PAGE. 2. WHMITFREE PRESS., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1988 Pl an of ýdevelopmen.t approved for Broc. By Mike Jolmston Approval bas been given te the final development, guideline for the Brock St. S. corridor. The, Town's planning depart- ment began studying, the north- south entrance into townb last July and council gave its approval last Monday night. The study considers *uses of the properties along Brock St. S. from Ontario St. te Higbway 401. The four main uses 'will be residential conversion, medium density residential, commercial conversion and commercial.rede- velopment. The residential conversion guidelines are designed to minimize the impact of conver- sion of eisting dwellings into multiple residential dwellings. The planning department will require adequate parking in the interior or rear side yards only; screening of the paring and adequate landscaping. Any new construction is to be similar in appearance te a single or semi- detached dwelling and is te be one-and-a-half or two stories in height. The medium density guidelines are for property on the west side of Brock at Hwy. 401. Buildings are not to be, more than four stories in heigbt and will bave a maximum of 50 persons per acre. The commercial conversion guidelines will require commer- cial use, wbetber it is new or an addition, not to exceed 3,750 sq. In the report, the department notes that..:one application bas' already been- Made for commer- cial conversion,,of a property, and it far exceeds the maximum. Sam Princiotto bad previously submitted' plans for tbe commercial conversion of a prope rty on the southwest corner of Brock and- Ontario* St. A decision- on thatapplication had been postponed until studies had, been made., iricluding the corridor study. "The proposed building. would. bouse 5,490 siq., ft. of< commercial fioorspace, much more than the cap proposed," noted the department. There is also not enougb parking in the Princiotte plan. The department will be reporting separately on the appli- cation te council. The requirements for commer- cial conversion- will be: adequate parking; commercial use only during the daytime including Saturdays; limited signage; and no more than two comme~rcial uses perrnitted in any building. Residential uses will be per- mitted. Commercial redevelopment in- volves two. locations along Brock St. The first area is the mnedical clinic on the northeast corner of Brock and Trent St. E. "kt is assumed that some expansion of the medical clinic onto tbe lot te tbe nortb will be i FASI? 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Planning department notes that the- strip is now zonied special upose. commercial which .permnitshighway-ori*ented uses. "They >usually are, one-story buildings with limited coverage and-,a large' amount.of.parking," notesà the department.; The department warits the area te bé redeveloped as a mixed use, full commercial area such as retail and office uses..j. That recommiendation. wPs good news te, councillor Joe Drumm who told council residents in the area do not want any more gas stations or donut stores built in the area. Other councillors said they were happy with the final outcome because it saves Brock St. S. from becoming another Dundas, St. E. The department also notes- it will cost $250,000 te implement a streetscape enhancement project from, Ontario St. to Hwy. 401.1 Improvements will include trees, I lamps and interlocking brick pavements. The denartment wants te split the work into two phases, with the first phase from Ontario St. te Burns St. and the second phase from Burns to Hwy. 401. 00 tý% iMel ? 1 t 16=0 A4)Pý ý -11 Super gi ideas on shower an wedding gies