1'4Ç 1, WHITY FRZE PRESS, WEDN4ESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1988 Forcingbulbs wiIIgive you. indoor)color ti,,sw.inter lt's easy to force tulips, daffodils, ahead of their normal time outdoors. carefully to select those varieties erlfa.Thnolotesstp: mxadaeaon0fbnma. ornithogalum, hyaclnths and the littie Grow them as Christmas gifts for the firm recommends for forcing or, SOIL MIXTURE for bulbs can be s o uy d ownte boherdoum. xn bulbs-crocuses, snowdrops and friends. Start wlth the largest size buy the ones we list. Order by Septem- made up of equal parts soit, sand and su by inllqatesme.'teeg grape-hyacinths-to bloomn indoors bulbs obtainable. Read the catalogs ber so the bulbs will be delivered in peat moss. To each 5-inch pot of this Usdilagquntesthegt to be costly, POT SIZE depends on the kind and DOORCRA SHER SPECIA LS' quantity of bulbs. One large daffodil or tulip. bulb can be planted in a 4- o 5-inch pot in whjch three crocuses or other smaller bulbs would.f it. For six tulips, daffodils or hyacinths, I~JIl ~ I- Yyou'll need a 6- to 1 O-inch pot. h -the tops of tulips and hyacinths withyupatteelrebls toe . Y 12 inch of soit. Don't try to coverth ~ necks of daffodils-Iust the fattened C L A A C portion of the bulb:. Cover the smaîler bdlbs, like crocuses, with a 1/2 inchof EBUY2 G T 1FRE il!jisoil. Then water'thoroughly. It is aiso ________________________possibl e to purchase pre-planted R I-CS Ilcontainers'of bulbs which are con- ditioned to begin the forcing pro'cess _____ _____ ____Mix and Match of smilr vaue i'/BULBS NEED A PERIOD,0F. of smilr vlueCOOLNESS after potting so that the 'T H E fiéecan form a vigorous root systemf. *See list below for -Without a potful of roots, they cannot - Ajust a few of our bloomn prolifically later on. Tradition A ____1'excellent values! has 1t that you.will bury these pots of bulbs in a bedof cinders'outdoors in GR DN MRT i a coldi rame, leaving them there unti at least New Year's Day (except some -due" r'r E Dpre-condîtioned bulbs:Whlch wl Co M PO%>bloom-for Cbristmas). Thisýsystemý * CO V I IAN RE mpractical for most of us today, n B U Y OW M NUREbesides, there are easier waysto acoplish the same thing. Find ai * ~ . p3.99cool, frost-free place where bulbs ca T he Garde n be forced. A garage attached' to the B U B TeMart price %m 9 ho use, but not* heated is a good place Gre atPie20 Kg. bag-ideal for f aIl mulchirng & an for bulbs.to form roots. A cool attic, o booterf rvou bubs.a coiol bapse also will do. We use & A V adpdbqser roububs,,,ONLY a window in the - old room 6f'pr Daffoils Reg.7gitB39cbasement. A temnperaturie range of Door 35> to 550 will promote good root Tulis *Reg..69 .39 P, a.*.Crahergrowth. Keep the soit evenly moist Hyaciiths Reg.99 sp !althroughoul this period. vOU CÂN START FORCING the bulbs when leaves begin to push upward-usually somnetime after January 1. Bring the pots indoors, BUY PLA TS G T 11FREEa few each week so you will have blooms over a longer period, to 399 O LY m 8 O N L $ 77a sunrty, cool (55 to 70") place and O N LYGoldpotEuonmuskeep the soil!çnoià t at.all times. Lynnwood GoId Forsythia Emerald Gaiety Euonymus The cooler theairihe6 longer the Brso uyWieaEmerald n Gold Euonymus flowers W iii last. Keep bulbs away Goldmound Spirea Pink Vargated Wegela Tamarix Juniper from sources of heat, such as Little Princess Spirea Goldflame Spirea Compact AndoraJuniper radiatôrs and gas heaters. Bring Dwarf Alberta Spruce Double Flowering Almond Mint Julep Juniper ail pots to be forcedinto warmth Minnesota Snowflake Mockorange Clavey's Dwarf Honeysuckle Old Gold Juniperan ihbylterr. Beauty Bush Saskatoon Service Berry Blue Danube uniper-anlihbyatFerr. Silver Buffao Berry Shadiow Service Berry Abbotswood Potentilla Silverleaf DogwoodLarlWlo Red Ace Potentilla POLM NFRIG-UB Coral Beaut Cotoneaster Siberian Peashrub. Princess Potentila -PRO..L&-à .1--FOCINGBULB UAl-lU b NLargest FA]llU 1T pouuw> . MA TBuIk Soils/Aggregate Centre INVENTORY -up# ~~AR -gardon soil CLOSg ...W DISOUNTmanure GARDEN CENTRE beachsandL___ 1625Dunas t. est ~ .-- 3/4" crushed gravel .13 12 u dsSW s-wht abechips-------r o. - red brick chips Al furnîture at i ,Whtby 66819 ~wholesale pnces. *We have the rîght to lmît quantities.*S ie rcsn etfoct while.quantîti Àgprcs hared hstà b 11W Or "sÃ