PAGE 24, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1988 Ron Getz is named best actor Ron Gtz, who portrayed Dr. Norman Bethune in the Whitby Courthouse Theatre production "Bethune" earlier this year, received the best actor award from the Association of Com- munity Theatres of Central Ontario (ACTCO) awards gala on Saturday in Toronto. Getz, an Oshawa resident, starred in the drama directed by Judith Edmondsen. The produc- tion also earned a best supporting actress nomination for Marion Dennis, who had a cameo role as a missionary, and ,four other nominations, for best lighting design, best costume design, best technical achievement and best presentation of a Canadian play. "We're kind of proud of it," said Courthouse member Eve Heaver. "This is a first for Bethune to be directed and produced in this area." Heaver said Getz and Dennis were outstanding, as was Court- house member Jim Small, who also received an ACTCO best supporting ·actor nomination for his role as Judd in "Oklahoma!" Heaver said Small's nomination is noteworthy since it was his first time on stage after some previous work behind the scenes. "The adjudicator really picked up on him," she said. The musical "Oklahoma!" was presented by the Courthouse theatre last year. Photographie display at gallery RON GETZ, shown in middle, for his role as Bethune in the Theatre production. An exhibition of photography ,by Canadian photographer Blake Fit- zpatrick opens Tuesday, April26, at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery. Comedypresentation in May The Whitby Courthouse Theatre finishes its subscription season for the 1987/1988 season with the comedy "The Bed Before Yesterday" written by Ben Travers. It is the hilarious story about a rich middle-aged widow who suggests a marriage of convenience to a mild-mannered "down and out of his luck" man. Producer of this show is Lamie Rosen, a longtime dedicated member of the theatre group. After producing this season's successful musical "Oklahoma!." Roantree is director for this show with Evert McIlwain as assistant director. Cast members include residents from Durham and surrounding region. Frances Helyer protrays Alma, the rich widow with Jim Renshaw as Victor Keene, the mild-mannered man. Other cast members are Rose Masters as Ella, Barb Farrow as Mrs. Holley, Bev McIlwain as Lolly Tucker, Scott Griffin as Aubrey, Harry Anderton as Felix and Garvin Farr as Fred Castle. A free performance for senior citizens is scheduled for May 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the theatre at 416 Centre St. south (Centennial building). Per- formance dates are May 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 at 8 p.m. at the Courthouse Theatre, 416 Centre St. S. Tickets which are $6 (Thursdays) and $8 (Fridays and Saturdays) may be purchased at Middletons (668-2492) or at the door on perfor- mance night. For further information, call 433- 0490. Due to the mature content of this play, theatre officiais advise parental discretion. The exhibition, on view through May 22, was curated by Joan Murray, gallery director. The exhibition features work produced from 1983 to 1986, a period of artistic development for Fitzpatrick, a Toronto native, now a resident of Oshawa. Describing Fitzpatrick's work Murray says: "In Fitzpatrick's hands the camera becomes not only a recorder of evident reality and a reporter of settings and people but also a persistently inquisitive social critic. The photographs of Fit- zpatrick collected here show us a talented and intelligent artist moving -in a considered, thought- ful, and careful way -toward a larger understanding of social in- stitutions and perhaps also of photography's place within them." Research Photographs 1983-84 was produced as part of Fit- zpatrick's M.A. degree thesis at Ohio State University. The project involved photographing research laboratories within the college of engineering as both technical still life and as a point of contact between the university and outside business interests. Work with Artifacts 1986 was produced with the assistance of a grant from the Canadian Council and the artist-in-residence program at the National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa. He documented the museum in photography noting "the in- stitutional stamp" of the museum while at the same time showing science displays as constructed and managed environments. A graduate of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto, Fitzpatrick completed his M.A. at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio in 1984. He is now instructing electronic media production at Durham College. DANCE The Breath of Life dance held by the Cystic Fibrosis Durham chapter will be held April 30 at Iroquois Park arena. Tickets are $17.50 per person. Call 668 -1469. MID-WIFERY The Oshawa Area Mid-Wifery Task Force will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, April 20, 8 p.m., at 9 Goldring Dr., Whitby. Call Suzanne Santiago at 436-1805 for more information. MEETING Third Thursday, the Durham Business and Professional Women's Network, meets at Trellisus, 17 King St. W., in Oshawa, on April 21, 7:30 a.m. New women are welcome. Call 66b-4953 for more information. SALE Dr. Robert Thornton Public School will hold a Mother's Day craft and bake sale on Saturday, May 7, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call Lillian Konieczny at 728-6115 to rent a table. EUCHRE The Legion Ladies Auxiliary will hold a euchre on Thursday, April 21, 8 p.m. Prizes and lunch. Cost is $2. CAT SHOW The Motor City Cat Club will hold the 16th Championship Cat Show on Sunday, April 24, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Pickering rec complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Anyone wishing to enter can call 723-7410 or 576-8849. FLEA MARKET The Whitby Seniors Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. will be holding a flea market on Saturday, April 23 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Plants, home baking, books, hardware, white elephant and nearly new items will be featured. Admission is free. MEETING Focus on Women will hold coffee and dessert at the Salvation Army Oshawa Temple Corps, 570 