Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1989, p. 11

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WITY FREE, PRESS; WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1989, PAGE 11 BrookinPrfille News? Cail Lorna Miller 1-694- 1502 We have finally found the true definition of bell. It'ls knows that sooner or later opportunity will present him being stuck in a house with a love-sick dog whose object with an hour or so to jump the fence, do bis courting of affection lives around the corner and is sending and return witbeut us being any the wiser. He bas perfumed love notes on the winter breezes to his learned that patience is a virtue and every dog bas bis quivering nostrils. day. Hie regards NikI with a jaundiced eye and an air Nikki, who bas suddenly realized that some parts of of centempt. or ttetiv ceanpsis s nts asa tengec'<~eyAS I SEE IT Se, here we ail are wih a moaning, bowling dog bis atntieya us forwsttngbsheas and eagmp t driving us over the edge. A nigbt he throws back bis with money in bis pocket, car keys in bis band, and a by Lorna Miller head and with that primai urge alive in ail do gs, bits pblic bathroom number for a "sure thing" branded into ______________ oe btsa oyar ea~to.Drn e y Ces brain on a Saturday night when bis parents are eut nothe pasnafrom tbe r o tortetheoback itthe y of town. Sometimes life is unbelievablygdfrYondespaear ofaethe-row imnatothe awit alat nmen. But not for our Nil. idodfr on iesparo.aEveas I winte bshei ring bs This situation is just what you want wben you are minutelegsdin. bevan at teptt e cro ineh e a trying te sell a bouse. UsuallyNikkdisla agreat hnturegcains<fthe vainfttm) t, I'one hm.t's watchdog. lHe wouldn>t let anybodyeven waik down the 1nat,. ue ones(or tepfrith re).Bck d'o o e."O er h street ithout sounding the alarm. Knocks at the door jJ, Fene andort" eand t> t o dt e ta d w tb the o turned hlm inte a bell-bound bent on destruction of opk i eneant uainiee cot tn with te rl toes, wbo wouldndartheple r de i doorsep. aer he plans bis escape if you step inside. It's our version of tebos en dthe peflea r d ivo ees aed in Our own neutered female, who Ikept hlm in lime witb thbe Meican standoif. their boos abn prtby teard lm . rbesecteve well-directed nips wben be tried te interest her in tbis Short of surgery, there is enly one solution. Joes knock as an pritunritytgno eak r.iteut. hrosective new and fascinating game, bas been sent te live witb anyene have an attractive, ardent, well-bred female dog purchasers are eitherdgorhaed or, f the avea the relatives until the bouse is sold. We reasened, that wbo would like te meet a handsome, genteel, maie isthe t eaown aogrtby ave eve benead since she was bigger and more aggressive, she sbould German -Shepherd from a good home? He is very in therlas yveratarbfgetbhaei eg rsn te erifed, be banisbed in the boondocks and the ether two left intelligent, loveabie, can open doors, rune like tbe wind sobbred t or ad heat trleg s preesntthe Peifet bere for the duration. Wrong again! and is into ear nibbiing. Object - a short but satisfying hpportuhd nit f o epsleasexve. Nelsst ayheOarlie, our other male, is just biding bis timne. He reiationsbip. We will take one puppy. bNot ada ffr ecaeofet. No apealof MB decis-ion that Ffrst City be repaid Durham Region wilI net appeai an Ontario Supreme Court deci- sien that the Region repay First City Development Cerp. Ltd. $3 million, ceuncil has decided. Council voted unanimously te accept the verdict after a 45- minute, in-camera meeting Iast Wednesday. First City teck the Region te court after the Region cashed a letter of credit First City had depesited as a guarantee it would provide sewer and water services te Brookiin. "It was an iliegai agreement," said regional chaiman Gary Herrerna about the letter of cre- dit. During the mn-camera meeting, councillors discussed similar agreements the Region bas with other *companies and aise threw a number cf "I told you so'"back and forth, said Herrema. "The legal opinion is net te appeal. We have te accept that and get underway witb services into Brooklin,» said Whitby mayor Bob Attersley after the vote. Attersley said the Region now bas te, review ail similar agree- ments, while Herrema noted Halton Region is iooking at legis- lation te handie the preblem. Attersley said the Regien is now in a difflicult s pot because developers may net h ave te, put meney upfrent for roads and