WT-TTTRY PRESS, WEDNESDAYiNOVEM]3ER 2,1988, PAGE il INDUST RY, LABOU &COMMNI ITY LEADERS ol~1Al~O 5citI«I, , C). (41M 9*1414 m e g la 8(e1U G , o u xA R r lls - 4 11 G O RtocI g.A J O BS8 haVor R' A. AttersleV, .i)y f \hitby, *TOWflland Rd. f-ast' IAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e 2M r ekr1 nte ~1222, £e Bb.that VOu a Pre'r deas .erBb thle area newspape' d rnysupP 1 read m Iud Ilk~e toeleour PC--P1'ý ofanadian Auto kr. Pndoor policV re~adn of WhltbV aAuto rke r ended on your p nv u as e('orts %(Ou ae tO prbtelrns ad1COOn vdwt ou aP \tltV5 a,,sdndthoeir conyou and Cleir conc . a reat coMruntty * d gro*th cle Whlitbvîbu-tio One balanc e dea~joIV esiI h. h .oi u d t b part 0ofpiehYtlIefll and nialOr c ecuallY proud uCC0 and trust h pOP leader. 1larn e c nrued U.es 1 ih YOUcn apPreciatiOno lcindy (ustruly' fr1e 1515P Ca"113 John 9ndar Pres'~~'~j < A '~ Local ~ coprat 5o8 0 d East tto - ,,add bi ... v e ~' -i ~ - jS w ae ~~oflV~~ oo enfl.f~ çer V"0 .anada "" te " -«e' .ý,t u 0Tï SOl . vAscou,4ER mofl MW2 r o)ctobet 111B f eet urn Sand aeb'n3 gM t 1Y t ý^o q hto r . lq e t t e e o f w e e d e ô t 10510 65land 1oa UI T B l , o t a t< s a o t o , 48 e e ec t 1Dear lt-*Ate5îyot decion to see e loe ed earnof.1 n 1bavJ e jloled 1aa5 pieas W*tbl* 979eMy lam tb Stan dard 0 S ihe .: eir*niit ,di etY lu ..king t1, _t the 11%Y 1 - id0 t t1 s 1-t os" te. ftenv rte O ad With Lee v ae bae Pani a y a tforsiardt,0 ,,,Oat oceagai" n 8 e a t i O n s b iP * 'o u r s t r u W ' M, I 4 G C o ' UEMt SI G E S Larlty " l ane tma ge Rteg jonal SUPPOR MAYO BOBATTRSLEY ~931 1981 A CAI4~ADA L0CM222 nI M s 1 Spternbr 20' 981 0ctoie, 18 ,4YtBob ttr eY bit Db.Dr«" IBlt15 WETrBY-1 end If %cer president at in% Ctef ope