PAGE: 34, WHFIMY FREE PRESSI WEDNESDAýY, DECEMBER'21, 1988 9019 cut velvet matching sofa and chair, ight green and white, patterned, excellent condition. Asking $150.00. Phone 666-1263. SKATEBOARD - A Santa Cruz, Rob Roskopp in good condition. Cost $250.00, asking $150.00. Cati 668-5426. SHOULDER PADS - "Protection" - worn ten times. Suitabte for Peewee. Cost $80.00. Asking $50.00. Cal 668-5426. DOUBLE BED with frame, new mattresses, $295.00. Phone 430- 6801. LADY'S or girl's size 6 skates, excellent' condition. $20.00. Phone 655-8764. TRAIN SETS (2) - H.0. track, many accessories, like new. Best offer. Phone 668-6123. STEEL SHELVING, commercial type, 4 shelves 36" x 30", 6-foot high $25.00, 30-foot new etectric1 eavestrough cabte $25.00. 668- 2800. GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT! 1 Bell 6T-2 red, white and blue helmet and gloves, neyer used, $300 ($500 value), cati 723-9817. 1 MICRO FURNACE SALES, new model now in stock. Computer controlied. Solid state heater. To Order cail Jim 683-2638. ROUND bates of HAY & STRAW for sale. Square bates of hay and straw wanted. Cati Bill Webb Hay and Straw. (519)343-2336 eve- nings. B CHIMNEY CLEANING speciat for new customers, onty $40.00. Cati "Lucky Brush Chimney Sweeps" 728-6868 anytime. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, laveseats, sectionals, Iess than haîf price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 5241 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Phone 725- 5181. MONTREAL MILITARY SUR- PLUS: work shirts $2.75, work n ants $350, work boots $15. Send ýâ for catalog ue (reimbursement 243, ST. Timothee, Quebec. JOS iXO. B THINKING of a unique Christmas gift? Limnited edition: uScrubs & Oaks" by Carmichael. Phone 668- 6111. FOUR tires 16.5 neyer used $425.00; kerosene heater $50.00; Eris water, softener. and sait container, 2 years otd $250.00; 1 ton Ford rear end - completely rebuilt - (brakes, wheel cytinders, dual rims, drums) $250.00; 1 Kawasaki motorcycte cover , brand new, $25.00;1 set burgundy queen size bumper pads,$50.00;, brand new American Standard'peach.tub $75.00; Lisa Calvert collection of four signed, limited edition prints, completety framed - $600.00 for set. Will seli individuatty. Lynx, rabbit, wolves, bons. Cati 430- 1466 after 6:00 pm. WELL AND CITY water treat- ment systems that guarantee dlean, safe water for drinking -and domestic use. Kinetico water processing, non-electric systems salve your problem water. Cati Young's Water Systems lnc. 655-4836 or 655-4544 or visit our new showroom at: 7675 Batdwin Street, one and one-half mites north of Brooklin. Order now for Christmasl SOFTWARE - See our large se- lection of Atari S.T. software, starting at just $14.95. Redbaron Computers, 213 Byron St. S., Whitby. Phone 666-3958 or 683-7785. FURNACE GIL TANKS - 24 hour emergency service, removals and repairs, new Installations. Phone 655-8980. GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Store. 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont. (519)452-3919. Pro Ark Lamps, Allanson Ballast, Hydro- ponic kits, plus much much more. Send $2 for catalogue. B ~WANRT RECORDS wanted - L.P.'s, 45's, 78's, 50's to 80's. Aiso wanted - miik cartons that hold records. Free pick up. Have some records for sale. Cati 668-2058. THE LEBLANC Boarding Home in Bradford, Ontario now open has 9 vacancies for the wett etderiy. New home, single rooms, private baths. Live-in Directormanager. For information brochure and application. Cati Eva LeBlanc (416)775-8200 before 3 p.m. daily. B ROOM FOR RENT - central location. Shared faciities. $70.00 a week. Phone 430-2934, ask for Gord. WHITBY - Large one-bedroom basement apartment. Fridge, stave, Iaundry facitties. parking and cable. Private entrance. Utilities inctuded. No pets. Close ta GO. First 2nd