PAGE 26. WHITBY FREE-PRESS. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 80,1988 Cellular phone popularity increasing weekends, the price goes down to Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Audio- 35 cents a minute." box and MEI technophone are 6 Cellular phones are relatively among the cellular phones new to Canada, but business has offered' quickly become quite competitive. "We ha'e about 20,000 in "It started in Chicago store," says Tan. actually," says Tan. "Cantel was "There are three ways to buy established. in Canada in 1983 different units: transportable, ("went live" in 1985) and there is m-car units and portable. They a lot of competition, a battle in are hooked up to the network to price wars. There are different either Bell or Cantel." locations in Metro." Headquarters for the Cantel Tan says that the company phone operation is in Toronto. appears to have high hopes for Cantel ha§ offices in all major their future. cities in provinces such as "We are doing fine now and we Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and hope that in 10 years we will B.C. have expanded three times the Rogers Cable is . the main amount now. The phones arevery shareholder in Cantel. convenient to use." 'Targets for Excellence' FROM PAGE 25 Engineering, Rexdale; Rockwell Internatio Milton; Lamson Urbanic. and Sessions, Mississauga; Ben- The first 13 Canadian winners dix Electronics, Chatham; Rima of the "Targets for Excellence" Mfg. of Canada, Kingsville; award for quality are: Precision Master Prec. Atoma Intl, Scarboirough; MagnalHy Decoma, Downsview; KTM Locks-Atomia, Concord; Multimatic Mfg.-Atomna, Markham; St. Catharines Machine Prod., St. Catharines; Court Valve Co. tc., Beamsville; Niagara Machine Prod., St. Catherines; and FAG Bearings, Stratford. These companies supplied GM with metal stampings, coiled suspension springs, emission controls among other auto parts aandnrelatedservices. Butts offers peace of mind By Debbie Luchuk Consumers looking for a dependable, used first or second vehicle, often worry about gettipg the best deal for minimal outlay from dealers who may or may not be trustworthy. With 30 years in the used car business, Don Butts of Don Butts Auto Sales feels that he offers customers peace of mind in assisting to select the best used vehicle with budgetary restric- tions in mind. "I worked as the used car manager for the largest GM dealership in Canada, and I can give advice according to a budget," Butts said. "The majority of sellers are hustlers without a license, illegally selling cars." Butts opened his auto sales business in September at the location on Dundas St. E. "in the best available location, in a growing metropolis." The dealership sells used cars from franchise auto dealers rather than from auctions, Butts sai d. *We offer good transportation at reasonable outlay, and have the personal atttention to customers' needs, and offer nationally creditable warranties at a nominal cost. "There are lots.of people whose financial position doesn't allow them to purchase new cars. "Anyone I sell a car to will corne back again. I rely on repeat business." Butts hopes to expand the auto business "in the not too distant future." Currently living in Toronto, Butts lived and worked in Whitby a few years ago. "I have corne back to the environment I like. I love Whitby people." The dealership boasts of customers from Oshawa to Pickering area and east Toronto. r 1- AUTONEWS 1 ýL WHITBYFREEPR