Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1989, p. 5

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WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUTARY 22. 1989, PAGE 5 omietimes. The three ait down at the gunfigbter table, where no one can sneak up behind you. Politicians prefer that kind of protection. 'The usual," Mayor Johnny indicates, making a circle with bis finger. Lucas sasbays up to them, beer in hand. "Celebrating?" he asks, sipping bis usual. "Just a little libation to whet the appetite," says Razor Strop. "We've been meeting, talking all day long. It's council nigbt, so, we'fl be talking all nigbt long, too, likely. Just a working man's brew." Lucas looks froin the mayor to the two councillors. "Ail that taling must be so much bard work," be says. "Ail sorts of meetings, pbone calîs until who knows wbat bours, sixty, seventy hours a week God knows weput in the bours." Luceas points bis beer on the edge of the table, takes out bis notebook. "Any little quotes for the press?" hle asks. "Any reaction te the 4.5 per cent raise over at the foundry?" "Glad to see tbe foîke get it," says the mayor. "Those peple work addserve every penny."f "Here, bere." "And aot those higb school teacbers. Got a pay bocat of nine per cent. Over two years, mind you. Got a reaction?" Razor Strop shifts in bis seat, sips bis drink. It is a long sip se he plunks down the empty glass. "Glad to see teacbers win a good contract. Plugging every day with those litte." Lucas scribbles, tben looks up. "And on the nurses at BGH wanting a refresbed contract, better working WITH OUR FEET UP by Bill Swan 29 per cent conditions, more money?" "Our nurses are tops," says Bent Broadaxe. "They deserve it." "Hear, bear." "lut bow much more? FIve per cent?" Ail three politicians exchange looks, then nod. "Ten per cent?" More nods. "Twenty per cent?" The politicians by now are inte their third drink -- fiftb for Razor Strop -- and look somewbat uncomfortable. "Well, now, of course nursing and health care isn't a municipal, mattor so itfs out of our jurisdiction you know," Mayor Jobnny says, "But twenty per cent. That's gonna be a might costly progam to put in place. I don't think the taxpayers "Would the taxayers sit stili for twenty-three per cent? Twenty-five?' Lucas pulls himself up to bis full height, which is not very impressive, and plunks bis bands on his hips. "Twenty-nine per cent?" The hubbub freezes into stony silence. "Twenty-nine per cent?" asks Razor Strop. "Ridiculous! Nobody is worth a twenty-nine per cent increase. It wold . .. "HI-is voice trails off as Mayor Johnny, pocksbhim in the ribs and he sees the.hostile eyes surrounding them. "Nobody is worth twenty-nine per cent Mr. Strop. Cari I quote y ou on that?" Lucas scribbles. "And what about you, Mr. Mayor. Would you agree?" Mayor Johnny shifts in bis seat, flicks bMs left hand sideways and cocks it baclr, revea]ing bis wrist watch. 'Oh, dear, would you loolk at the time? We've really got to be going." "Twenty-nine per cent, Mr. Mayor?" But the mayor is out of bis seat and gone, like a shot. At the bat wing doors, he hesitates. It could be worse, " he says.It could be f7orty-five." Lucas scratches bis head, drains the last of bis beer, then p uts away bis pen and notepad. He leaves by the side dýr. He is likely going back to the office to write an editorial. Something about twenty-nine per cent pay increases, no doubt. Concerns presente.d over impact of Durham Heiglits At a ublic meeting Monday night,WbCitby planning and development committee beard a number of concerns and received 93-naine petition from Heming- ford Place residents about the impact of the Durhamn Heigbts development proposed by Graywood. Thbe $300-million, 60-acre developinent to include 350,000 sq. ft. of retail -and commercial spaoe, along bigh density resi- dential areas, is the largest ever ppoefor Whitby. The public meeting was beld to bear commenta for the rezoning of the area to allow the develop- ment. Bob Collins of 308 Kent St. asked wbat impact the develop- ment will bave on the downtown. "Our report shows there will be no adverse impact on the downtown,» said Graywood vice president of land developinent, Rn Wocicki. Jef McFadyen, of 12 Heming- ford Pl., was also concerned of the effect on the downtown. «Is tbis the new beart of Whitby?» be asked committee. Planning director Bob Short replied that Whitby has three central areas: the downtown, wbich be said bas a bealtby future; Thickson and Dundas, whicb bas the capacity for 600,000 sq. ft. of retail an d com- mcercial space; and the Durhamn He* ghtsdevelopinent. 