last. References. $525.00 per month. Availabte now. 668-1154. BONAIR R.V.'s & Traiters, Utility, Hardtop, lent, Travel & Park modets. Also awnings, Add-a- rooms, Air-conditioners, Traiter- Hitches & Accessories. New & Used. Large selectiôn, 10w prices. Royal Traiter & RV. Centre Teviot- dale, Ont. (519)343-2123. B CANAL CRUISES on scenic Trent-Severn waterway and Rideau Canal aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR; private staterooms; aIl meats; f ree brochure tram Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peter- borough K9J -7H7. B PRIME LOC ATION ln downtown Whltby. Formerly a dancing studio, or use as office. Total space ap- proxlmately 2500 sq ft $1,200Imon- thly lncludlng ail utltles. Phone after 5 p. m. 623-9247. OFFICE FOR RENT - Excellent location, reasonable rent, small and comfortable. Phone 430-1812. PRIVATE starter home. Two bedrooms, garage, newly- shingled roof, large lot 48' x 192', $141,500. For appointment cati 668-6936. MAES IT MORE ISIL rfl *s ef Plaecheck your advertisemeflt for errors on the f îrst da fpublication. The Whitby Free Press witt flot be libefor fait ure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA. cheque received before deadimne) $5 for 25 words; 1 2r each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate panel)) Blanket Ads - to bianket a wider market see separate pane) for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15Z each additional word AUCTIONSIAN NOUNCEM ENTS 69ç per agate uine (14 agate uines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7,50 bilted DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders. pictures. or graphics) Regular display rates appt y - 74ç per agate Une minimum size. 1 column inch- $10.36 (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publicaion. .~6686111'geýt your new COMICS faster, ln mint condition. Marvel, DC, Aternates. Send S.A.S.E. for comptete details. Arthur's 391-B Bank Street, Ottawa, Ont.KP 1Y3. B BAHA'i FAITH. MaW.s menit lleth inservlce. and virtue?.nd not In the pageantry of weaith and riches. WOMEN in abusive. retationships. For help catI the DENISE HOUSE forWomen and children. Toil free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerly. Auberge).. NEED HELP? Listen to the Back to God HourI Sunday,7:30 am CHAM, 820 Hamilton; 9:3Oam CKAN 1480 Newmarket, & at 7:30 pm FM'108 Burllngton, or watch FAITH 20 Global T.V. Monday - Frlday at 5 a,. B NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, Phone 668-9915. LADIES in Orient seek correspon- dence w/single gentlemen. THE FRIENDSHIP OFFICE, Box 5248, Station A, Calgar, Alberta, Cana4- da, 12H 1X6. Get the facts. Let's Talk. Cail the Ontario Ministry of Hcalth AIDS Hotline 1-.800-668-AIDS ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stiff join1t s? Sleeping Hands? "BEUI- LAH 0IL. helps. end $1 for bra- chure/information: Beulah Land, Box 1086,' Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, RiN 3C5. B RIDE urgently needed from Brock and Burns area ta take 7:45 a.m. GO train at Whitby station. Please cati 430-7853 after 6:00 p.m. THANKS ta St. Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, gtorified, loved and preserved throughout the warid now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. J ude worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude heiper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth day your prayer wilt be answered, regardless of how hopetess your situation seems. Publication must be pramised. C.Q. Bea BIG BROTHER. Phone 579-2551. ANTIQUE COLLECTORS? Check aur auct ion section for f irst chance at the "OLDI ES". AUTOMIBMa4 1978 FIREBIRD, new paint. new èngine, needs- Itttie to certify $1500 -orý - best -offer. Phone ~cu~ in thîs world,: there's alIways room for one more. CaIllyour Welcome Wagon Hostess now. Phone 6686653