Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1989, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WMTBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDÂY, MARCH 1, 1989 MorleyBain retires after 24. yeassshrf By Debble Luchuk After 24 years as sherif of the Region, Morley Bain will be retiring to bis ranching operation at RR1 Zephyr. The sherif in the Canadian system of law enforcement is not a guný totin' dude as you see in American westerns, the Iaw enforcer with the big star on bis chest. The sheriff in the Ameni- can context is similar to police here, accordingto Bain. The sheriff is the senior law enforcement offlicer of the county or district, for which the appoint- nient is made. As such, the sberiff bas the right to cail upon, and receive assistance from, any person or persons, which includes ail police forces, ini the carrying out of the : ~0- M. 0 Weight Counselling Centre fJ. provides individual counsel- ling by professional nurses! nutrition ists. Oshawa 728-7656 î Whitby 430-6352 ,F Cali for a free, COINSELLING no-obligation consultation. T7he differenee is like night and day." execution of an order or judg- nient issued b y the court. The sheriff is totally respon- sible for the s'ecurity of the court- bouse, the safety and accommo- dation of the judges and the guarding of pnisoners. He is also required to maintain the dignity of the courts within the court bouse> as well as the everyday contact witb members of the le&gai community and general publie. Unlike othen court offliciais governed by rules or regulations, the sbeniff is called upon to make any decisions for wbîcb no rules or regulations are available. Most of tb ese decisions are made immediately and are final, sub- ject only to reversal by a court of law. "We seize assets from a defen- dant to satisfyjudgments, carry out court orders(for e;ampie, writs of possession). We have had 2 10 evictions in the last year and in January alone, 45,» Bain said. "We are sometimes asked to pick up a child in wrongful eus- tody. W e serve subpoenas, court orders.» Bain said there is a staff of 30 people in the sheriff's office. Sheriff's duties and job defini- tion is clearly defined in the Sberifl's Act and the Adjudi- cator's Act. The sherifl's office is aiso res- ponsibie for selecting a panel of prospective jurors from wvhich a Ëury for aitrial can be selected. eslcin process is carried out by a computer, so that a cross section of income levels, careers and other factors can be achieved, Bain said. <'You have to be quite practical. Ruies and regulations are neyer meant to be broken, b ut can be bent to a certain degree. You have to have a lot of discretion,» Bain said of the sherifl's actions. "I have enjoyed my work very much. By working with people, I have become acquainted with the problems of the average person." Bain's retirement plans in- clude devoting more time to his beef ranching operation, and A RETIREMENT DINNER will be held March 31 for Morley Bain, sheriff ( senior law enforcement officer) of Durham Region for 24 years. mPrs.pht bopefully,"a little àolf"ing, fisbing and travelling.» The sheriffs retirement will be marked by a retirement dinner and dance at General Sikorski Hall, Oshawa, on Marcb 31. For more information and tickets, caîl Stuart Roblin at 668-8845 or Gary Lennox at 668-6808. "'the sberifl's office is the oldest going. We were even around in Norman Engiand!" PRIDE application revised EAST END QUALITY MEATS & DELICATESSEN Serving you personally with the finest in meats, cold cuts and cheeses. Try our ready to eat SNACK SAUSAGE $.99 - 100g Sewed RoaÉ Beef on the spit for the BBO "Always In-store Specials" Quick Take OUt LUnCheS ThiS WeekS SPICCÈS Kaisers with lots of meat, Boneless mustard or mayonaisse Swiss Steaks and a pop or j uice. $ ýe _ý5 9 OR> each Pork Schnitzel Special Price on 5 or more. Dutch Gouda Cheeses cold cut specials Half or Whole Wheels Homemade, Mild Med. Seasoned Roàst, 4.85 lb 5.15 lb Beef Spiceci Âag/ -1009 4.85 lb Try Our Gourmet Steaks No Waste - Bîg Taste 104 Lupin Dr., Whit-by. Ont. 1 km. E. of 4 corners Dundas Si. E. four corners $420, 000 and the Region $70,000 as the municipality's share of the work. But because of an error by Durham Region staff, reconstruc- tion of King St. will be dropped as a project using PRIDE fun ds. The error occurred when Region staff forgot to include $ 140,,000 as part of the estimated $245>000 to reconstruct King St. between Dundas and Dunlop. Normally, when a Town sche- dules reconstruction of a local street, the Region uses the opportunity to upgrade regional services on the road. The Region, bowever, had not budgeted for work on King St. witbin the next flive years. Regfion staff then informed Witby that Durham regional .1 - ~b..' - E, è s F EXCI lîý MARCH Ir 2, 3r 4, 1989 ý SWIMMING POOLS e DECKS *BARBECUES e RENOVATING. - LANDSCAPING a DECORATINC* PATIO & HOME FURNISHINGS. SEE EATO NS MODEL HOL Dii!A FABULOUS SHOWCASE 0F HOME FURNISHINGS [ROM P LU49t LEADING CANADIAN AND INTERNA11ONAL MANUFACTURf PLUS THOUSANDS 0F DOLLARS IN SHOW PIE PUS MORE MORE MORE MORE MOI WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1989 (W4bmens Day) .... Noon til 10:00 pm THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1989 ... . . . . . . Noon tiII10:00 pm FRIDAV, MARCH 3.,1989 .. . . . . . . Noon til 10:00 pm SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1989 ........1:0am ttIÇ:00 Pm Admission: Regular Admission: Senior Citizens Admission: Chidren 5-1 5 yrs. Womnen's Day (Women OnIy> IE RE $5 $4 $4 $4 FREE PARKIN FOR 4,500 CARS! lYETRO FASI TRADE CENIF% 1Hwy. #401 & Brock %oad, Pickerrig, Ontario counicil would not approve any work to King St. unless the $140,000 was included in the PRIDE request. However, the maximum grant the Province will provide is $400,000.' The Region's aâddi- tional $ 140,000 would put Whitby's PRIDE request over the $400,000 mark. The Town bas therefore, deci- ded to drop the work on King St. and use the money towards further renovations to the Cen- tennial Building. A recent stu dy on the Centen- nial Building indicated renova- tions wouid cost $1.2 million. If the request is approved, the Town wiii use $420,000 towards work on the Centennial Building, instead of $265,000 originally earmarked for the work. Work would include intenior renovations to the entrance stairs, lobby and second floon; new doors and screens; renova- tions to the existing washrooms; a new two-story passenger eleva- ton; and extenior handicap ramps and stairs. Colborne St. wvill beý recon- structéd to urban standards in- cluding resurfacing, storm sewers, sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Coordnator needed by Kids on the Block Kids on the Block/Durham Region seeks a program coor- dinator. Duties include: recruit, screen and train potential volunteers; monitor performance of volun- teers; act as resource person; arrange press material; attend conferences; some administrative work. Anyone with a few hours to spare can caîl Suuzanne Burton at 576-30 11. Kids on the Block is a troupe of disabled and non-disabled puppets. Durham regional council recently approved a revised PRIDE application to the Pro- vince after a mix-up in communi- cation between Wrhitby and Dur- ham Region scuttled the original request for grant money for Whitby projects. Under PRIDE (Program for Renewal, Improvement, Develop- ment and Revitalization ) the Province and a municipality equally share the c',-t of im- provements to older areas of a community. The Town xvas to apply for $400,000 for revitalization of the Centennial Building and recon- struction of Coîborne and King St. -The work was to cost $890,000, with the Town contributing C) (D CD c: 0» OD CD See us for your freezer needs! .-.a

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