WHITBYFREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1988, PAGE 15 Afteërrnath. offree trade of* lame Canadlian andL FROM PAGE 6 extrerne left wing, whereas Americans have a. democratic choice effectiveiy only between two simlar parties, both in the pocket of big business, using a systemn with a much greater emphasis on lobbying and a lesser tradition of rational planning. Canadians are in general more tlerant of differences; and, because of our county's bicultural origins and our active support of multicultural ethnic diversity, we are fundamentally modre concerned about understanding the variegated family of mian and its future on our shared spaceship earth. Finally, we have an* (earned) international reputation as a peacemaker and as a responsible international citizen rather than as a nanipulatar of foreign internai, politics and potential. warmonger. In short, we are trustworthy in the eyes of others. This analysis is not, anti-American polemic but rather simply the truth. It is, moreover, also true that they would appear te, need us (our energy, our water, Our other resources, our strategic geography) far more than we need theni. AkIl this is certainly, not to say that Canada is perfect.. But it is unquéstionably a more responsible nation -with a higher quality of life. So do we really want ta sélip slawly into the American way? It is true- that very talented individual Canadians can gain flnancially by going south. But an interesting question is why so few actuallY chose te, do se. In the final analysis, there are but three essential questions. 1. Do we, -Want aur duly elected governnient,- currenttly supported by a minority of the population, te fie our fortunes further te Arnerica, when options with more civilized nations and with largernmarkets exist? D)iversity of ecanoniic fies, in any event, is the best assurance of our ecanamic and political security. 2. Do we want ,to sélde tewards further Aniericanization of Canadian culture or do we wish ta strengthen our own uniquness? The current accord, if signed, potentially greatly weakens Canadian control of ail those structures which allaw full expression of aur lifestyle and needs, that is our press, the Canadian content in our television prgrmmng, our film industry, our health care plans and aur regional development. programis. e 3. Why is this giving up of national contrai of aur waY of life and natural resources, the verY birtbright of aur children, being stainpeded aver the Canadian public without apprapriate debate? it i18 certainly true that sanie benefits will arise frani the new trade agreement for seme members of aur society. Who are they? Greater access te U.S. markets wl not help small faniuly businesses (which emploY the largest nuniber af Canadians) but only support the unbridle<d greed and belief in wealth alone lihTfrnational enterprises (which contribute heavily to party coffers and wish to be beyond the.... Is it possible that this totally unnecessry haste is both a wedge to implant an even grater control of.our democratie political process in the hands of big business and also a brilliantlY conceived desçperte asat throw of the dice to try and revrse the slide into oblivion from, an initially overwhelrnirig public support? Is the governnient not concerned that a fully informed public,, with finie -ta digest the agreement, would be massively* againet iW? Finally, what ca n be done about the situation? , The Mulroney governnient does have a constitutional right, if meager evident public support, te, caniplete this deal. The rush is pressured mainly from the Canadia gavernment side. As a concerned Canadian and a non-supporter of anY Pailiticâl party. i wouid like a considered and legal slowdown of this process. Three possibilities corne te mind. First, I wauld like to see a ful nationwide televised public debate before any accord is signed. If it i@6.such a good deal for Canadians, the Party currently in power should surely be able te, convince us Sa. Such a debate has been urgently requested by opposition party chiefs, who have been teld there isno finie, because this deal so strongly in our interests has to be signed by January 2 in order te, meet, the U.S. "fast track" schedule. Why not opt for the slower track? As fellow citizens we surely have a right te, such an entertairnng, as well as instructive, spectacle before our birthright is transferred. inte foreign hands. It should include politicians, historians, small as Weil as big business representatives, artists, scientists and economist; and> it should represent interests fom east ta, west and north ta, south of this great land. The debate could be demanded by a rapid nationwide petition to show the government- the electeral consequences of rushing ahead and not allowing- input from concerned Canadians. Second, pressure should be placed on the senate to block the bil or te delay voting on it until after the next election. It would thereby annul such flagrant abuse of power by a party not elected with mandates eliher ta restructure our federal systems or te selI out our resaurces and culture to continental big business. Third, Mr. Mulroney is on past record as being against free trade. I believe that the govemment could be imniediately challenged in the Supremie Court by an astute and concerned lawyer for lack- of respecting the social contract miade at lection finie. Respectflllly, Rager J. Broughton Ottawa KENALOOD PAR MPA 1801 DUNDAS ST.,E - 'ONESTOP SHOP FOR * Wedding Invitations * Thank You Notes *Bride's Books * Guest Books * PrintedNapkins * Plume Pens * Signs *Shower & Stag Party Supplies * Wedding Favours *Decorat ions * Balloons * Toast Glosses *Cake Knives * Netting AiBides 10% Off WHITBY K MART PLAZA (Kendalwood Park Plaza) 1801 Dundas St. E. Whitby. 436-8718 Seniors 10% Disoeuflt Seniors 15% Discont iWed. to fýun. Ail Day Mon. & Tues Mfter 4 p.m. KL MART PLAZA 1801 Dundas St. B. (Hlghway 2) 723-4538 Whitby location only. Extended Sunimer Haurs: '<'cAE Sunday through Thursday - 7 amn ta 10 pm Tickets to the SHRINE CIRCUS "X '0 L ~We will be drawing free tickets for two familles of 4, and one family of 2. c Naine............................... Address .............................................. 7.98Phone.......................... .... Draw will take place on Saturda gul th Deposit your ent7y at the WhltbyGolden Gridle. Ttt.qaev7lli or Mon. Jj_18. fl--------- Blood pressure display Every seven minutes sorneone in Canada dies from heart disease and stroke. H-igh blood pressure is a major contributing factor ta heart attack and is known as the "silent iller." Finding out the facts rnay reduce your chance of having a heart attack. Whitby and area residents can flnd out what their blood pressure is by visiting the 'Durham. Sà ve-a-Heart blood pressure testing dispiay thiâ-sùmménnir. Everyane is invited ta stop by and have their blood pressure checked and find out more about the facts regarding high blood. pressure -and other risk factors Of heart disease. This display and blood pressure testing cinic will *be at the Whitby Woalco Mal an Friday, July 8 from 9:00 arn. ta 5:00 p. Tor more information- cal 1--i BU"