PAGE 24, WIB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1988 Whitby swimnmers qualify for national, provincial meets Leslie Dowson of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club won two events at the large Pepsi Age Group meet held recently in Toronto. Dowson won the 200-metre freestyle and 200m backstroke for girls 10 and under, and was IL. - U.J.Sporting GoodS( WE HAVE AL FJSHJNG ACCESSORJES ___ ATuTT 1/TTTT Mn1U PtCD' rII.N m' Ai uIUnJ ui nd 1 LJI .4~ Corne in and catel yourself a deal! w>13 1. 1211 Dundas St. E. Whitby 430-3646 HIWAY 2 EAST CL r In I. fo urth in the 100m fly, racing against swimmers from 39 clubs. Jili Morrice and Kerri Kettrick of the Whitby club have qualified for the youth nationale.- in Vancouver, B.C., at the end of July. Both will compete in age 13 and 14 clasmes. Eleven Whitby club swimmers qualified for the age group provincials te, be held over the upcoming long weekend. Whitby club members Heather Armitage and Julie Leswick failed te qualify but posted personal bests in the reent pre-Olympic trials. Iain Burnett of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club won three events at the "Central C championships held June 25 and 26 in Toronto, involving six swim clubs. Bumnett won gold iii. the 25-metre fly, 50m backstroke and 100m individual medley for boys 8 and under. He also. earned silver in the 25m freestyle and 50m breaststroke. Renee Ayotte won gold in the girls' il and 12 lOOm-backstroke and 100m breaststroke. She was aiso, second in the 200 backstroke and third in two other events. Leah-Anne McInnes won the 50m" freestyle for girls 8 and under and added two silver and a bronze. Vicki Marsh, in the same category, won the 50m backstroke, and Lisa Del Mastro was second in the 25m back- stroke. Michael Kerekes won the 50mn backstroke and- was second in 100m backstroke for boys 9 and 10. Andrew Dowson won the 100m fly and was second in both the 200m medley and freestyle for boys il and 12. Sandy Henderson won the 50M freestyle for boys 8 and under and was second in three other events. Steven Elvery, Annie Morrice and Andrea Bell aIso, won bronze ,medals. Wm and loss for Stacey Stacey Trucking of Whitby and Moose Traveline Split a doubleheader Sunday in the Durham Old Timers Service Clubs* Lob Ball League. Moose won the first game 10-5, overcoming an early Stacey lead. OUR CLAIM To WINDSHIELDS So you remembered to say Standard" on your windshield insurance dlaim. Smart move, in a world where flot ait windshield repair shops are everything they're cracked Up to be. Standard Auto Glass. Were good, were close and were guaonteed. And that quite simpty is why were the Standard. Free Mobile service avoulable for most wndshield replacements AUO LA WHITBY 400 DUNDAS ST. E. 430-3733 CRAFTSMANSHII, INSIDE AND OUT Gord Denyer had three bits while Randy Denyer, Barry Denyer and Greg Spears had two each for Stacey. Bob Mclnroy led Traveline. Stacey won the second gamne 1.6-7 te push their record te il wins and five losses for the season. Ljsrry Batherson had three bits and drove in two runs whil.e Randy Denyer hit two doubles te knock in three runs. But Bob Cook was the biggest run producer for Stacey, sacking a double and a home rnte drive in five. League es more players The Oshawa Ladies Touch Football League is looking for Whitby residents to participate in games during the summer. 'We are out te have a geed time and get some exercise. We are net extremely competitive," says Mardi Melas, a member ef the league. Ladies 17 to, 60 are invited'te join. Practices are held at Lakeview Park in Oshawa-on Wednesday evenings with games taking place on Sundays. Melas says beginners are welcome. For more information or te register caîl Melas at 668-6674 or Cally Harper at 428-3516. Backman paces win Two singles and an eutstanding catch by Heather Backman te stop a Harp, & Thistie rally helped Century 21 Marigold te an 8-3 victory June 24 in Whidtby Mixed Slo-Pitch League play. Marigold had 12 hits te five for Harp & Thistie. Don Cunningham threw for Marigold and Craig Bell for HMrp& Thistle. Tournament July 1 The Canada Day squirt house league basebaîl tournament will be held Fri day, July 1. Peel Park is the site of the second annual tournanient, sponsored by Marathon Realty. BROOKLIN - WHITBY RINGETTE ASSOCIATION Special -General Meetn To discuss and vote on the Brookhin - Whitby Ringette Constitution July 5th from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Whitney Hall, Iroquois Park 1. ONCE A YEAR WE. HAVE AN ANNUAL BIG SPLASH SALE, SQ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AND SAVE. 1 a au -M.-nVz- ý ý-- - --- -- -- --- - - ---- 1 , ý L 1 ýcw