1GE 26, WTT1TY FREEP, RFSSc. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1989 uaris Black visitsHer FROM PAGE 12 comment on the evils of who discouraged his ambitions to disrimination."1 don't think rock stardom. watch television, but when I do I dsrimidnation is right, but, I also "They just couldn't see'a career catch 60 Mfinutes or Oheers. I don't feel that the government in the rock music business for don't have time to goof off or can legisiate it away," Black their son," Black says. ~... ~, party - I have to work,' Blckdosnt ee tathe"ttes. However, Black could see one shoud seakouttoo reey aout He also uses his lyrice to decr for himself and he is on the verge the ocil isue faingtody'stheuseof rug. He is th½e perfect of making, it big. Twelve record oteenagers. example of the adage thp't drugs companies are lookxng to sign Mim U 'ti "inm just too young* and 1 don't and success don't- corne at the. moment. Canada, ~think I would be taken seriously." hand-in-hand. soniedy, _ we may ail be able to 1However, he wrote "Black and Everything looks rosy for this say with pride, "We'fl always White" for his album which is a London-born son of two, eachers have Paris,," EXPERIENCED computer oper- ARE VOU AT HOME AND ator 'Nith own IBM p.c. available for Dnnking and driving is stupzick Hagcue .WISH TO EARN A STEADY contract work. Word processing, INCOME? spreadsheets, etc. Fast, pro- drinking and driving and her you and everyon -e else. Just fessional resuits. No job too small, FROM PAGE 20 feeling about the acci dent. remember, you're very cool when Wee Watch is Iooking for 668-0108. suit when vou've lost a mother? "You could sign a contract for you're dead." reliable, loving providers to care -- ------ ---- --- "I have been through so much life between yourself and your Logan said that between 12 for infants and toddlers. We off er pain for the last five years. I'm in parents. Your parents will pick a.m. and 3 pm. on Thursday, fuit insurance, equipment, pay- pain ail of the time. you up if you drink, not ques. Friday and Saturday nights 13 metfrsauoyhoiasad WR UL IE utcnt "If you go out and drink and tions asked. drivers out of 100 will be im- chmen s c datoys. Cli now or fnd W theFLtimer cîe anin 'ordrvIhven ypa' o A driver's licence is a privi- paired drivers. imed' iae pl . acemnt. fo inhoee time hepfouryc ming you Yu're, notav normath(orhelege, not a right. You could also "Chances are in a lifetime, at immeiat piaemea.nhmeLeen heyub oig ya t ct),Yourejut instu (o theconsider using the designated Ieast a quarter of you will be in ad ceanng hil yo ar atfacs),youe jst tupd."driver system, one driver for involved with impaired drivers." IVWe e work. Please cali 430-7809. Michelle, president of the Lak- evey six people. Tho make the Thadeague .1drivers, offered advice to avoid highi:-.'ays as sae as possible for audience for the remainder of the $41 hassembly. ________Daye DOORS! DOORS! DOORS! and ______ ________________ çhid;i;m h; N~ ~ DoorsbWoo Paelfoors, Mi-MUNICIPALITY OFWlky WILL bbHo 3 n -ey odrrored Closet DoDURHAMr. DD7D)rernoved Court. Phone 430-6060.------------------- DURHAM E~REN~ cr(lmother FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING O IPE< r nplian of two wilt babysit in my home. Cati NEEDS - new or renovations, cati NO TICEM PGEF 668-9694. Brenden at 430-1912. P UB OI PAGEE 1N -------- P BLIC M EE INGwere not happy with the location of the building VAA TRION MOVING JOBS of att types anc Take notice that the Regionai Planning Commttee wiIt "I'm nothappy with that rA~ Ifourth building. I t looks out ýof as,' SERVICES size~~s, whatever your needs. Best consider at a meeting to be held on: lc, adcmitecara raeUERAYr8 99 T :0AM oe Drumm. Batten also adh PLANIN DAR TMEN98, T 9BOADOM.was not happy with the location. CANAL CRUISES on scenicPLNIGD ARM T O DOM Keenan said the building was Trent-Severn waterway and 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY required to meet the density of Riea anl bar KWRTA DE