PAGE 28, WHIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20,1988 213 BYRON STREET S. WI-ITBY, ONTARIO LUN 4P7 Telephone: (416) 666-3958 Toronto Line: (416) 683-7785 3 Turbo 8088 with 30 Meg System * 8088 4.77/8 Mhz Mother Board with 640K Memory * Award Turbo BIOS * One Panasonic 360K floppy drive * 30MB Hard Disk - Miniscribe or Seagate (55ms) * Monographics or Color Graphic Card * TTL or Composite Monitor * Serial, Parallel, Games ports and Real Time Clock * Enhanced 101-Key Keyboard * AT Style Flip-Top Turbo Case (3 LEDS & 3 Switches) * 150 Watt CSA Approved Power Supply * 1 Year Parts and Labour Warranty * Fully Assembled and tested with hardware manuals. $1495.00 Samne systemn in Small Footprlnt case Add $50.00 30 Meg Hard disk Drive and controller for XT Compatible computers - includes instalation. $495.00* Q * swimc rcblricliufl May apply. plkas.c citI (r fumehr î,,forniiicn IIIM XlI and AT arc rcgiocrcd :radcn,.arks of Incrnationil BwasncssMachin.s HYDROPONIC SUPPLIES. Halide & Sodium lighting. Ebb and f low tables -- assorted sizes. Aero jet - NFTIaeroponics, 88 and 384 plantlet systems. Expand - 0 - garden drip systems f rom $20 per unit. Free ex- pert consultation and local service. B EUROPEAN wall unit - 2.50 meters in width. Bed sofa, 2 living room chairs, adjustable coffee table, 21 inch color TV. wlth remote, dining room set with 6 chairs & buffet, queen size bed, vaccum cleaner, and assortment of dishes. Reasonably priced. Phone 430f-2256 davtime only. SATELLITE EQUIPMENT Videocipher satellite descrambler MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: $899. Name brand receivers with Work shirts $2.75, work pants $3.50, remotes $385 and up. .R.D.'s $1,199 work boots $15. Send $3 for up. L.N.A.'s $150 up. Next worklng catalogue (Reimbursement lst or- day shlpplflg. Tupper Electronles 1. der). Mlltary Surplus, Box 243, St. (204)-4532736. B Tlmothee, Quebec. JOS iXO. B VEHICLES & ARTICLES FOR SALE * Ford 1700 diesel tractor- immaculate condition - only 39 hours- includes rear mounted sickle mower $8,900.00 " Honda 185 3 wheel ATV - excellent condition very littie use. $,300.0 " Honda Riding mower- likebrand new - used only 1 doz times. $3,00.00 *Farm wagon undercarriage, includes wheels & tires excellent condition $500.00 .1 - 1970 Boaski snowmobile 317 single 1 - 1970 Boaski snowmobile 292 single 1 - 1974 Motoski snowrnobile 440 twin Ideal for family cottage $900.00 (package) *Smith-Corona Electric portable typewriter -Excellent condition $1 50.00 *1946 All is-Chalmers WD tractor - restored i n 1970 need engine block, good rubber. "BEST OFFER" * 1 -Propane swlmming pool heateri1 -Q01-f ired swimming pool heater $300.00 (package) * Garden roto tiller - powered with BriggslStratten eng ine - rel iable $75.00 * 35mm SI 6 Konica automat ic camera, excellent cond it ion $100.00 * Trai ler f or Honda ATV - AIl metal with al terrain ti1res - Li ke bran d new $400.00 l Cal DON at 668-2305 after 6p.m. s\> HA PAWNM l' VAP - TRADE ' \tWK - B(JY' SELL &&The Onjy Estatebroker in Whitby - Oshawa area" 528 Sirncoe St. South, Oshawa Phone 433-1785 WE PAY CASH RADIO SHACK model 100, 102, 200. If you have one of these portable computers in good condition, which you are no longer uslng, Cali Doug at the Whitby Free Press, 668-6111. OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Mens only - old Rolex and Patek Phlllip wrlstwatches wanted. Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" rectangular wrlstwatches (25 years service), will pay $1000 and up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toro rr- to, Ontarlo. M5A 1 S2. B WATERFRONT COTTAGE FOR SALE. Ray Potts, Century 21 Gray- Munro Reality lnc. (705) 743-7313 work or 745-7246 home. Peterboro area. Fr endPovicstyl ing. Origlonall cos $5.0 lselI for$25av. hn 434-452af ter-5:30 m (2OlLcksJUMPERof Cosorole biycetha com ewlpu eter apus moiOrs$15a.00.RniueFolgmahn wUith L execis prgam $1 50.00. Pone 666-4544 ae.ronzeam d goNE DOLLtsA busyo nad forh arnthPinchlchselîs fOgor estan co$50.00, See sepa frterate Paone. gra 5.Poe434-2452 af ter 5:30 cotntae ra10.00rS, home fie.rc ricyclesunpochoptran ad tolsea moarea.1Fr.00demowrain.mPhime Moh rris at 683-2638.00 ChESneRF66E4544sites, ovseaù3 sethiofla csels, esta fo price.h Larg0 e seon. McKee Funue. Phone 725-11. 