PAGE A6. WHITY FPUE PIRESS, Interiors, FEBRUARY 15, 1989 j NTERIORS*INTERIORS I 1;los]1-le i l er Her's al great way to Save monoy: Buy now, with no money down, and start eNjoying comforabie Carrier central cooiing. There's no payment or Interest charges - nothing to pay except your utility bil. until Labour Day. Then you can pay ln fui! before October 1 - with no Interest or finance charges - or choose convenient monthly terms. Cal! for money saving detalis on this limted-tlme offer for Carrier's central air conditioning or heat pump systems. Carrier gas furnaces, electronic air cleaners, and humndilers, may also be Inciuded. 1- . . , oSuper-officient - uses hait the elec- ticity of typicai, older modeis - Fameous Carrier qualty - for years of comfort and reliabie service - North Amorlca's favourite - the No. 1 brand more people choose than any other. H-EATING.* AIR CONDITI0NING . SECURITY SYSTEMS.- PIC KERING AJAX 683-5757 BARGAINS *BARGAINS *BARGAINS Co *4g; »w PATTERNS AVAILABLE oeCo S4 Durham's Flrst Complet. Discount Waflpaper Outlet. W OSHAWA JAXSCARBOROUGH 140 $MM ST SOM e 1313K4 LNAW 1.. 793 MARK uCON0 PZJT SiOU F J».q (OEfWN HWY 401 & WTWEEN ELLESUMR BARGAINS e BARGAINS e BARGAUNS Furnituemnfacturers use~ reylble materials Landiill sites are filling up; acid rain is corning down -- and Canadians have neyer been more concerned about their environinent. You've got a blue box on your doorstop, a pjle of papers for recycing and a compost heap in the backyard. But what can you do inside your home te reflect your environniental interests? Fortunately, there's neyer been a botter time to purchase furniture that is either recyclable or biodegradable. It's a back te basies time in the furniture industry. Wood, that xnost basic of North Azneican building materials, is niaking a big comeback after years of taking a back seat. Now classic design is taking over once again. There's really nothing like the glow of well-finished oak, pine or niaple in both the old traditional forms and some bright new silhouettes. Metal i8 recyclable and although high tech is less popular now than it was a few years ago, xnany designers. are using metal in new, warmer and more comfortable ways -- in everything from chairs te, accent pieces. Wrought iron, brushed metals, even chair legs of cast aluminumn -- all find a place in the newest looks. Look for Jet Metal, Victorian Brass, B & E Furniture, Baggotes, Avanti and Metalplex when you visit the mnarket. Metal ia also an attractive part of kid's furnishings, forming brightly, colored bed fraznes, lampa for student desks or stools and folding chairs. Arnong the. many children's manufacturera at the show: Amisco, Sheres and Cooey. Lighting manufacturera with an eye to metal include CHIlC, Sverige and Bazz. SEE PAGE A8 b1 ~ 1 4 j y -~ (Y-~~.l I f ~ -k -AE f T 01 OVR 0 TOESIN CA Sales Ends Sai February 18th grs & SniokeSa 'le Reg $6999 51 ai-n9 I7 *Off Our everyday low prnces. Sale ends Febwuaiy 18, 1989 Bulbs extra On sale while Quantifies last: 1624 Dundas St. E. 99WHITBY Mvigor îwîîvvalilg? (at Thickson Rd.) Ask about our NG 432-2424 house order plan. turday Mon. - Fri. 9 - 9 saviflgs and services 1 1989 Saturday 9 - 6 z Lfî oui!D OUR NAME ALONE WILL MAKE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE MACAVE40 0/0