ýWHjU1BY FREEPRESS, WEDNFjS)Aye APRIL 20t 1988# kPA GE 31 OAK WOOD, DINING RO OM * Buffet *4 doiorsope n * H uch *4dmonropen * Table *2 leaves *2 pedesal 4 side chairs *2 am'chairs *Mirror *back in hutch FREE STOCK FABRIC CHOICE $I,84 91 g9pKg. 2 po.French Provincial LPIned Quat~y cash & Carq $699. Dining Room All7pu& k Buffet *3 doors *Hutch *3 windows kiable *pedestal *4 sîde chairs Cash & Carry $729. Bedroom Suite Oak Wood kresser *Mirror *Bed *Che§ of drawers *2 night tables $1995m, Liîited Ouantity M IFO11D U toay ay v drive *4, WHEEL ALIGNMENT* SPECIAL Includes checking ail front wheel angles & correct as necessary to reduce tire wear & increase handling. Have your car or light trucks front end checked today. Cail our service departinent for details. 4 wheels..,.....$5495' *2 wheels.........$4595 Most cars. Light trucks & vans slightly more. Offer expires April 27. WB WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY PRICES FROM ANY FORD OR MERCURY COMPETITORS' ADVERTISEMENT IN ANY NEWSPAPER (Just bring the ad iu) Trust tedaesi that hsn iepit OIL & FILTER CANGE..$ 1495' Incudes a new Motorcraft oil filter and up to 5 litres of oul. The price is applicable to most makes & models. Diesel oul & filter may resuit in extra charges. Offer expires April 27. 4 eyinderotooo$69.95 6 cyll'nder.....o$87o95 V6 & 8cyllnderoeoeo$89o95 It is time to have your vehicle checked over completely & get it into shape for the sumîner. We will provide a 30 pt. inspection on your vehicle complete with roadtest to reduce the chances of costly break-down! $14,o95 Most cars & light trucks. Offer expires April 27.