, rub $3.221io«nw.$2.99 -odorless & hu -1deol er vegetable chemnIcals... CATI flower gadns 25% below Tamarix Junîper Mun PReg. uggste 30cmn. Reg. $21.98 l.99Evordoy eti The Gardon Mort Price Ej dayu hs ~ren art' $1 .6Price $2.88 ' veryda 3 Veor Perennial Flowers DOOR CRASHER Eeya 2 gallon pots. Reg. $6.98 SF> _c:: IUAkL$1,.88 Discount The Gardon Mort Price Umnit 5 bags per customner. PlIfg $5.66 'Rogular pricès charged ot most local nurseries. THE 1625 Dundas Street West, Whitby GARDEN MART QUALITY NEED NOT COST MORE!I DISCONT GARDE ETRd Eg Delivey service avàlâbe. Open7i days a week! Ample parking. 1WhItb me-si *Onily while quantities iast. *We have the right to limit quantities. THE MONTH-BY-MONqTH ePERFECT GARDEN GUIDE Jl. JANUARY W .Inspect hous plants for spider mites il aphlds e&. Use urea (46.0-o) ta mailt ice oer ouldoar plants 2.Plan garden tayaut Zà. Order lower il vegetable seeds e& Enrol ln home garden studios (el community calleges, University af Guelph & Royal et, Botannical.Gardens). B4 Try forcing a f lawering bulb (amaryllis etc.) FEBRUARY 2.Propagate Indoar plants (geraniums etc.) by stem cuttmngs, 26, Place mail orders for shrubs & hedges 'à Order seed fiais & containers e& Checki newspspers for dates of annuel gardon shows. MARCH la. Plant lower6 vegetable seeds indoors et.. Prune fruit treen & grape vines 26.SIen tuberaus beganias ln pots 26.Press garden perennIals beckIrnIa place, Il they've heaved Z&. Spray fruit trees itti dormant oit M6 Prune beck oergromn shade irees & hedges 26.Repair rodent-damaged trees & shrubs mitti trea dressing 26.Treet hauseptants wth water soluble tertilizer leg. 20-20-20). Fallam label rates. 2.Prune summer fllwering shrubs APRIL .' Rake & fertilize lawns 'à,' Remane mulcti tram rases, a lithoe ai a ime Zd6. Plant shrubs, trees & hedges M6 Prune roses 2.Apply preemergence weed killer ta contrai crabgrass 'à. Transplant bienniats (violas, pensies, tOagloe. etc.) 'à- Repair temo damage wth tapsail & seed 2.Plant eerly vegetebles Ipeas. radishes. anians) 2.Spray for birch leat miner 26.Checki newspaper for dates oI annuel ®Mistry of Agrict)ure 5Dand Food ONTARIO Jacti Rddell. Mnnler lg& JUNE 't Prune evergreenn & tiedges 6.Use grass clippings & campant an garden ta conserve moisture & contrat weeds 'a Irigate lamas & gardens as required 'a. Thin annuels & vegetabien 'à. Treat annuel tiamers witti tertitizer le.g. mater soluble 20.20-20). Follam label rates. 2.Statie taIt graing perennials 2.Pinch bact garden chrysanttiemums 'à Remave teded rose blooms 2'& Weed vegetable garden & tiomer beds AUGUST W' Prune climblng roses , 4 Order tiawering buibs W6 Cul out aid raspberry canes and narrow row ta 40 centimetees(<t ellnces) 26. Spray shrubi for powdery mildew controt 'à Hrest vegetabies, blancti & f reeze SEPTEM BER î à Prepafe & seed new lawns Z& Divide perennials a Plant noergreena Z& Lest fertlizing af lawns for the year '& Air dry anians for storage 'a Renanain perennial borders M, Hervest grapes aller tirsi #rosi 26Soati sali araund evergreens & transplants OCTOBER 't- Plant bulbs ln garden )e.g. tlup. dettodit) 26Transplant shrubs & trees a ig & store dahlias. gladiotun. luberaus beganias 2.Plant amarylli s for Christmas blooms G6 attier leanes & add la compost pile 2.Winierize tewn mamer 2.Piaw vegetable gardon NOVEM BER 'a Soak sait around eoergreens