PAGE 20, WHITy pF RPIESS, WEDNESDAy, DEEMBER 7, 1988 Skydome proj'eet is outlined to Wittby Rotarians. By »ebbie Luchuk Mike Filey, columnist with the Toronto Sun, radio columnist with CHFI and author on Toronto history, spoke about the Skydome to Whitby (Sunrise) Rotarians Jast Wednesday morning. Filey described, with the aid of glides, the features of the Sky- dome and its uses. The Skydome will accommo- date baseball, football, interna- tional hockey, concerts, religious revivals and trade shows. There are four levéla~ of -seats: the Skydeck, highest up; the. Sky Club seats; the boxes; and the groundlevel seats. if you're having trouble reacling the sml print, try this recipe: eMe op Bning things back into focus simply, safely, and economically with Recommeflded by Ieading Ophthalmologists. ÈMGNIIISIO TM Canada's Best-Selling Reading Glasses. SHORT'S IDA PHARMACY PRE Brookl in $24 655-3301 Weekdays 9 to 7, Sat. 9 to 5 pr Secis on s Greeting9s Decewtber 1988 ToOur Friends: As we approach the threshold of another year, we realize more than ever that friendship is the foundation of ail business. With warmn sincerity we say "Thank You, " for your friendship and goodw iii. We will be closing 10 p. m. on Sunday December 11, 1988 for the season. Haugen Gift Certificates are now available._ Holidctys are happy, and that the brings you peace, good cheer and ,Prosperity. Since re ly, Your friends at HAUGEN'S Manchester Food Services ..f/l..Hwv 12 at 7A you fromn the guy Who as a million dollars is what he bas in bis fridge 1 1 Filey said of the different levels. A screen tbree floors high will assist sports and concert Patrons to a better view of the event. Because the dome i multipurpose, the turf is artifi- cial. The dome itself can be Put Up within 20, minutes, FileY said and uses its own generator to, provide the power. Despite this provision, he said that opening and closing the roof is an expensive proposition. 'We can hear Pickering seed up with every opening and %sut- ting of the dome," Filey said. Other features of the dome site include a McDonald's, a large "fine dining' room, bar, elec- tronic video arcade and other shops. T7ransit connections from the GO train can be made from Union station for those travelling from east or west of thé city to attend a dome event, Filey said. The Sunrise Rotarians also donated $500 to the Salvation Army for Christmas asssistance to the needy. Secure valuables Durham Regional police are warning home owners to secure, their valuables while holding open bouses after a large quantity of jewýelry was stolen from a home on Inglebrook Crt during the weekend. The jewelry was taken wbile the home was being shown to Sprospective buyers. GEllc'ORGE BLAKE hangs one of bis prints as part of his photo display at the Whitby Public Library from DEc. 1 to DEc. 30. Blake is the founder of the Whitby Photographie Club. Fe rs ht We hope your coming year , -Ã