W-IITPY pP1r. PPv1.SS. SENIORS. JUNE 8, 1988, PAGE S3 Expansi*on, changes to continue at Fairview Lodýge Fairview Lodge's recent expan- sion, moving into its final phase, has iniproved the facility te respond to the needs of its residents. Opened in 1951, Fairview Lodge Nursing Home has undergone varlous extensions during its terni of operations. The most recent, commencing this year, was to improve resi dents' bedroonis, washing and bathroom facilities, air circulation and decor. These changes are to respond to the residents' needs for privacy and positive surroundings, ac- cording to Vicki Earle, director of seniors' services for Durham Region Social Services. The renovation just completed created more private washroom facilities by putting washrooms adjacent to the bedrooms, thus eliminating the communal bath- rooms. There are improved bathing facilities for residents who are frail or overweight. In the past, seniors' nursing homes have not always been noted for tasteful decor that enhanced the lives of the residents. Earle said that the Open house at Sunnycrest Sunnycrest Retirement Villa will celebrate the fifth birthday of the nursing home addition with an open house on Wednesday, Juiîe 15 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Guided tours will be held continuously through this period, and refreshments will be served. Sunnycrest Retirement Villa is located at 1635 Dundas St. E.. decor has been improved to niake the îresidents' environment les "institutional" in appearance. Attention has been paid to *hnproving the quality of air and air circulation as well in this expansion.' The expansion provides for more semi-private rooms and fewer of the larger, four-bed rooms to accommodate seniors' need for privacy. The final stage of expansion, for which tenders will be solicited shortly, will improve the central area of the Lodge: the kitchen, laundry and dining room, Earle said. As many residents have specific dietary needs, a more complex kitchen has to be buiît to accommodate the various diets. Formerly Fairview did not have "infection control" for laundry done at the facility. With the final expansion this control will be implemented, according to Earle. "The needs of residents have changed over the years," Earle said, and Fairview Lodge is keeping up with the changes with these -expansions. 10% Discount for' SENIORS unee8-June 14 Except tobacco proclucts & lottery tickets. Availab le: West Lynde Plaza only, Highway #2 & Jeffery St. MAURICE AND EVA CUTTEN were among the models during last week's fashion show at the seniors' centre in Whitby. Clothing was from the Mercantile Dept. Store. The pul)icattion is cailec "Seniors' Guide to Fecleral J)r gr.amis and Services ', nd- it prox'ices IXf-Lsic inforniation abo)ut federal benefits and services availcable to seniors. Thie Governnent of Cacnada lhas litercally doI(zens o)f programis crea-ted speci ficaily for senior citizens - programs that cover a wide range of activi- ties and requirements. Every effort was madle to ensure that A programs were included. Watch for the Guiide cluring the month of June at Infocentres dâ in selected super- markets across * Canada. Lt will be available along with *other publications that VOU will find usefi-l. Qr; vou. ma-v obtain a copy Of the op Guide, free of charge by fiuling out the couponl below and mailing it in an envelope tO: Seniors P.O. Box 8176, Ottawa, Ontario KMG 3H7 Name (PLEASE PRINT) Street City Province Postal Code_ ____ English E Français E 11Govemment of Canada Gouvernement du Canada lee GOLDE WHI13Y OCATON GLDENMinster of State for Seniors Ministre d'État: pour le Troisième g PDl N Hon. George Hees Lhon. George Hees Canada' M 1