Suppose someone who isn't used to it receives one of those pocket-sized radios, complete with earphones, as a gift. Say for Father's Day. For the sake of argument. And suppose even that it was his own idea. Not that he envied those people who walked, jogged, crawled, GOed, bused, etc. with a pair of earplugs in their ears. In fact, he thought rnost of those people shightly zoned out, if you know what I mean. Rather, he thought it would, in certain circumstances, be a very practical tool. Not, you understand, to avoid human contact as some of those zombies on the GO train do. Nor for annoying other people in public places by turning up the volume until everyone within a radius of fifteen metres can hear. nothing but the ching-ching-ching-ching of the base ine of the heavy rock leaking into the surrounding atmosphere. A digression, here, perhaps on the danger of base line leakage. Those who like rock -- not rock 'n rol, which is almost music at least -- like exaggerated base lines. Give a rock fan an instrument for adjusting tonal qualitites and he/she will crank up both the base and treble, to hell with the science of today's recording industry. Some base lines, thus exaggerated, have been known to register 4.5 on the Richter, and have triggered landslides. To undigress: We were talking about wing-nuts on GO trains, and other public places, who crank up volume on self-contained headsets until someone comes along and wraps three lengths of earphone wires around the throat. And pulls. Hard. Nothing like a hint, grandpaw always said. We were, six paragraphs back, talkng about this person, who may have received a walkabout. As a practical matter. Say for listening to Bach. Or taped Town wants waive of surcharge FROMPAGE1 Councillor Tom Edwards noted last week that "it was not dry conditions, just a few days of dry weather," but gave support to the motion. "Let's persuade regional council that it'w worth looking at," said Edwards. "I think it's ridiculous," commented Mayor Bob Attersley at Monday's council session, noting that the Region, if it ever approved the idea, would have to do the same for all municipalites. "Whatever you cut out, you have to pay back," warned Attersley. Councillor Gerry Emm said Brooklin residents, having no Region sewer services, would not benefit if the surcharge was waived. Attersley and councillor Ross Batten voted against the motion HARMONY FINANCIAL SERVICES 0 ASUKA XT TURBO IBM XT Compatible 640 K RAM. Award XT BIOS Two 360K DSDD 5.25 diskette drives Turbo to 8Mhz 4-layer 150 Watt Power Supply CGA or MGA Video Card Datatrain Amber monitor. EX3000 Enhanced Keyboard. $19799.00 MS DOS 3.3 & User w aßî Manuals. Star NX-1000 printer & cable. With 20MB Hard Disk $2,199.00 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice Harmony Financial Services 330 Byron St. S. Whitby, Ontario (416) 668-1867 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY CANADA DAY - JULY 1,1988 GARBAGE COLLECTION Garbage normally collected on Friday, July 1, 1988, will be collected on THURSDAY, June 30, 1988 RA. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Director of Public Works WIUTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1988, PAGE 5 WITH OUR SFEET UP by Bill Swan earphone wires are now wrapped once aroudm hand brake. But at the same time the car door starts on its own. volition to close. He makes a sudden twist to stop that. Spiat! His walkabout snaps from his waist with the clear, precise crack of broken plastic. See, most skills are more complex than they appear from afar. So now, his walkabout will clip to a belt never again. For tbis reason, if you look about the GO platforrn in Pickering every morning for the next six weeks you might see a greying gentleman, likely wearing Levis because he is maybe a journalist or something and you know they never grow up. And he might be carrying a newspaper or a book or both and a briefcase and maybe even a walkabout radio. Join us now as we watch "irn as he awaits his train. He paces the platform, his briefcase firmly in bis left hand. Inside it, his walkabout radio keeps his lunch cornpany. As he paces, you notice he shuffles, bent over slightly, obviously (in spite of the grey hair) prerature back ossification. Yeou know better. You know (if you have read this far, which come to think of it you must have) that his head is bent forward not through age but through a new medical horror of the electronic world: his walkabout headphones won't reach from his briefcase to his ears. So he tilts his ears forward to accommodate. His head, being attached to his ears, comes along for the ride. So his physical malady is explained. Mentally, of course, it's a different picture. From the glassy eyes, you know he is mainlining base-lines from Bach. Straight into the old cerebral cortex. A waster, man. And it seemed like such a good idea at the time. The head set interviews. Or the CBC. Likle, nobody could object to Mozart no matter what the volume, right? And surely any volume of Beethoven could not damage the ears like rock, eh? Eh? Anyway, let us follow this chap as he walks about the house, earphones clanped to his head like a vise, the radio portion clipped to his waist. He soon becomes so mesmerized by the stereo in his head that he is oblivious to all. (Although he might catch the subtle signs if his family or others suddenly start slapping their knees and making laughing gestures. No dummy, he, he would rezip with all speed). You find him one morning rushing to his car, briefcase in his hand. On his head is the ever-present earphones, the machine part clipped to his belt. He. unlocks the car door, swings his briefcase inside, tries to duck behinoP the steering wheel, only to find that his To find out more about the they offer, complete and mail National Parks or Histcric Sites the coupon below: near you and the programs '.-.~.t 141* ~ér~&aj.. *u*... ut; 4$ ~ . . 4