-~ ~ 14, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 24, 1988 I~i~~9 wh%»JTh:Stars Corne Up, ri Corne Down! Reach For The Stars And S'ave! -1 SUPER * SPECIAL 1 WHITE ONLY LIMIT: 3 PACKAGES PER FAMILV PURCHASE pkg of Royale 1 rll Bathroom Tissue 3 9 SUPER * SPEIAL SUPER * SPECIAL COUPONSAE10 p REGULAR OR DIETj Pepsi-Cola or 7UP Case of 24-2B0 mL lins (Unt cost 89t petr0 L LIMIT 1 case pot coupon One coupon pet customor j OFFER VALîD Augusi 22nd - Augusi 27h. 19M8 ýlj.atu,.opl,.. whOut coupon 699) VC CAp oao- SUPER * SPECIAL Heinz White Vinegar 4 LITRE U LIMIT: 2 JUGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE REGULAR OR DIET Pepsi-Cola or 7UP 750 mL BOUTLE (UNIT COSI 6& PER 100 mLU PL/.0 ER BOTEDEPOSIT ICOUPONs TOMATOj Heinz Ketchup i LIRE SQUEEZE BOUTLE I OFFERl ,1011 Augusi P2îd Augusi 271, 1988 SUPER * PCA ASSORTED VARIETIES Orchard Harvest Juices & Drinks PACKAGE 0F 3-250 mL TETRA PAKS .179 LIMIT: 4 PKGS PER FAMILV PURCHASE SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Kraft Peanut Butter 750 g JAR 2.29 LIMIT:- 3 JARS PER FAMILV PURCHASE CANADA NO. 1, PRODUCT 0F NIAGARA, IDEAL FOR PRESERVING Freesto ne 99 4 litre Peache basket- m. CUT FROM CANADA'S FINESI GRADE "A"BEEF, 6 BONE, OVEN READY Prime Rib Roa. 8.36/kg Stf3m79 EWTHTfHIS ~SVi1~HTHIS ~ s~~ô COPO REGULAR OR LIGHI COUPON CEREAL 1 IKraft I1I Kellogg's I I Mayonnaise II Corn Flakes I 75 gJAR A6 5fI h 10 YV 1;r , cop,,o'rc pu.L I4 T 1tý. >,ioupan u O(rrîcoupor-I p PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 1988. We reserve the right ta (lmit quantifies ta normal tamiiy requirements. SavIngs shown In this ad based on current Metropoitan Toronto A&P retails. A&P F000 STORES LETTER: Objections made PAGE1 I FROM PAGE 6 -families, I live at Thickson Point.- We -have an active, residents association of which I' arn currently the president. As such I have been very active in meetings, discussions and correspondence with LASCO executives, Ministry of the Environnient officiais, Whitby's eIected representatives, Durhami regional officiais, and other interested individuals and groups. Likewis e, I amn aware- that there are otixér organizations such as the Whitby- Corridor Area Ratepayers Association that have also been just as concerned and involved. My intial reaction to the previousiy mentioned article was that of disbelief and anger. It was as if ail of our previous efforts were totally in vain. I irnmediately phoned Cathy Rowel of the Corridor Area Ratepayers R esidents want hearing FROM PAGE 1 U.S. and elsewhere to determine the longterrn effects of such berrns on the environnient. "iThe long range is what we want to know," Emrn said. He added that any tests aiso have to be assessed by the Town of Whitby. It's our town, and we wili have to look at the studies and see if we are satisfied." Emm thinks that an environmental hearing is in LASCO's best interests, to present mateiial and test resuits to the public. The electoral candidates for east ward, Dennis Fox and Cathy Rowell, are concerned about the possibility that the hearing inay not occur. Roweil said that she has been working with the ratepayers' associations and been in'close contact with LASCO. She wili be lobbying offliciaIs at the -Ministry of the Environrnent. I Fox said, I think there's enough to be concerned about from the safety point of view, and it should be investigated to the fullest. ~It is an operation no one knows about, and I bave requested information frorn similar operations at council. Until they (LASCO) corne dlean with the cornrunity, I think it's chancy to go ahead with it (a berming operation)," he said. Fox said he would be in contact with Durham MPP Alian Furlong to express his concerns and would be in contact wvith the ministry. 'rn going to take a run into Furlong's office and complain in person, rather than write a letter. I think tirne is of the essence." He added that he thought a hearing would be to LASCO's advantage, to put controversy to rest. LASCO will be releasing the resuits of tests this week to the public. 7 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY D TD 0F DURHAM mmi PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is considering AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The amendment, as submitted by the applicant, proposes 600 multiple family condominium units within the site indicated on the map below. In order to assist in the evaluation of the amnencment application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related to the amendment applictlion is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario LUN 6A3 or by calling Mr. Michael Cook, Planning Department, (416) 668-7731. Submissions concerning the amendment application mrnust be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning, at the above-noted address, and must be received no later than Friday, September 23, 1988. Please inclucie your address and telephone number in any submissions made. File No. 88-72/D/WW. Marie Hubbard Chairman, Planning Cornmittee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.î.P. Contrissioner of Planning Association and she shared my feelings'exactly and promised to 'look -into where she should send an "officiai" objection. I did .ikewise. For ail citizens or groups that that are concerned about possib]y having another dumpsite on Lake Ontario in'the heart of Whitby's future playground and present population centres, you can send an "officiai" objection to W. R. Balfour, director environmentai approvals.and planning branch, 8th floor, 135 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto, Ont. M4V 1P5. We ca't let this massive durnp/berrn site, that is scheduled to be constantly filled over a 15-20 year period, be approved without being subjected to a ful environmental assessment hearing. Sincerely yours, W. Brailsford Whitby 70 THICKSON RD.,S..,WHITBY