Rep hockey award winners Aaron Bryan Bilan Crilly MgÉ Joshua Evans Brian Harrison Cory Hasm Ronald Death Gavin Prout (The teani played a total of 86 gaines. FInished the season with 17 straight wins and won ive tournaments. Ian MacNeil Joeh Wilson Matt Cardwell (The team played a total of 74 gaines and won the OMHA championship. They *wems in seven tournaments. Won three and finaliet in twO) Minor Atom B Bryani Howden Adam Shields Timmny Chai Adami Park Major Atoni B Chis Arges Darren Paquin Minor Peewee AA Minor PeeweeB Minor Peewee AA Major Peewee B Minor Bantam AA Minor Bantani B Major Bantani AA Midget B Brandon Knight Paul Leclair Jason Peddle Ben Newell Jordon JohnstonDerek Dixon Mike Galbraith Scott Jenson Jeff Turnham Bob Harrison Gre Wood Troy McPhee Dan Niemi BRon lamonico Bria MacDoneil Brad Chalmers Ryan Healey Wayne Primeau Steven Cooper Sandy Cohen Roy Kennedy Peter Allison Marlon Sookdeo Justin Cardwcll Jarrod Stevens Mike Fulton Brian MacDoneli MOST EMPROVED NÀAYER IN AGE A & B DIVISION Miner Novice Major Novice Miner Atom AA Miner Atom B Major Atoni AA Major Atom B Minor Peewee AA Miner Peewee B Major Peewee AA Major Peewee B Minor Bantani AA Miner Bantani B Major Bantani M Midget AA Midget B BiUy Duncan Ronald Death Matthew St. Amand Adam Shields Jeff ontaigue Marc Gray Sandy Cohen Ben Newell Jordon Johaston Brian MacGMreo JefT Twinharn Troy McPhee Chris Vanclief Justin Moore Robert Torrns Most Sportamanlike Player - Robert Harrison Most Vluable Goalie - Roy Kennedy Coach of the Year - Jini Boyd Badminton club champions FROM PAGE 20 Williams and Donna Holding in mixed. in "B" level play, Colin Feather won men's singles, with John Waldie, second; Hilda Danforth downed her ladies' double partner Eileen Hlibbs in a very close match in ladies' singles; Waldie and Feather won men's doubles; Sharon Bennington and Rosemnary Chu won ladies' doubles over Hibbs and Danforth; Adair and Danforth won mixed. At "C" level, Ron Morin won mens singles over Rick Columbus; Jacie Bramma defeated Shauna Sadler in three games for ladies' singles; John Robinson and KarI Winkler won in three over Joe Mikula and Maurice Simms in men's doubles; Brenda Peel and Karen Allen defeated Thuy Masterson and Michelle Larocque in ladies' doubles; Jackie and Peter Branima took mixed over Judy Palmateer and Marc Street. Awards will be presented at the annual banquet Saturday, May 7, at the Centennial building. - ~~ ~ÀX~iféèâ IÊ 1 kéwî Whibymen 's curling champions are decided, Minor Novice Major Novice Minr Atom AA skip Waynie Coughlin,*vie AI Mouch, seqond Bob Purdà y and lead Larrv Cavanaugh. CORRECTIO The Dawson's Ma hn advertîsemeflt of Aprîl 2th fBOATING supplement should have read "'..DeFever Trawîers and Inf in ity Custom Luxury Yachts."1 A ' rink skçipped by Dave Werry recently won the championship in Wihitby men's rated curling. With Werry were vice AI Mouch, second Gary Warner and lead' Murray Gorman. They received the Old Fiddler trophy. Runner-up was the rink of skip Steve Smith, vice Fred Ruck, second Barry Snmith and lead Joe McLaughlan. The winner, based on overal points, in the - divisional competition was the rink of skip Stu Bennett, vice Ron Allison, second Steve Smith and lead Ron Larking. The Bennett rink was runner-up in the playoffs. Playoff champion, was the rink of skip AI Gilchrist, vice Dave Miller, second Dave Werry and lead Rob Morton. Consolation went to the rink 'of Lob-ballers are ready for season Stacey Trucking will soon begin its third year in~ the Oshawa and District Old Timers Service Club Lob-BaIl league. Players, who must be over 30, are ail members of the Canadian Legion Branch 112 Whitby and the team is sponsored by Stacey Trucking, a local truckirig firm owned by Bill Stacey of Whitby. The truckers play at Iroquois Park on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. This year the first home gaine is Sunday, May 8. The Whitby team goes against teams from both Oshawa and Bowinanville Legions, Oshawa Navy Club, Moose Lodge and the Canadien Corps., Oshawa, Unit 42. Lob-bail is generally played in seven-inning games. EWING POOLS & SPAS KIREEPY KRAULY'S Reg. $750.00 SALE <~~~$499.0OO SOLAR BLANKETS (3 yr. warranty) 18' round ............ $49.99 l6x32linground...$99.99 18x36/in....n.$139.99 TEAfr "~SA w!hitby Girls URGNTLREQUIRED Sofimore girls, born 1967 -1971 to play for for Whitby Girls Softbaîî Association For further information contact: President -Ed HeIm 668-5959 SVice President, -Rose Mary 'The riault 666- 363 Major Atoni AA ion RUGBY PLAYERS! Anyone lnterested in playlng rugby? T7ralning every Tues. & Thurs. at 6:30 at Lakevlew Park, Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa. 3 senior teams, 3 junior teams (under 19) and an over 35 teaxn. For more information call: Mike Stone 263-8192 or Jeif Moskaluk 666-4556 OSHAWA VIKINGS CH-LORINE Stabilized Pucks.......8kg..$69.$9 Stabilized Granular..8kg..$64.99 Pool Shock ...........8kg..$49.99 Algaecide ................ 4L......$799 SUMMER ICE TOWN 0F WHITBY IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX 500 VICTORIA STREET, WHITBY, ONTARIO -prime Urne summer !ce available *season contracts at reasonable rates *we also offer BOYS AND GIRLS HOCKEY SCHOOL, LEARN TO SKATE AND FIGURE SKATING INSTRUCTION -MEN'S HOCKEY (individual and team entries) FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OUR TORONTO LINE DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS 686-2621 EXT 308 OR CALL THE ARENA DIRECT 668-7765 ANYTIME Il A*ýý