PAGE"12,'WHITBY FREZ PRESS,.WEDNESDAY; JANUARY ,-8' l88 ýRVEW '818 RVIEW'88 RVIEW '8 RVIEW'88 RVIEW August 17, 1988 "C'est un gros misunderstanding!" December 21, 1988 "I don't think the poop and scoop bylaw is fair." J une 15, 1988 November 23, 1988 J une 22, 1988 "What's ail this silliness 1 hear about Canadians Iosing their identity?" Novem ber 2,1988 "Whew! 1 know flow you feell" JuIy 13, 1988 nI know you're glad to see it go, but it reduces our navel presence by haif.n May 4, 1988 "Spirit, why do you keep returning to haunt me?" December 14, 1988 "C'mon you guys..break it up ... only four boxes per corner!" Aug ust 3, 1988