1984 ECRYTAURS ieERShthwe anookus incnditUedonce ink Phe668-9322 afoer3-652p.m. :3 MATRESSNEAES abo pingat Scoet. S.. shot-nePone.72- SAFETY SHOESr, oee any, likt e ew Sie. $35.00. Phtio 666-3567. autctiontion for f irst hanprce.a 198UNG LY AES ie 011hslmlate fuilr. a-FulI ladd lengh$ .0o estof fer-up Exclecodition. Ponce 666 Phned.6Bes322uaityser w rices OvTer 3,000 prdctoxinsock! sen Wafpest eWae Farms, 1. 244 Seymoue St.S..Vhancouner,725-V6 3N9. 1-604-682-6636. Be new PARKY'S$5.0. Ine66357 ANTIQE C EOstahebroker WHITIBV, 3 bedroom house $800.00 plus utilitles. FuIly carpeted, ap- pliances lncluded, lst' and last, references. Avalable Immedlately. Phone 728-0374 atter 5 p.m. or 436- 2708. WH-ITBY, furnlshed room, Includes extras. Sultable for single ladies only. No pets or chlldren. For more detalis Phone 430-3280 after6 p.m. ROOM for rent, st udent or worker, non-smoker, non-drinker, kitchen and laundry facilities, cable, private entrance, flrst and last required. Phone 430-0404. APARTMVENTS centr-ally located in Whitby. Clean 2 bedroom, fully car- peted, fridge & stoveI, no pets. $681. monthly Inclusive. Ph. 433-0907 or 723-3922. FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using ail the tax breaks available. Phone us today. Appointment times available to process '87 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants 2109 Oxford St. E., London N5V 2Z9. Cali tolifree 1-800-265-1002.. ln business year-round for 36 years. B NEW TRUCKS avallable wlsteady year round contracts. Low lnterest' rates. 12.9% and up. Good selection of makes and models. Minimum in- vestments $8000. Phone Transpol 1- 800-663-5166. B -list & 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate -Up to 90%o financing -consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced <Gen T? Cal 668-6805 Conununity Finanea1 SmevSs C&T. 965 Dundas St.; W., Ste. 205, Whitby 1979 BLAZER Cheyene, 4 x 4, p.s., p.b., rebuilt 350 Corvette engine, winch, 3" body lift, 35" mudder tires, certif led November '87 $6,000.00. Phone 668-5040. 1987 CHEV S-10 Hait ton. 1800,4 cyl, 5 speed trans. Alpine tape deck, box liner. Asking $8,250.00. Phone 420-3058. 1980 GMC, V/2-ton pick up with cap, 305, auto.,ý good condition, $4,000. Ph. 655-4860 af ter 6 p.m. CHIP WAGON 28 ft. 1973 GM Bus fully equipped 3 sinks, hot water heater, 2 fryers, large grill, steamer, freezer, fridge. Many extras. Fully operational business. $1 2,000. Offers considered (705) 342-5327. B CEDAR HEDGE and rails. Phone 655- 4550.» Tf> PRIVATE SALE- NO AGENTS. Brooklin beautiful treed lot. Large brick home, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, newly renovated kitchen, main floor family room, central air & vac., elec- trolux air cleaner, Rec room, tastefully decorated, il x 22 garden shed, above ground pool. For f urther info and viewing caîl 655-8934 even ings. WHITBY, OPEN HOUSE. April 23 and 24. 2 - 4 p.m. Immaculate 3 bedroom back split. 60 x 100 lot. Conservatory off kitchen, large family roomn with fireplace. Many extras. Ph. 668-3891 fordirections. Asking $164,900. F1SALE 1985 LE BARON GTS, 4 door, black, AMIFM stereo, p.s., p.b., asking $5,900.00. Phone 668-2189 after 5 p.m. 1978 FIREBIRD T.A., 60,000 original miles on a 400 4bbI, auto, plush In- terior, excellent condition. New brakes, air shocks, $1,1950.00 or best off er. Phone 668-5562. NEED A NEW CAR? Down £0 jus ' a chassis and a hood ornament? Get yourself some REAL WHEELS! Read and select in the CARS FOR SALE column ofîhe... WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 oi 9p !il le il