PAGE 30. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1988 YOUTH CIJP Dowson second in two events 1Leslie Dowson ofthe Wihitby Iroquois Swim Club had two second-place finishes in the recent Youth Cup at the Etobicoke Olympium. WHITBY FREE PRESS Dowson was second in the 400-metre freestyle and the 200m freestyle and added two fourth- place finishes, a seventh, eighth and ninth. Dowson was competing in the girls' 10 and under division. Patricia Luke was first in the 100m breaststroke consolation event for girls' il and 12, while Renee Ayotte, in the same class, was fifth in the 200m breaststroke consolation and eighth in 200 fly. Blair Dobbyn was seventh in the 100m breaststroke for boys 10 and under. Aaron Lo had l8th and l9th place finishes. Molly Morrice ws eighth in the girls' 10 and under 200m individuel medley and 100m backstroke. She was 14th in 200m breaststroke, l5th in 200m freestyle and 17th in 100m breaststroke. JilI Morrice was eighth for girls 13 and 14 in the 200m fly. consolation. Neil Balan was also eighth in the 100m breastsfroke consola- tion. The WVhitby club had 15 swimmers in the huge meet' that included 650 swimmers from 70 clubs in Canada and the U.S. NMX BROWN (right) of the Whitby Optimist Wres- tling team won the 120-lb division of LOSSA novice coxnpetition on Nov. 29. .Brown wins division WHITBY SKATING CLUB -PRESENTS. Saturday, December lOth, 1988 at Iroquois Park Arena 9 a.m. to 12 noon 10 wk. program starts * Monday, January 9th, 1989 (imited.openings available) I Contact Jack McLean 728-0877 or Diane Cornelissen 683-9533 Rob Robitaille was also second in a close final in the 126-lb division. Brendon Johnston was sixth after forfeiting bis matches due to illness and Rick Badowich was sixth in the 126-lb class, losing to a teammate in the quarter-finals. How does your flitness- appraisal measure up? By the Durham Region Fitness Couneil The Ontario consumer looking for a quality fitness test may not know where to look. "The safety of many people may be at serious nik" says Dr. Blake Ferris, chairman of the Ontario Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. "Unqualified testers wbo may be using poorly 'f." -THE ( eCHRISTMAS TREE* GARDEN '~~~~ CO PTTIN &DISOUNT. GARDEN CENTRE Find three parts of this Christmas Tree in the 'Whitby Pree Press" on Nov. 3Oth and Deoember 7th, 1988, to be eligible to win 1 of 3 eut Christmas Trees complete wlth llghts, ' presented by The Garden Mart (Discount Garden Centre)V Rules: 1. Correctly assemble the three parts on a piece of paper with your name, address and your telephone number.- 2. Mail or drop off completed entry to the Whitby Free Press, 131 Brock Street N. Whitby, Box 206 LiN 5S1 to be received by noon, Wed. Dec. l4th, 1988. 3. Prizes must be pic-ked up by the winners. Drau> wilZ take place at 5:00 pm,Wed. Dec. l4th and winners will be announced in the Dec. 2lst issue of the WFP. Winners xviii have their pictures taken on December 17th. Employees of the W.F. Press and Oshawa Garden Service and thclr immcdiate familles arc not f elig[ble to enter this draw. nhe W.F. Press is not responsible for entries lost or delaycd in the mail. devised tests, do little to enhance the image that professionals in the fltness industry are trying to promote.', According to Ferris, the association is the only nationâlly recognized program thatprovides training to fitness appraisers to learn safe methods for evaluating the fitness level of an individual. In Ontario, there have been over 1,000 individuels trained in the proper procedures to conduct a safe fltness appraisal. There are two levels of appraisers. A registered fitness appraiser (RFA) is trained fto adrninister the "Canadian Standardized Test of Fitness." This test is designed to provide health individuals with a general indication of their fitness level compared te other Canadiens of the same age and sex. A certifled fitness appraiser (CFA) is qualifled to administer a more extensive fitness appraisal. It is recommended that anyone who bas been inactive for a number of years be tested by a CFA, as well as consulting a physician, prior te beginning an activity programn. Throughout the province there are 45 accredited fitness appraisal centres. For information on facilities in the Durhamn Region that are accredited through the CASS program, please call 725-1111. These 45 facilities are very concerned about safe quality fitness appraisals, as they have hired certified and registered fitness appraisers. These individuals are qualified te, give the client safe fitness assessment. OASES recommends that people ask about the qualifications of the staff at their faciiity before signing up for an appraisal. As Ferris says, "The information you receive is only as good as the appraiser giving it. For more information, contact Patricia Clark, Provincial Business Manager, Ontario Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, 1220 Sheppard Avenue East Willowdae, Ontario, M2K 2X1. (416) 495-4071. Mike Brown of the Whitby Optimist Wrestling Club won the 120-lb class in novice- LOSSA wrestling Nov. 29. Dwayne Alexander was third in the 84-lb class, losing only in the semi-final. Brad Downer was second after losing in the 130-lb final.