Thornton Rd. N., on Monday, April 25, 7:30 p.m. Guest is Mary Wilten who will present a needlecraft demonstration, while guitarist Sharon McMinn will perform and Evie Mitchell will also speak. Admission is $3. Call 436-1508 or 666-2270 for reser- vations or information. SMORGASBOARD The Ladies Auxiliary of branch 112 (Whitby) of the Royal Canadian Legion is holding a smorgasbord on Saturday, April 30. Tickets for the event are $16 a couple. The bar opens at 6 p.m. with dinner beginning at 7 p.m. For tickets call the Legion at 666-9028 or 666-3272. HELP FOR VETERANS Veterans or members of veterans families can obtain information about pensions, allowances or medical assistance from a representative of the Department of Veterans Affairs at Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Whit- by, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, Tuesday, April 26. For further information and appointments, call Henry G. Perry at 668-2504. MEETING Paul Mutch, instructor at IBM, and Nancy Mutch, executive director of the Distress Centre of Durham Region, will discuss skills for facilitating self- help groups and other topics at a meeting of the Canadian Mental Health Association (Durham branch) on Thursday, May 5, 7 p.m., at the Michael Starr building, 33 King St. W., Oshawa. Call 436-8760. MEETING Whitby service club members and St. John Ambulance mem- bers will meet at the St. John training centre, 110 Ash St., Whitby, on Thursday, April 21, 7:30 p.m., to discuss the feasibility of constructing a multi-purpose service club building. Call Shirley Spicer at 668-9006 for more information. DANCE A "Let's Go to the Hop" 50's dance with Little Caesar and the Consuls will be held by the Oshawa Deaf Centre at the Jubilee Pavilion, Lakeview Park, Oshawa, on April 23. Prizes, hot and cold buffet. Tickets are $20, funds raised for centre renovations. Call 579-3328. DANCE Whitby Arts Inc. is holding a dinner and dance, with "Little Caesar and the Consuls," at the Whitby Yacht Club on Saturday, May 14. Tickets are $35 per person, with proceeds to The Statiôn Gallery. Call the gallery at 668-4185 or Marg Bird at 668-5774 for tickets or more information. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY On May 5, 6 and 7 the Durham Regional chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada will conduct its annual carnation cam- paign. Proceeds will help support MS medical research and services. for people who have multiple sclerosis. For more information, contact the Durham Regional chap- ter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, P.O. Box 1201, Station B, Oshawa, L1J 5Z1 or phone 579-7727. CWAC VETS The annual reunion of the Canadian Women's Army Corps Veterans will be held Sept. 23-24 in Toronto. For information write to Shirley Wood Heesaker, 210 Niagara St., Toronto, Ont., M5V 1C9, or call 781-2872 or 781-3821. QUILT SHOW St. Mark's United Church Women will present its 8th consecutive quilt show on Thursday, April 28 from 2 to 9 p.m. at St. Marks Church. Admission is $2.50. If you would like to display a quilt call Joyce Cox at 668-4056 or Pauline Toenjes at 668-6580 before April 10. Coming events _MIIIBIGISIlTERS BIG SISTEIRS Women 18 and older who are interested in becoming Big Sisters are invited to attend an orientation at Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, 6:45 p.m., Monday, April 25. For more information call the office at 436-0951. MEETING Sheldine McDonald, a Toronto management consultant, will discuss adult children of dysfunctional families (in which wife abuse, child abuse, incest, alcoholism, etc. have occurred) at a Canadian Mental Health Association ( Durham branch) meeting Monday, May 2, 7,p.m., at the Michael Starr building, 33 King St. W., Oshawa. Call 436-8760. WORKSHOP Catherine Lyons will discuss personal image at a workshop to be held by the Durham Region YMCA in Whitby, at Pringle Creek community centre school, on Monday, April 25. Call 668-6868 for more information or to register ($5) for the workshop which will include wardrobe review, color and fabric analysis, makeup, lifestyle interview and figure analysis. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photographic Club will meet on Monday, April 25, 7 p.m., at the Whitby Public Library. Bram Vanden will present the slide clinic and judge's comments. For more information call 728-5325. SALE An "Odds 'n Ends 'n Bake Sale" will be held at Al Saints Anglican Church April 23, 1 p.m. Proceeds to Outreach projects in Durham Region, Toronto, northern Canada and overseas. SEMINAR Consultant Diane Mattiussi will be guest lecturer at the day-long seminar "Help Open a Closed Door: Adults Molested As Child- ren," hosted by Hillsdale Nursery School, at the Durham College lecture hall (C113) on April 23. For more information call Hiilldale at 725-8455. MEETING The Durham branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association will meet Wednesday, April 27, 7:30 p.m., at Holy Family parish hall, Ribblesdale Dr., Whitby. Guest speaker will be Heather McLean, co-author of "Living With Diabetes: Personal btones and Strategies fbr Coping." Cal] 436-6648 for more information. SALE St. Mark's United Churcl Women hold rummage saleE every Wednesday, 1 to 2:30 p.m., at the church house, 200 Byron St. S. VON The Victorian Order of Nurses, Durham Region branch, will hold open house on Wednesday, April 20, from 3 to 7 p.m. The Durham branct has recently completed renovations to existing offices at 292 King St. W to meet an increase in demand for service. In the 1987/1988 fiscal year, the branch completed 78,789 visits, a 20.1 per cent increase over thE previous year. For further infor- mation. call 571-3151. Tax returns for seniors Income tax returns are still being processed free of charge for retired seniors (55 and over). The new federal sales tax credit which started last year, with $50 for each adult, is still in effect. Anyone in a lower income bracket should take advantage of this credit, but they have to file an income tax return to receive it. Call the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre at 668-1424 or 668-7919 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays for an appointment."