'They are the three large com- mercial are as serving this muni- cipality. We try to make thein distinct, yet compliment eacb other," said Short. Tom Odeil, 25 Hemingford PI., presented the petition which calîs for a nuin er of changes and additions to the design. He asked that rezoning of the s pecial development area of the pi an, wh ere the offce and recrea- tional uses of the development would be located, be withheld because residents in the area bave not bad a say in that area of the development. "Y... why the rush in rezoning? Rezoning can wait until everyone Snow Chec Reserve your ne w 1990 Polaris. Guarantee yourself delîvery q4nr va. w- gt éaq'r9200 1990 POLARIS MODELS 0 Star Q Sprint ES Cà Star Irak " Indy Sport Q Indy Sport GT Q Indy Trail Q Indy Trail Deluxe O Indy Trail Super Trak " Indy 400 Q Indy 500 Q Indy 500 SKS O Indy Classic O Indy 650 Q Indy 650 SKS Your $200 non-refundable clown payment by March 31, 1989 will reserve the 1990 Polaris snowmobile of your choice. Complete the purchase by October 15, 1989 and your Polaris dealer will deduct your $200 down payment plus a Snow Check Down Payment Bonus of an additional $200 from the suggested retail price at the time of delivery. Polaris wiII guarantee availabilty of the model you choose. ln addition to the Snow Check Down Payment Bonus, you wiIl also qualify for any programs in effect at the time of delivery, which are offered by Polaris or your Polaris dealer, providing the purchase is completed by October 15, 1989.* D*W PYMNT$20.SO HC oS 5 el 10USS20 «HOME 0F THE INDY" C HARLES BELL SALES & SERVICE POLA RIS SNOWMOBILES TAUNTON RD. WEST WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 5R5 0 CAII DOUG OR MURRAY (416) 666-2850 OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 31, 1989 * Snow Check Bonus payments are flot avaait"o to principas or eployeas of Polaris * Industries. athorized Polais istribuors. or authonized Polaris dealerships. (v M 99 Polars Industries Inc. - At patcipaling deaers - Void whare prohibted by law can offer their input,» said Odeil. He contended that the impact of the 12-story buildings is un- known. He also asked that the build- ing size be reduced to eight stories from 12 and a proposed entrance to the shopping area of the development be moved soutb of Bassett Blvd. to prevent Bas- sett being used as an access to the shopping area. The rezoning application now goes to various agencies for comn- ment. i Short said a number of con- cerns expressed at a Dec. 6 open bouse on the development will also be addressed. Those con- cerns include traffic noise abate- ment measures anc1 the density and design of the bigb density areas. LAST WEEK FOR 25% OFF PENNSYLVANIA HOUSEmWARMING SALE We Are Overwhelmedl' If you'!re one of the over 2,300 people wbo have visited us since we opened just foui weeks ago, we wisb to thank you for the enthusiasin you bave expressed for our gallery. Comments in our guest book such as "outstanding", "Just beautiful", "lovely furnishings", 'breathtaking" and !truly elegant" have made our work very rewarding. Since our Pennsylvania House-Warming Sale is on until the end of February there is stili time for you to take full advantage of the large savings on this fine furniture!. WINI Corne in to Brenda's and fill in an entry forin to win this beautiful S Solid Cherry Four Drawer Chippendale Blockfront Pennsylvania House Chest Retail Value $2200 Draw Date March 31st/89 Laie Night Shopping. T1hursday & Friday nights from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free delivery within 30 miles. 1 771

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