WB]TrBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14î- 1988, PAGE 31 LACAC presents award to 'bank for heritage support A framed print representing Whitby's early architectural landmarks was presented recently to the Brock and Dundas brancb of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce by the Local Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC). Receiving the print were brancb manager Fred WNynistorf and staff member Trudy Vine. The presentation was made by LACAC chairman Rick McDonnell, in appreciation for use of the bank's facilities for a display on Downtown Heritage Day on Sept. 10. The inscription on the print, whicb *was produced by the Whitby Heritage Advisory Group, reads: "Presented to. the CIBC Dundas and Brock brancb, in appreciation for supporting Whitby's Heritage and the LACAC, September, 1988." The print is a collage of seven of Whitby's finest early buildings, produced by artist Leanne Long. The "Heritage in- Action" display at the bank-was set up by LACAC to informn Whitby residents about the town's buildings 'wbich have been designated as architectural landmarks under the Ontario Heritage Act. The LACAC is a volunteer advisory comimittee to the Town Council wbicb recommends designation of historic buildings. Information on the designation process was available at -the display on Sept. 10. At thè Heritage Day' display, McDonnell presented designation- plaques to Rick and Cheryl Worr, owners of the David Briggs bouse in Myrtle and to Bob Bolton and Margaret Cornfoot, owners of tbe George Wallace bouse at 404 Bryon St. S. Both bouses, dating from the 1850s, were designated under the Ontario Heritage Act in 1988. The plaque was mounted on the George Wallace bouse on Dec. 3, and on the David Briggs bouse. earlier in the fail. McDonnell also presented a framed print of the old Wbitby Library, by artist Desmond Clancy, to Ken Underwood, the grand prize winner in the "Place in lime" contest, held in The Free Press during the summer. The contest, sponsored by the LACAC, featured pictures of small portions of historie Whitby builings. Residents 'were asked to guess what buildings they represented, and the weekly RICK MACDONNELL, chairman of the Local Architectural Conserva- tion Advisory Comînittee, helps Bob Bolton place a historical plaque on winners' names were put in à box and madle elligible for the grand prize. The purpose of the contest was to make Whitby citizens more aware of the fine examples of Victorian architecture in the town. the George Wallace home at 404 Byron St. S. The home recently received a historical designation. Frcc Proe photo FRED Wynistorf (left),, manager of the downtown Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and staff member Trudy Vine accept a framed historical print from LACAC chairman Rick McDonnell, in apprecia- tion for providing the bank's facilities for LACAC's Heritage in Action Day in September. JVIItb Ysehools opt for silence FROM PAGÛE 30 the Supreme Court feit- that the prayer "infringed upon freedorn of religioti and conscious gu aranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rigbts"," says Mary Wylie, communications officer for the Durham board. "We recognize and respect the spirit of the court's ruhing that today, in Ontario's multicultur- ism society, no single religion should be placed in a position of primacy in our public scbools," said Education Minister Chris Ward. The new regulations will allow for opening exercises that niay include readings reflecting the miulticiilturism reality of Ontario. Arnong such re adings The Lord's Prayer may be indlu- ded. However, readings from one religion would not be permitted to be used exlusively or given a position of primacy. As interim advice, the ministry said if a board cbooses to con- tinue with opening exercises, it rnay do so provided that any readings and prayers reflect the multicultural realities and tradi- tions of Ontario society, and pro- vided that no one religion Î! given a position of primacy The D rbam board is also allowing scbools to corne up with their own version of a prayer to use althougb it first bas to be approved. "None of tbe scbools are allowed to use the prayer,7 says Bruce Walker, -a 'board super- intendent. "If a principal decides not to listen to the ministry, then something will be done about it. "There bas been a bit of a stir, but not a lot. I tbink that most people are just reacting to some- tbing tbhey didn't bave a say about." CALL A. 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