.No mination nilJuy3 Air. Çanadas Heart of Gold Award recognizes the efforts ýof comrunty residerits who' have volunteered their knowledge, expet;.and wisdom to help others in a special .Way. r.Te'award program. is open to residents 19 and over., Nominations can be rnade through the Whitby Free Press. Community involvement, ýcited. in award to Scýhilling By Debbie Luchuk aWhitby lawyer Nigel Schilling, award, in 1986 for. his heavy involvement in a'vari*ety of com- .munity gctivities, bas again been honored., this time as «a Heart of Gold award winner. 11e was nominated -by neighbor Norma Brown,. who said- in ber letter that "Nigel always bas time tà help aniyone in the commiunity o ,r reigbborbood. wbetber it be helping bulld à garage,. or just baving time to stop for a quick chat." *NIGEL SCHILLINiG échilling býas been active'in the6-, "Cbamber' of Commerce since 1969. .'.1980-81, he served as tirecto;'frm 1981 to 1983 as ~secretary; and in 1973-74 and "1985 -85 as chairman of tbe Peter Perry award committee. The Jaycees have benefited from bis participation; be bas bheld many executive offices and cbaired many projects sucb as the County Town Carnival and the Santa Claus parade. In 1975, he was awarded a senatorship and life membership in the Jaycees International. From 1971 to 1976, Scbil)ing served as chairman of the Ontario Heart Foundation :(Whi tby chapter). H 1e was tbe . directoDr of the Whitby HistoricalSoit rm 1971 tO 1974. Sceyfo *Whitby -Arts. mIc. benefited from bis active -interest as weIl:, from 1971 to 1977, hie served as president; . in 1977. bie. was awarded honorary life member- sbip; 19 '77-78 as member of tbe board. Schilling was a, member of the board-- of. governors of Durbam College froni 1 979-.1985; from 1984- '85, . chairman of tbe board; 1985-86, vice president of the ACAAýTO and member of tbe M:*C.U. advisory committee on college. system ..effectiveness. ,He.,is now a. member ýof the Crime Stoppers programn in as- sociation witb Durham Regional Police, and a- member of- the. Toronto. and regional program.11e serves as-officer and secretary.. >Schilling bas. . been . instru: mental in' the formation of thei Port Whitby Sport F'sbing Association,-and is . chairman .o 9i8'ý8 e'is,iee'dléss -to .say, Sanî. avid fisbçrman. H1e is also involved in the LegalI» Aid -area committee. Why .does Schilling "feel it 'is imnportýan.ts ýtôo b:be.nvolved 'in 'the community? "rmn not an exponent of government providing- everytbing for everyone. When I first came to WbitbY,I there were -a lot' of things done by community organ- izations and individuals that are now done by the government at great expense," Schilling said. I like people, inm in a service business, and it~s a great way of meeting people. "As an immigrant to this country (from England), I tbink in more sensitive to (want to) give back some of wbat this country bas afforded me," be concluded. WIHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1988, PAGE 3 Hert 'Of GoId_ Loiigtime cub leader and commnitee member By Debbie Luchuk Ru*ss Wilde 'is yet another Whitby x'esident .with'a heart of gold. Wilde bas een bavily involved with. the', sc.outing association,' Mor e particularly cubs, since 19M6 H1e gave up being leader recently and bas been cairman of the scouts' group committee for eight years. Under bis direction and others, many Port Whitby boys have camped, performed comm- umity service such as "Trees for Caniada, done badge 'work and generally "had a good time." Wilde is very modest about bis contribution. "I got iroped into ,It because I hadakid in it (scouting). I like S idds," Wilde said. 11e was very.quick to say that longtime Wbitby leader Bill Lawler "really deserved tbe award, notme." When asked wby, citizens wadsbould be- involved in their RUSS WILDE<lIeft) accepts a Heart of Golda d from omini-,Wld sad,"f.o Free Press publisher Doug Anderson. live bere, you. should be involved. Free Pr.ess photo-I' everyýbodys responsibility.". Fo enlsevc ladexpr ad e 1 Girl guide, church work earn lois B: ýrnaird a nomination ]Ry Debbie Luchuk Lois Barnard exhibits a "heart' of gold" in Brooklin by helping out witb the Girl Guide Association,' and witb .cburch functions- at Brooklin United- Cburcbi. Barnard, resident of Broolin for the. last 23 . years, was nominated for the Heart of Gold' award by a friend, Diane. Aston of Brooklin, for ber contributions to the community. She got involved witb guides because ber daugbter bas been in tbe association for many years. SEE PAGE 4 LOIS BARNARD Yes! ------til im Tr e' tiitm 1 Air CanadWs "Heart of GoId"l Award in partnership with your community newspper My nominee forAir Canadas Mean of GoWAward s: 50eý Iny C,',. c»:Tpee.e0: . èc Co"; Td.e*4 4 Isend nominations èw I '~' before JuIy 31 to: WHITBY FREE PRESS i.131 Brook St. NJ Box 206 LAI R CANADA-- -., - b UN J 011 -ýýi