PAGE 14, WITBY FRSE PRESS,, WEDNESDAy- APRIL-27f. 1988 Local nuclear ,group supports moratorium on nuclear plants A local nuclear watchdog group is asing residents of Durham to support a House of Commons standing committee report which calîs for a moratorium on the construction of nuclear power plants until an acceptable solution for the disposal ýof high-level radioactive waste is found. The group, Nuclear Awareness Project, held a press conference at Whitby Public Library on Monday. The event was also attended by New Democrat Lynn McDonaîd, (MP Broadview- Greenwood), federal environment critic and a member of the standing committee. McDonald said the report, titled 'The Eleventh Houe' was introduced into the House in January. Under Commons' rules, the Conservative government bas until June 20 to respond to the report which deals with high- level radioactive waste in Canada. McDonald said the conimittee, miade up mostly of Conservative inembers, was unanimous about its main conclusion that "A moratorium on the construction of nuclear power plants in Canada should be imposed until- the people of Canada have agreed on an acceptable solution for the disposai of high-level radioactive waste." But according to McDonald, there is no "acceptable solution" for waste disposai. However, she added that some members of the committee were optimistic that a solution is "around the corner." Suzanne Elston, a member of Durham Nuclear Awareness, said the solution is conservation and renewable energy sources. According to Norman Rubin, a member of Energy Probe, there are currently 20 nuclear plants in Canada, including the Darlington reactor which is under construction. Lawson, Dixon earn awards Brenda Lawson of Brooklin and Ronald Dixon of Whitby were award winners in recent ceremonies at Humber College. Lawson, a student in the college's pharmacy assistant program, received an award for high acadeniic standing, leadership qualities and ability to get along with others. Dixon, in the funeral services program, won an award for student showing greatest improvement. m J WIIITBY k~ A GAME FOR. SING LES Every Thursday! Corne'down early and receive your haif of a mnatch-up card and find your match. It's fun and what a great way to meet people. Stay tili midnight for the Grand Match-up. ----------------- THE BIGGEST THE BEST i Free Limo draw * Drink Specials oreyf a Spot DancesStrLmsn L. 436-8720 cIELEBR,,3lATING 20 yVEARSjý IN WHITB Y« DAIL 120BIROCK ST. N. DAILY LUNCH SPECTALS 66-30 DINNER SPECIALS .1Monday-Friday TUNA SA CH[ICKENS TOAST servedp L 207 Dundas St. W. Whitby 430-0768 j Make This Alother's Daty Vey Spvecd EVERYTHING except engagement and wedding bands 20% f For a Memorable Mother's Day! Tass Jewellers 153 Brock St. N. Whitby Mon. -Wed. 9 -6, Thurs. &Fri.9 - 430-2500 9, Saturday 9 - 5. Monday - Saturday %IAD SNDWICHNEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAIK SLAD SANDWICH PRM f AU JUS , rALD SAENWCHFILET 0F SOILE MENIURE ['EDWESERNserved with soup or salad, two fresh vith ossedsaladvegetals a.nd choioe of potaté 3.20 ý$9m2 '0 JOIN US! OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK AMPLE PARKING IN REAR -*(NEW LOT OPEN)_.. I ~ gourmet fbod 118 Brock St. N. Whitby 430-2022 Frely "Cold Cut Centre .block Northr of the 4 corners (West slde) L(ÃELEBRATION SPECIALSI POP IN AND POP A Buy for $3.00 and get a bat of a deal on cold meats or lunches. Sae ùstatAprl Rh to Apffl Mh,1988. Store Hours: Mon. - Wed. 9 - 5.30 Thurs. & Fri. 9 - 6, Saturclay 9 - 5 ~. -. q m L e Pastrami (eye) ...........$3.69 Lb. Hungarian Salamià ........$3.69 Lb. Black Forest Style H-am.... $3.25 Lb. Our Own Meatloa .......$2.99 Lb. West Falien Ham.........$499 Lb. Assorted Cold Cuts.......$99 Lb. Cooked Ham .............. $.891Lb. Headcheese .......... $299 Lb. Pepperoni "hot........ ....$0.49 Ba. ------ -------