WIIITBYFREEPREss.wED«NSDAvjTTTYR 1SRR PA<W9,P BigSistersto.provide needed-housing o oth Durham regional councillors last; week approved an agreement with Big Sisters of .N4ewcastle-Oshawaâ-Whitby ta, provide housing. for youth on social assistance, despite dlaims' by one Oshawa councillor that the Big Sisters "are flot in the business of hoizsing." Under a purchase-of-service' agreement fr.om July . 1, 1988 to March 31, 1989, "safe, afordable" housing will be provided for youth, at a rate of $28 per person per day, to a mýaximumn of #25,185 for the 1988 year. Councilor Ed Kolodzie argued that the rate paid "to these people" should be re-examined, stating $28 a dayý is Way too high."- He said the housing plan wst "obscene" and that the Region should avoid "filling the cracks in the system." Region health and social services committee chairman Diane Hamre' said the rate was applied since the Big Sisters housing isý "regarded as a hostel." No location has yet been narned for the, housing, while approval is necessary fi-r both. the Province andl the Region Department of Social Services. Newcastle mayor' John Winters asked why youth were on social. assistance when there~ were s0 many jobs available. It doesn't teach themn any good habits," he said of welfare assistance. I think it creates nothing but Iproblems. Why are these kids on welfare." "There are kids who just can't live at home," replied Hamre, explaining that such programs "get them off' the street and try to make them contributors *te society." w0 Oshawa cduncillor Doug Wilson said the .housing only provided another avenue. "of taking away people from being self-sufficient." 1Oshawa* councillor Linda Dionne added that there is now no facility te, which such youth can go. I which we didn't need it, but we do," said regional chairman Gary Herrema. '- Oshawa councillor Bilan Nicholson asked if councillors could live on $28 a day, adding it would be an "extreme sacrifice" for them to do se. He said such youth housing also might prevent future jail termns since the youth find that people "do care." Pay today, or pay tommorrow, remarked Nicholson. "We have parents who can't look after themselves, let alone their ids " said Nicholson. "Yes. there's a gap," he said, referring te Kolodzie's comment. "Thank God, we&re filling the gap. Kolodzie, Wilson and Winters voted against the agreement. Council members also voted in favor of a an agreement with the Whitby Ail Saints Residence Consurners Dr. extension FROM PAGE 3 developer in the near future for further discussions. "The Town of Whitby will ~approach the cfeveloper and reiterate (their desire for the land, etc.)," Shaver said. "l think the Town is very anious te proceed, and we have agreed provided the conditions are resolved (land issues)," Shaver concludeal. Durham regional council members passed a bylaw last week authorizing construction of Consumers Dr. (five-lane urban standard) from Brock St. te the new Hwy 401 ramps when they are installed. Correction An article about the Rich Rags Boutique in the June 29 issue failed to mention that the boutique is also open on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, and that the stere is operated by Debbie Scott and Lee Burke in partnership with 'Iina Blaauw.; Tlhe Free Press regrets the omission.' Corp. to provide residential services, for a maximum of four individuals, aIse at a rate of $28 a day per individual. Again, Kolodzie objected, noting that a private enterprise (Ail Saints) was supplying the facility but was now "almost begging for assistance." "They're runiningl à t a deficit and they're asking is for funding," explained HIamre, noting that the corporation. nevertheless remained a private enterpnise. Kolodzie described the Al Saints programn as a "good activity, but expensive." He said private enterprise should be encouraged rather than assistance. I support people in need but somnewhere there has to be moderation in ýthe way we go," said Wilson. I think we're producing a service that really meets a need," said Whitby councillor Gerry, Emm of the Ail1 Saints residence. A committee report states that with provincial subsidy, the maximum cost te the Region would be $4,088. Kolodzie, Wilson, Winters'and Pickering councillor Aiex Robertson were the only council memnbers te vote against the agreement, which aIse must meet Province and health department approval. *NATION IAL.TRUST A National Victoria and Grey Tiuco Comipany Member: Canada Deposit Insuratice Corporation WHITBY- 352 Brock St. S. 666-1800 or 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 AJAX - Harwood Place Mal1 S. 683-7344 OSHAWA - 32 Simncoe St. S. 723-5207 j PICKERING - Pickering Super Centre, 831-6501 How to orgamize 5 pairs'of jeans, 3 party dresses, il t-shirts, 7 sweaters, 4 pairs of pajamas, 6 doils, 1 stuffed teddy bear, 12 pairs of stocIngs, 5 blouses, 5 skirts, 17 hi ribbons, 5 pairs of shoes, -3 pairs of. ballet slippers, and 1 diary (very secret). COOL & QUIET A CONDITIONING ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER Foir A Limited Time Only with the Purchase of... CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING BY arn HEA1NG& AIR CONDITIONING ._MMMOOUR PRICES _. ýÀWON'T BE BEAT! 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