PAGE 30, WEIITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1988 SFROM ALL OF US AT f SPER *SPECIAL J SUPER *SPECUAL CANADA GRADE "A. FROZEN, EVISCERATED UIHTI- -SAE10 A&P, Miracle Baste ic REGULAR OR DIET ýor Butterbail Turkeys Pepsi-Cola 3.06/kg CASE OF220F M IS Ui CS A per 100 ML) ~'I1194.99) b LMIT Ore case pet coupon One ceupon pet cusioseCE AODeme12h sc mb e r tFoueS cee hout couponsb99 ScO 629 SUPER *SPECIAL ~SUPER *SPECIAL Ij EDSMITH FRITO LAY V Garden Potato Chips W Cocktail &Snacks 796 mi. BOTTLES 150 - 200 g BAG SLIMIT: 4 PER FAMILY PUIRCHASE ASSORTED VARARIETIES (Excluding Lime Ricky, PRODUCT 0F CALIFORNIA, FRESH Coline Mie & Bler Lemon> r ss l r ViIMMM q n rJ Pepsi-Cola or 7UP s PlBus o ---------- j~~Wt Coupon AG E Tetley Tea rPc...,,ç OF 72~' S O 1 O Â D 'l ' 164 2 L FCa . cuu e 2 e .3¶J jWITH THIS RM SAV .6 ICOUPON ASRTDVARIETIES I Uncle Bens I Stuff 'n Such 170 g BOX 1~ LIMIT 1 box pr coupon Onre coupon per customer OF VL Decemnber 19h - December 24th. iff Feueonewthout coupon 149) HOLIDAY ST( ALSTORES CLOSE AT 6:00 .M. .0e so that our employees and custc Season wth their fa 'i CLOSED CHRISTMAS AI Monday December 26th and Tuesdi Ail stores open - Wednesday C reqular store hours F PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU {SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1988. We reserve the right tolirmit quantities to normal famiiy requîrements. Savings shown in this ad based on currenl Metropolitan Toronto A&P retais. 7ý0THICKSON IW Sprouts 59~ 1 1.30kg lb- 0 Puff The Magic Dragon Plush Toy Ony7f99a Wlth Coupon Ec L $9.99 Wlthout Coupon EW 7T THS c SAVE 1.0 COUPON Canada Dry I Beverages ' REGULAR FILTER DRIP AUTOMATIC Ih I A&P IGround Coffee el 369 g PKG )RE HOURS ., SATURDAY DECEMBER 24TH )mers can enjoy the Christmas------ imilies: we wili be ND BOXINO DAY t .--7l ay December 27th, 198a.t hlP((L December 28th .198. 4<A L A&P FOOD STORES ~D.SU eWHITBY LETTER Dear Santa, I would lie you to please try to get mie a Little Miss Make-up., Pack of Gare Bear stickers.- For me stockng get something good. I et you are. busy. Pin arn being good. Love Jenny Salisbury Gr. 2, Colonel Farewýell i Love You TECE GIFT One cold Decernber day the wind was blowing and a ladysat ail alone in a littie cold shack just off the coast off Lake Erie. It got very cold in winter. The wind and snow blew up from the coast. She sat on an old wooden chair sighed and thinking about ber husband who was off working to raise soine money to get ber a Christmnas present. She went and got ber coat and the littie momey she had. "4'11 go to the store," she said to herse If. When she had walked three miles she saw a sign that said "closed for Christmas holi- days.» Wben she got. to the cor- ner of Ma ple she heard music. She walked over to the barn and looked in, she saw people danc- ing anda sign that said "Free Food, aly u can eat." She wa"lked in and had a whole meal. But a rich person saw ber "Get out peasant," he scowled. And witb that she ran ail the way back to the shack., She got in and sat on the wooden chair and aIl of a sudden ber husband walked in. "Dear," he began. "I don't have a gift." "That's okay,»" she said. Your here with me. That's the best gift anyone can give." Danaka Thoinson Gr. 6, Kathleen Rowe Santa, Mouse There was one a little'nxouse He lived in a hole in theý farthest' corner of a bouse Before h. went to bed He washed bie paws And tbought, no one gives a gift to Santa Claus So h. ran to bis bedroomn And fast he did caper He got sometbing special1 "And wrapped it in bubble-gum aper e awoke to a bright light And he was lying on sometlung red And somnetbing white covered bis head He heard a big voice, why it must b. Santa Claus He rubbed bis eyes witb bMo paws "Thank you for the present." "What's your naine?" I haven't got any." 'You baven't? What a shanie." Santa whislced hum off to bis sleigh And he's stili helping hlm to tbids very day! So under your treee leave a piece of cheese And you know whdll tbank you? Santa mous.. AhSonROwe Gr. 4, E.A. Fairman CORPORATION 0F THE * TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION Street Name Change The Council of the corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law to change the name of Graymar Avenue, west of Elizabeth Crescent, as shown below, to Winter Court. PARIC The Operations Committee of Council will meet on Monday, January 9, 1989, at 7:30 p.rn. in Committee Room, One of the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, for the purpose of hearing any person who dlaims their land wilI be adversely affected by the by-law. Any person wishing to meet with the Committee is asked to advise the Town Clerk acco rdingly no later t han Thursday, January 5, 1989. Donald G. McKay, Clert< The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LiN 2M8 Phone: <416) 668-5803