if ground ls dry 2.Hill up rases '4k Checki supports for new ptanled trees 2.Proteci irees & shrubs tram mice & rabbits M6 Muicti tender plants 2.Plant hyacinth. & aiher bulbs for inIer forcing indoors 26Clean gardon aborage ares & baols MAY JULY DECEMBER 4,. Construcl lattice far vines 6 Cul grass no sharter than 5 cenîmmetres Z&. Laasely mrap pyramidal evergreens milti 't Transfer bedding annuels ta ouldoor cotd 12 nchesl burlap or plastic natting,.! trame 6 Fertiluze annuals and negetabtes le.g. water 6 Remone snom tram stirutis & spreading '4 Check trees for lent caterpiltars & aiher soluble 1020-201 energreens lnsects 6 Shaiiam tice gardens regularly 6 Reduce matering of indoor plants M6 Plant rosî-sensitive lamers ipetunias. etc.) Pnct bacir annuals. il getling straggly M,. Set up indoar llghting units 2.Remave taded flomerheeds aI tulips & Water gardens thoroughly during dry speits 2-t Consider gardening Christmas gifts for 'à afrudesrb &.ee ltrflw iHarvesi bernies f riends ihamemade jams 6preserves?) 'à rn hus&tee le lwrn Aller strawberry tirenet. mom tops domn la 2ASpray lawn eeds mitti herbicides . Fertilizo tawns 5 centimetres (2 incties) and narrow rom ta 'a. Plant egetable garden. stramberries& 24 centimetres 112 inchesi raspberries 2.Hrest asparagus Dear John:i John Deere Aniswers Your Lawn and Garden Woes -Dear JIohn: lnmi a devoted mothir, but don't have much fiie to care for a flower garden. Cao you suggest a Ilower that won't make me t'eel guilty? Dean Manic Moil: Save your hugs and kisses for vour children and miaintain your peace of* mmid with a garden ot' verbenats and nasturtiurns. You won't need to l*uss over venhenas because they'll do weil in half-day sunlight and stand up to drought. If you insist on f*ret- ting. ideal conditions are 1u11 sun., sandy soil and cool temiperatures. Nasturtiums thrive on neLlcct. If you mother thern too mniuch h(iver-watcring or terti liziuîr thcy'll produce lush tkliage few lowers. They doi hest in day suni. But don't worry: they;alsît) thrive in half-day or even flltcred sunlight. I)ear John: I"'like to take a jump shot at vegetable gardening, but l'mi not sure how to, score points. What should 1 do lfirst? Dear Hot Shot: Make sure you have a lulI-court garden strategy bct*ore you stant putting holes in the oround. Takc a lfew timie-outs to [md a place in your yard with gol d drainage and full sun, or at leasi 8 Iol10 hours of dircct sun- ligit a day. T'he hall's in your court as hi how miany ve.getahIes you want hi plant and maintain. Study seed catalogs and make a lisi of the vetaihles you like., and contact your local nursery l'or information on planting. and whether to stant with seeds or transplants. Mark the perinleter of the new %eedbed and remiove grass tromi the area. Ccîver the seedbed with or(Tanic miatter like peat nmoss. compost or mlanure. and with about 1I ½ pounds olf 10- 10- 10 fer- tilizer for cvery 10 square mieters ofgarden area. Then tilI in organic niatter and lertilizer 15 to 20 cmn deep. Use stakes and string ti make straight rows. and plant seeds ait a depth of no more than three tinies their diaieter. Cover the seeds anid firn the soil to prevent ramn [roni washing theili away. Then mater ~ rmuri mq, vvriiini mrtmici r-imnoo, %iuiiiivm iiivjl,41LX, iirzlii la, 1 1 1 '

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