WIHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JI MIY 6, 1988, PAGE 31 1THEOS * The local chapter.pfTUJEOS, a slhep groýp tforwdwe men an-d wome)n, wýill .meet on Sunday, July 10 ii.st. Andrews Preshyterian- Ch',,lurch, Cch in St., Whitby, 2 p.m,.îAil widowed men and women are.'welcome to, attend. For pjore, information call 668-2648., - .CONCERTS The,.Whitby:-Brass Band will hold a series of concerts in the Rotary bandstand in Centennial Park during JuIy and August.- Concerts,1tobe free of charge and to startat 8 p,.m., will be, held- ThursdayÈ, JuIy 14 and 28, and,1 Aug. il and. 25. AA MEETING Alcoýholies rAnonymous'- 16th annual laIkeshôre conference will be held aà t the - Oshawa-,Civic Auditorium ýJuly -15, lé. arnd 17. For îmore iflormation, write: Lakeshore Co Ã"érence, Box 2003, Station AÀ, Oshawa,' Ont. L19 ,7VA. CINEMA Sunirércinema for children will be held every Thursday, 3 to 4, p.m., at The -, Station Gallery, from. July. 7-toAu'gý.,25. DRUM & BUGLE Drum and Bugle. Corps Week" will be held JuIy 18-24. Cal 579-8044 for more information. FAIR Th.ýe Oshawa-Whitby Fair will be held July 21-24 on Garrard Rd. N., Whitby. For more'in- formhation call 725-8858. EXIIIBIT Works'by Sylvia Armstrong, a member of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association who bas actively promoted education in the arts, will be on display at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, July 21 te Aug. 28. For more' information caîl the gallery at 576-3000. Durham hold courses resusc itation 23 and 27.- 571-1152. CPR Save-a-Heart will in, *carciopulmonaryï (CPR) JuIy 13, 20, Cost is $80. Cal IIELP FOR VETERANS Veterans ' or members of veteran's families can obtan information about pensions, allowances or medical assistance on Tuesday, July 19,19:30a a.m. to noon, at-the Whitby branch (112) of the Royal1 Canacian Legion. For more. information cailDenis (Miles) Delaney at 668-2730. THE NEW WHITBY branch executive of the Royal Canadian Legion held their-first officiai meeting recently. They are: (seated left to right) Margaret Kennelly',President, and Len Lambert, first vice- president; (standing left to right)*Jim' Watson, third viee-president, 'Joan Cothard, secretary, Jim Hillyard, treasurer, and Rev. Bob Mansfield, padre. Absent when photo was taken were Earl Ormiston, past president and assistant padre Harry Inkpen. 'NEW-MEMBERS of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion (Whitby branch 112)- are (seated left to right).Vi Boroff, and first vice-president, Marie Hieks; (standing left te rîght) Shirley Hicks, second vice-president, Elizabeth Hillyard, treasurer and Dorothy* Ormiston, sec retary. I ~aod .T.~ ~a.6t r Comin g e vents i I JAE PAKER Spanish Bar Cake 540 g PKG LIMIT 3 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE CANADA NO. 1, PRODUCT 0F CALIFORNIA, SWEET Fresh Juicy /k Peaches SUPER * SPECIAL PROCESS CHEESE F000 Kraft Slices 500 g PKG LIMIT: 3 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE SUPER * SPECIALJ POST Bran Flakes Cereal 400 g BOX (CASE 0Ff 1- 400 g BOXES 7M WITH COUPON BELOW) ORANGE, GRAPE, STRAWBERRY, CHERRY OR TROPICAL PUNCH KooI-Aid Koolers PKG OF 3 - 50mL TETRA PAKS LIMIT: 3 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE oe IbM W CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A"BEEF, OUTSIDE CUT, EVE REMOVED Boneless &5 ý Round Roast l2M We reserve the rght to lmit quantites to normal famuîy requirements. Savings showri in this ad based on current Metropolitan Toronto A&P retaits. m [WïTH THIS ~SAVE .0 COUPON EPOST I Bran Flakes I i Cereal. LIMIT 1 case par coupoon One courpon par crstomner OFER VtrLID. Jrry 4th -JUIY 9.19M8 L2tufe price vwthou1 courpon 1068 VCe37= A&P'F000 STORES 70 THICKSON RD. S. WHITBY ~fU 1 1~A ADV*Wd1~&la~'.t When The Stars \ Corne Up, Prîces Corne Down!i A&P knows what wiII keep you on back: Regutar Lov,?Prices -dsecia's0tha reaîîy are. Now its easy to get our low prices. All you ,Ihave to do is reach for the stars -A&P's Super Star Sp eciat. here another wa y of thanking customérs lîke * you - our reat Super Stars -with t he mos t exciting savings on , the items you want. In every aiste, in every deparîment, you'll find hundreds of Money Saving Speciais everyweek. So, when you _ want savings that keep adding Up, keep comîng to A&P And.. Reach For The Stars!, i M J REGULAR OR DIET (UNIT COST 4.00 PER 100 ml) WITH COUPONIBELOW Pepsi-MCola 6 l7 o 7U PIs750OmLbottUe f/ M 7 9, r- e4î&à Fi&lk ISUPER* SPECIAL WITII PORK, BOSTON OR IN TOMATO SAUCE A&P Beans~ 14 FL OZ TIN LIMIT: 4 TINS PER FAMILV PURCHASE SUPER * SPECIAL, FWVH THIS SAVE A1 ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLIJDING CHOCOLATE CHIP ISUPER *SPECIAL EWITH THIS- i- S-AVE .~ COUON OR DIET (UNIT COST 40C PER 100 ML) I Pepsi-Cola i or 7UP 16 j>/1 791 *LMIT 6 tlis Per couper, L ER VALID Jrly A JrrlY 9 1988 teare prCcr100,4 utcoup9on &239) VCO ffl1041 OM~ PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, JULY 9th', 1988. Cookies tin lie bag M9 9 LI.IT 1 bag pet couponI L OFFER VALID. JuIy 4 J.Iy 9. 1988 (Firrlur,, price r cthul couponl139) vO lS & J 1 1 JI mi