WTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6,1988, PAGE 39 Grad awards at Denis O'Connor Alison Frost Award-winners at Denis O'Connor bigh scboo1grduation exercises Wednesday, une 2' Ontario scbolars: Ram Wah To (97 per'cent, also winner of the Andrew FYoundation Award for higbest standing in Gr. 13), Marlene Van den Hoogen ( 94.3), Rachel van den, Boom (90.8, valedictorian for graduation and Whitby Kinsmen scholarsbip winneir),,Marleen Pawelski (89.7), Eleanor Pawelski (89.7) , Steve Lam *Hon Wab (88.5), Frank Pulumbarit (88), Giacomo Siciliano (86.8), 'William Kanters (86), Sonya Park (85), F'rancisco Imperio (84), Patricia de Vries (88, Thomas Pugliese (82.5), Angela Gorassi (82.1), Tricia Ohmn (82), Nicholas Catros*(82), Maria Dé Simone (81), Ricardo Wong (81) and Catherine Snowden (80). Teresa Meulensteen, winner of Artbur O'Connor 'Faniily Award for academic, athletics, service and leadersbip* achievement; winner of Catbolic Education Foundation of Ontario Scroll for leadership; winner of Hendrik's Award as student wbo made greatest contribution to Gr. 13. William Kantercs, Bisbop's Award, Whitby Rotary Award; Nick Catros, Denis O'Connor Staff' Award; Patrice Lang, Durham Region RCSS Board Award; Patricia Arnold, Ontario Separate Scbool Trustees Award; Marlene Van den Hoogen, Andrew Foundà tion Award for second bigbest standing in Or. 13; Sonya Park' Fatber Anthony Meagber. Bursary; Angela Gorassi, nursing award; Frank Pulumnbarit, medical' award; Giacaxno Siciliano, Kiwani's of Whitby scbolarship; Patricia de Vries, Whitby. Rotary bursary; Maria De Simone, Ajax Kinsnien award. Steve Lam Hon Wab, Richard Johnston award and- Englisb award; Tracey -Fernandez, Durbam Women's club award; Marleen and Eleanor Pawelski, Ajax Legion awards; Marlene Van den Hoogen, Sonali D'Souza, Ann McCarron, French awards; Thomas Pugliese, Ajax Historical Board award; Tricia Ohmn, Sister M1ildred* Moyle bursary; Francisco Imperio, Fatber Leo Austin bursary; Rick Wong, Anca Laboratories award; Dina Detta Colli, geography award for Gr. 12. Sonali lYSouza, LASCO award and Freda Vella Memorial award for English; Laura Da' Re, St. Bernadette's CWL awýard, for religious sétudies; Jasoný Soler, Johný Windover, Gr.zey Sisters award; Sharon Stokes, Optimièt Club of Ajax; Glynnis ,Aruta, Award for- Academic Achievement; Tamùmy Raymo'nd, Whitby Knigbts of Columbus bursary; Jayl Kilgannon, Hendriks' award' for contribution to school spirit; Tonya Hawley. This is it! $chool bas finally drawn to a close - a very happy and fulfilling close;. of course. The. Iast week certainly went quickly. From Monday to Wednesday classes embanked on their. own' individual excursions* including an Elmira and St. Jacob's country-side tour; the zoo; '0ntario Place; Montreal and the most popular excursion, Canada's Wonderland. As well, not one class could go without a pool party at the home of one lucky classmate, - especially in this hot weatber. Wednesday evening was a very special evening for many students - the three senior graduates. and the 15 grade eigbts. The graduation was held at Ail Saints Anglican Churcb in Whitby and was followed by a reception. Incividuais got together and had their own formal clebration with fellow graduates after tbe ceremony. As for the rest of the school - they were not left out. Al students prticipated in the graduation procession ini the cburch. Congratulations to all graduates and, whether they may 4e going on to bigbschool or to uhiversity, good luck in thé future! Thursday.was Qýues's annual Sports Day. The four bouse league teams experienced a fun-filled day of sack races, skipping conitests, three-legged races, sboe kicks,- and otber traditional events.' Last, but not least, Friday, tbe last day of scbool, was Awards Day. At that time, class academic awards, citizensbip awards, along with science fair trophies, public speaking awards and Englisb awards were distributed. 0f course, the award of excellence was given to tbe junior and senior students wbo bave contributed a great deal to the scbool, academnically or otberwise basically 'an "ideal Quest student." Also at tbis ceremony, report cards and certificates were handed out. Ail1 students were dismissed at noon. SSince this is tbe final Quest article until next year I would like to take this opportunity to express my tbanks and- pleasure. Thank you to those wbo read about Quest in the Whitby Free Press and thank you to tbe Wbitby Free Press and the school for providing me with this opportunity. It bas been a pleasure to write this as well as an excuse to know wbat was going on in other classes outside my bomeroomr portable. Now tbat scbool is oVer for another suinmer, we at Quest can think back and say It's been a great year" because it definitely bas been! Wherever you may be this suxnmer I hope your days are safe and enjoyable! 44~ Goal is reached With a little belp from their 'friends,' Big Sisters Of INCLUDED among award-winners at Denis O'Con- Newcastle, Oshawa and Whitby nor's graduation exercises last Wednesday were (from reacbed thair goal of $10,000 left) Teresa Meulensteen who won three honors, for during their May 28 house tour. civmnlaesi n otiuint r 3 For furtber information aceeenldehiancotbuonoGr1; concèrning future Big Sisters .Kam Wah To, highest standing in Gr. 13 (97 per cent); activities cali Carol Rbodes at and valedictorian Rachel van den Boom. 436-0951.