ERWOOD - The first name in the zoning of the area, 2,140 VOYeauR;panal saterooms;TH your home renovations needs - AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM persons, since the height of the VAtt UR mets rebrochureîrom new homes, bare basements. ForREONL FICA PAN NDTE FFC L other three buildings were redu- Pi el;fe rcuetr-m FREE est imates, catt the pro- EINLOFCAPAN NDTE FIIL ced to 15 stories from 22. Captain Marc. Box 1540, ee-fsini 4088. PLAN 0F THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE He adnitted Coscan was not borough K9J 7H7. B fesnast43-88 TOWN 0F WHITBY happy with the fourth building. --------------He said Coscan had suggested TheCLRIN SON IN.Check our PROFESSIONAL PAGE The amendment, as submnitted by the applicant, three buildings at a height of 18 Theagar aiSTed4strONE Ique for other services. purposes to recognize Cullen Gardens, generally stories. CoantrayFinn, sine 94. Bar. nqe situated on the north side of Taunton Road West at the "While the four addresses the boneunter nsne10.B intersection thCcrn SretiteTon f density, it doesn't address the inues wntrpackage, $27/person, *i 4Witya wthCchanttreti te on fg t fin ajoh ItblockS ot inldsdetuxe accommodation Whitby, a a tourist and recreation area. Thereby, in h i ealn rc t, and $10 food credit for use in dining The oIJJ addition to the existing uses, restaurant, miniature -said Keenan. room or tounge - Reservat ions TL T village and garden centre, a "main street" commercial Councillors, however, said they 1-800-263- 8967. B E Spaper development would be permitted. The amendment wouîd did not mmnd the four buildings. --- ___further permit, subject to certain considerations, the "This is a good way to solve in town. etninomuiiaseeanwaefaiiisoths the height problem,"said Buf- BxtNAIio ofVm'nci&aTraiteran, aUtrlftyliiiee oarea.s fett. Mayor Bob Attersley also BONAR RV.'s& Tailes, tiliy, he aea.expressed support for the four. Hlardtop. Tent, Travel & Park The lone objection came from romes. Aso wnings, Adai W 1VI iJ'1 B Y Subsequentîy, the Regional Council wiII consider the Drumm who said he preferred roos, e--ondtioers Trite = .w~-w-.âw-,-lI4 = recommendation of the Planning Committee at a three buildings of 18 stories Hitches & Accessories. New & FLIL! meigobeedon along the waterfront. Us-ed. Large select ion. tow prices. Had committee approved three YOUR FUTURE staiLs witfl... Tri- ta o hugtwrntthe meeting. renngan s ie plan approv Country Truck Driver Training. ta o hugtwrntrengand steapn awuuiu Estabtished in 1978, job searc'h worth advertising- Requests to make a presentat ion before tne Regional by September. aveitne 2nd al daytime. Items must seil for Since the project is located on assitand avîten ouss Council concerning the amendment application must be the former Cartier-McNamara Course f ee incomne tax deductible less thaii $50 forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters property, Coscan needs rezoning 1-800-265-0400. B - price must be Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario approval to residential from in- S----------stated in ad LIN 6A3, and should be received 48 hours prior to the dustrial. FREE: 1989 guide to study- - multiple item ads Regional Council meeting. Keenan told committee McNa- at-home correspondence Dip- must total Iess maenid of vcate her lnb loma courses for prestîgious than $50 enHfeme si osrucino h careers: Accounting. Air Con- * Maximum 15 wod FILE NO. 87-86 D/WW sa bildin cotruction nh ostiogy, ectrnicsBusLegat, * Prepaîd Septmebr. Construction for the CoMeat ScetrPscogy, * Cash or VISA only Gary Herremna C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. whole project is expected to take Trdiav el. ran (s 263 Ade-horVIS olRegional Chairman Regional Clerk six to eightyears. ladel.W.,oroto . 1-800-6300001The committee recommenda- laid St.W., orono. 1800-tion will now go to counicil for 268-1121. B 6 86 1 p-oa etModyngt "qffl ' t f- è . * 1 1 tt 1 yty f t t - * *ê> i.* t t iYà $* *- ý- t -