WHiTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1989, PAGE 19 The Whitby Free Press is seeking self- motivated individuals ta represent us as: Advertising Sales Repres eutatives prior experience in some type of sales or dem~onstrated ability in a related field is required. This is a commjssion-based position with 1excellent income potential. We are seeking mature individuals with the commitmnent to capitalize on the growth potential of this paper. Apply to: 131 Brock St. NJ/Box 206, Whitby LiN 5S1 668-6111 Are you versatile, well-organized & energetic? Do you enjoy responsibility? Do you work well on your own? Can you coxniunlcate well with bath kids and aduits? The Whitby Free Press needs someone like you to take charge of our circulation department. Apply to: 131 Brock St. N./Box 206, Whitby LMN 5S1 668-6111 applicants must have their own car and a dlean driving record non-smoker preferred 7m Good Exercise Gcood Reading The Whitby Free PIress requires a couple of BESPO SIBII, ENERGETIC ADILTS to deliver the paper in a few areas where we can't find carriers - up to 8 cents per paper *Wednesdays, Thursdays only e Vehicle required g EXPERJIVCED SEWERS WANTED FOR NEW FACTORY IN WHITBY - CALI 420- 8227 BETWEEN 8:30 - 4:30. .. .. ....... ... .... . A CAREER IN DANCING! We are looking for energetic, enthu- siastic people ta teach dancing - will train. Cal 430-0014 EXPERIENCED vwaers/ wmitres- ses, bus persons, kitchen help. Apply in persan to: Amadeus Seafood & Steakhouse, 1180 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 436-9065. DUMP TRUCK driver required (xwo). One "G" and one "D" license for delivery of topsoil. Based in Brooklin. 655-8553. DRIVER wanted full time. Must have driver's abstract. 420-1495. EXPERIENCED waiterfwaitress. La Petite - 430-3017. TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is available. Complete deta',ls can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at (416)769-3546 or (705)689-8411 with postal code. B MARINE MECHANIO. Allsaw Bridge Marine requires a qualified marine mnechanic. Attractive wage and benefit package. Starting early April. Free accommodation for bachelor or couple. Reply in confidence ta Box 1000, Minden, Ont. KOM 2K0 or caîl (705> 457-2282. B A CAREER IN TRUCKING. TRANSPORT DRIVERS RE- QUIRED. Freedom, excellent pay, travel. t's ail yours. Get your Glass "A" license at Ontario's oldest and larg est training centre. Tax ded uct ible, professional training, job assistance, no experience necessary. MERV- ORR TRANSPORT, Pickering 1-800- 265-3559. LOOKING FOR A JOB? Check the classifi eds fîirst. We can help. DUHM REGION The Durham Region YMCA requires an individual with proven ability ta organize and oversee administrative and secretarial support ta YMCA programs arnd services. The successful candidate wiIl have a minimum of Grade 12 with business courses and 3 years related experience. Excellent public relations, communication skills, typing and filing skills are required. Experience in supervising others and computer literacy would be an asset. This is a ful-time position with an excellent benefit package. Apply in writing by February 24 ta: Janîce Griffith, General Manager, YMCA Durham Reglon, 416 Centre St. S., Whltby, Ontario LiN 5S1 -lst & 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate -up ta 90% financing -consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced E Cail: C-te-)Glenda rilorpe -668-6805 Commuût FbunmwoIa eriefflCôrix 965 Dundas St., W., Ste. 205# Whitby PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place ta go when your bank says "rio"! Anubis lnvestments (above Cherney's) 723-4621. Serving Whitby since 1973. (~~fPRMtI FARMERS. Your background ik important ta us. Ganada's largest f arm tax specialists need data collectors from January ta April 1989 who are self-starting, good communicators and f ree ta travel. We offer comprehensive training and abave-average remuneration. Permanent positions also available. Farm Business Consultants 1-800- 265-1002 toli free 8:00 a.m. ta, 4:00 p.m. B 7THE YMCA 'DURHAM REGION CIH -L> CÀ0,FI E M.4% N AG C E F The YMCA Durham Region requires an experienced Ghildcare professional ta manage and develop licensed childcare programs across the Durham Region. Reporting ta the General Manager for the Region, the successful applicant will be part of the YMCA Management teamn for Durham. The successful candidate should have an E.C.E. background and be familiar with the Day Nurseries Act, pre-school and school age childcare. He or she should have good oral and written communication skills, experience in supervising staff, and proven financial management skills. Attractive remuneration and benefit package is available for the right candidate. Apply in confidence by February 24 ta: Janice Griffith, General Manager, YMCA Durham Region, 416 Centre St. S., Whltby, Ontario LiN 5S1 576-9175 1 I= ARF1AOl- NI e L> 11+1eAÀXL1-I OFFERS: FREE TRAINING COURSE * WANT A PART-TIME JOB? * ARE YOU WILLING TO SHARE YOUR GARE- GIVING EXPERIENCE TO HELP OUR ELDERLY? CALL (416) 433-7600 MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. muPi à para -mred A 5-Star Halîburton Resort- Looking for mature, responsible individuals ta work in ail areas of restaurants, bars, and kitchens. Flexible hours, good pay, excellent gratuities and benefits, comprehensive training, op- portunities for advancement. Ap- ply to: Marianne Edwards, The Clubhouse Gallery Restaurant, Pinestone Inn and Country Club, R.R. #2, Box 809, Haliburton, Ontario. KOM 1S0. Tel. (705) 457-1800. B HOTEL needs experienced bar tender who would be willing ta assume some supervisory duties. Union wages and supervision. Write: Post Office Box 1111, 55 Williams Street East, Oshawa L1G 7C9. YMCA