sewers. ie is however, glad the case has ben settled, neting that other developers shewing inter- est in bringing services te Brook- lin have been put on held because cf the court case. He says the decision will now allow the niunicipality te begin negotiatiens with interested developers. Mr. Justice M.A. Craig ruled Durham must pay back the let- ter of credit $2.1 million, plus interest of b980,O00 and court costs estimated at $500,O00. The Region and First City entered into the agreement in 1974 when First City acquired 580 hectares (1,432 acres) of land in Brooklin. The deal feul through in 1982 when the Province wouid neot allow p art cf the land te be rezone dte industrial frem agri- cul tural. First City then approached Durhamnl'or the letter of credit which the Regien refused to return. The Region then cashed the letter. According te Herrema, the Region bas the money in reserve funds but wiil have te cerne up witb the $500.000 in court costs. Armed robbery at pharmaey Twe men, one armed with a handgun and the other a knife made off with an undisclosed ameunt of money and dru gs frem a Brooklin pharmacy last Thurs- daL~rham Regional Police say the armed robbery teck p lace at 6:45 p.m. at Shorts IDA Phar- macy, 65 Baldwin St. Two persons, wearing baladla- vas, entered the store and demanded the money and drugs. Drugs taken included valium and liquid morphine. Police say both are described as white maies; one 5-ft., 8-mn. tail weighing about 160 pounds; and the other, 5-fr. 4-mn. witb a tatoo on the back cf bis left wrist. No one in the store was hurt during the incident. Let you control what you drink. For Clear, Fine drink ing water From only: $10.99 up Cal;- ~sJSstemsin 7675 Baldwin St., Brooklin, Ont. 655-4936 Special Introductory Course txi&iti c>rx,çlp i s ri h< ,w o ]pi 04-ce S MarId UrqCrd r tra Experienced Painters PxcgîrariB fo-r aizlevol Spring Seminars ' Phone Lorraine at 655-3688 Ž Wick, Optimist Club receive awards The Optimist Club cf Brooklin and president Brian Wick were honored with achievement awards at a Saturday, Feb. 4 banquet in Brooklin. The club won the achievement' award cf 'bonor club' for their first year cf operation. Wick received the 'International Dis- tinguished President's Award,' a goldl watcb. The club quaiified for awards by completing Optimist Inter- national pregranis sucb as bike safety, 'Respect fer Law Week,' 'Youtb Appreciation Week' and the international essay contest. Other requirements are punc- tuai reports, membersbip recruitment and attendance at training sessions and con- ferences. Wick's distinguished status was the result cf the club, and determination cf Brian Fitzsim- mens cf Myrtie Station, effort te, start anether Optimist club in Bracebridge. witb 41 charter members. The Brookiin club has 47 mem- bers,' and meetingys are held the first and third Wednesdays cf each mnontb at St. Thomas Angli- can Churcb bail in Brooklin. For more information cal.655-, 4434. A buffet style, ail-yeu-can-eat spaghetti dinner will be heid Saturday, Feb. 25, at St. Thomas Anglican hall, Brooklin, from 5 te 7:30 p.rn. Cost is $5. Tickets will be sold at the deer. Cullen fire cause unknown The cause cf the $1-million fire that destroyed a restaurant and eift shcp at Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village Feb. 2, bas been listed as "undetermined" by the Whitby fire devartment. Crouch said investigators, who had spent more than a day rum- maging tbrough the remains cf the building, were unable toE fnd a cause. le feels that whatever started the fire may have been burned in the fire. Firefighters from Whitby, Osh- awa and Ajax bad te be called in te keep the blaze under control. Events for Brooklin seniors Broeklin residents aged 55 and ever can attend twe, afternoons cf carpet bowling and darts spcn- sored by the Brooklin Centennial Seniors Club and the Whitby parks and recreation depart- ment. The events will be held at the Broeklin community centre (lower level) on Wednesday, Feb. 22 and Wednesday, Marcb 8, 2 te, 'rmere information caîl the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre at 668-1424 weekdays frem 9 a.m. te5 p.m. Society meets Feb.22 The Brooklin Horticultural Society wiil meet on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 8 p.mn., at Brookiin United Cburch. 'Mhe Vegetable Garden,' with Ken Brown as moderater, wili be discussed. Ail welcome.

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