PAGE 8, 'WHMTY FREE PRESSS.WEDNESDAY, PEBRUA1RY 22, 1989 T'ractor-trailer parking on Dundas not to be permitted during rush hours The Town operations commit- tee bas recommended restric- tionis on tractor-trailers which parlc on Dundas St. E. to service car dealerships. The restrictions apply on Dun- das St. E. from Hopkins St. to Thickson Rd., and are designed to ease congestion. Public works departrnent had reconrnended the trailers not be alo'wed to park on Dundas from 8 a.xn. to 8p .m. but committee mexnbers thought that was too harsh, "Ny clients won't be able to have vehicles delivered to them. Tho only alternative would be loadling off Bowman Ave.," said lawvyer Barry Evans, respresent- ing OWASCO Volkswagn t cornîrittee meetin g onday nigIht tjpon his suggestion, commit- tee agreed to hmrit the no stop- pinigtimes to 7 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 6 TXhe revised time limit was mo>ved by Mayor Bob Attersley who noted the dealers are good corporate citizens and would res- pect the conditions. But one counciflor was not convinced the dealers would obey the tiïne limit. "We have repeatedly asked theni to voluntarily control the off-loading and there hasn't been a inoticeable improvement," said Marcel Brunelle. He asked why council should believe the dealers will respect the time limits when they haven't respected council>s requests in the past. Evans noted that if the trailers are forced ta, unload on Bowman Ave., the cars, which are not licensed, would have to be driven Whitby's original library building at Byron and Dundas Sts. is now being fully restored. Work has begun to rebuild the original archways and repair the damaged ornate plasterwork on the main floor. Restoration of the interior oak trim is almost complete. As well, the attic of the building will be finished ta provide additional usable space withi the building. The main floor and attic have been leased for a local office of Realty World, a large national real estate network. The new office will have 'rheritageh as is its thenie in keeping with the spirit of the historical location. The lower floor of the building is already occupied by the law office of Murray Misldn and across Dundas St. E.. Brunelle said he would support the limit but warnied a byaw offlicer would watch for any failure to comply with the new times. «Those trucks are a real threat to our citizens," he said. Chapman and *Kay Mortgage Brokers. 'We can't wait ta, have the work complete and the building fully occupied," says Nancy Miskcin, owner of the historie building. "It bas taken us time to be in a position ta, pay for all the work needed for a proper restoration.u In addition ta, interior work there will be exterior repaire and landscaping ta further accentuate the appearance of the building. Ail of the work is targeted for completion before May. On May 1, 1914 the Whitby Public ILbrary first opened in the building. A party is planned for the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the opening on May 1, 1989. WITHI RONALD Mcflonald giving instructions, six-year-old Ian Witrah pretends he is a balloon when the popular clown visited Pringle Creek school recently to inform children about safe fitness. (ihe IrsistIble *RRSP What makes our Special Bonus* RRSP liard to resist? In addition to our competitive daily published rate, you get, a onle-haif per cent bonus on an RRSP Guaranteed Investment Certificate that matures May 1, 1990. IThis bonus applies both to new and transfer deposits. Ther, *are no administration fees. And you receive an instant tax recei mJust eut out this ad and present it at your nearest National ITrust branch. Ask us about our complete range of RRSPs. If you're thinking along the lines of a Self -Directed or Mutual Fund RRSP, talk to our knowledgeable staff. - At the branch or on the phone, you'll find themn *eager to help. MA boan could be a smart move. Ctthe most out of the tax benefits of an RRSP by depositing as close to your allowable maximum *as possible. If you don't have sufficient funds available Ilet us show you how a National Trust RRSP I ban can be a smart financial move. *The smartest financial move you cana make. UWhatever your RRSP needs are, corne in and let us look after thern for you. * ATUONALTRUST Whitby I 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 * 352 Brock St. S. 666- 1800 *Trm & Conditions: -Offer cannot be used with other offers.- offer expires March 1, *1989 -'Applicable to contnibutions and transfers in - $500. *mnimumn deposit - Maturity May 1, 1990 - Non-cashable prior t o maturity - Will be renewed for 1 year terni automnatically on ~maturty, uIess advised pror to maturity - Bonus is added to our publshed GIC rate on the day you make your oeposit - 011cr to remail clients only, flot through brokers. mmummmmmmumm re ipt. mmmmmmmmUUUUUUmmU Exhaust removes gas odor at eJerry's, Franlin stores W'nitby firec chief Ed Crouch g ave approval for Jerry's The Drug Sore and Franklin Frozen Foodls at 311 Brock St. to oen last week after the stores h ad been closed while the fire depart- ment investigated a foui odor. Crouch said the odor is gaso- line. It appears to corne from the former site of the Canadian Tire Gas bar and lubritorium. Hie said the stores have instal- led a temporary exhaust system which has been removing the odor. Crouch said the department will continue to take readings once a day until the two stores and Canadian Tire reach an agreement on solving the pro- LOAN CAIL US FIRST BEFORE YOU ARRANGE YDUR MORTGAGE FIRSTS, SECONDS HIGH RATIO CONSOLIDATION EQUITY TAKE OUT PROBLEM SITUATIONS MORIGAGES & MNES TMVENTS 25 Thickson Rd. N. WHITBY, Ont. (416) 432-2951 (800) 263-3810 - MEMBER OMBA - -. MORTGAGE BROKER Restoration begison old library building op