Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1989, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WHITY FPUE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1989 Senior "shudders" to think of market vlue assess ment effect To the edtorj, n cà-an . - - Recently I attended a meeting of. Wihitby council. One of the items of business introduced was the tax assesament according to property values. Councillor Joe Drumm stated. that this would, in bis opinion, be the most controversial issue to be brought to the council for many a year. Everyone except councillor Lynda Buffett agreed that it was an issue tiiat neeciea investigation. The Mayor certainly did, because he had already met with the Ministry of Revenue prior to the meeting and waa able to project the date of completion of the survey. How many other items of business are decided before public is informed? The rernarks made by some of the counillors alone will be enough te divide the town into camps. Rernarks directly to older town niembers, such as. their having had a "free iide" and that they had been "subsidized by the new homeowners" will do littie to, maintaining a constructive approach te this very controversial issue. It would appear from the remarks made by councillor Pj.'nu w Yitn trie except1ion or one, that the issue is already al but settled. Ail is left now is the 'speechiify and the formai passing of a bylaw. Before each meeting begins, councillors nave to dclcare areas of interest, I wonder how many councillors would benefit by a value tax assessment and whether this should be stated. I declare rny "interest" as a senior living in an older property. I shudder to think what such a tax assessrnent will do to my fixed incorne. If I've been having a free ride, who is the guy that's been taking the fare these last 13 years? My advice to the elected council is to play it cool and make my day. A. I. Nethercott Wbitby Car lots should prvde their own spaoe To the editor-. Re: Tractor trailer parkcing on Dundas St. E. Here we go again, threats to the living environinent of the good folks of Bowman Ave., this time voiced by lawyer Barry Evans on behaîf of our good corporate citizens, Owasco in particular. aIs it not about time this council of Whitby tood up againat this kind ofblackmail and got on with the job of protecting their citizens' rights for a change? We are juat sick and tired of being told how good these commercial enterprises are while they go on getting away with ignormng any restrictions placed upon their activities for the benefit of the almighty dollar. This business- of parking trailers on Hwy. 2 is extemely hazardous for the heavy traffic flow being generated on this road. Is it not aise illegal? I arn sure if I were to park my car in this fashion to go about my business I would get a parking ticket in short order. Also, I feel it should be a requirement for these car lots te, provide space on their own property for the accommodation Resident has already paid the price To the editor. I have neyer placed my comments in a newspaper before but my outrage forces me te 'I express my indignation. Irefer in particular to Mike Johnston's article in the Wihitby F'ree Press (Wednesday, Feb. 15, "Town te study effect of market value assessment"). In particular, I refer te, Mr. Bugelli's reference te Whitby's longtime residents as "freeloaders." These wonderful visionarie- who corne te town when times are prosperous know nothing of Whitby's history or tbey wouldn't make such outrageous statements. Before Whitby began te grow as it bas in recent years the downtewn area had sewers, electricity, paved reads, etc. But only short blocks away it might just as weil have been outer space. Yet our taxes suppported that situation for years and we had te, accept it, even tbough it wasn't fair for everyone. I can remember when we bad te bury our garbage in our backyard for iack of garbage collection, use outhouses for iack of sewers, and dig up and dlean weeping tule for iack of storm sewers. I was born in VWtby, bave been a resident of Whitby for 66 years, and am a war veteran. I feel that I have paid the price and shouid be spared the illusions that some counciliors have that the older people of Whiitby living in older homes and on fixed incomes are getting a free ride. The government is spending buge amounts of money te SARC endorsed Copy of Sweeney, Commýunity Services letter to Minister and John Of S&wial encourage older people to stay in their own homes as long as possible. Your proposai is not only counter-productive but irresponsible. Yours truly, C. G. Smith 1Whitby of these car transport vebicles te unioad. Why should we, the taxpayers, have te provide paved unloading. areas free of charge, and'at great inconvenience and danger, for the benefit of a private business. In any event keep Bowman Ave. out of this. As a resident of some 27 years on this street I think we have suffered enough for the sake of the ' good corporate citizens.' Yours sincerely, John D. Townsend Whitby P.S.: I aise feel that the council was out of lime with their reent generous pay raise te thernselves. If tbey did not want the job because of the pay scale they should have said so before the last election and not run. After al no one forced them to take the job. DEPUTY MAYOR Marcel Brunelle buys the flrst Easter Seal from Robbie ( left) and Chris Pud- leiner. Whitby-Broolin Easter Seals campaign is now underway with 20,000 envelopes mailed to Whitby residents. The Rotary Club of Whitby and Whitby-Sunrise hope to raise $15,000. There are 50 children in the Whitby area who will benefiît from the campaign. Fe rs h To the Editor. We fully endorse the Thornson social Assistance Review Committee's (SARO) recommendations dealing with j3overty,, homelessness and It is absolutely important that ail residents who are in need receive a fair and equitable level . of social assistance teo meet their basic need for shelter, food, clothing, and personai and heaith care. The SARO Report, entitled 'Transitions,' makes constructive recommendations regarding social assistance which are long overdue. It is our hope that the present provincial governrnent will respond quickly te this important matter. Ed Sawdoei& Dr. Donald Warne Whitby DAVID HARIES, director of committee services for Whitby Sunrise Rotary Club, presents a cheque to Marion O'Donnell for Durham Save- A-Heart's audiovisual dçpartment. Froe Prose photo The HAIR CARE CENTRE, is pleased to introduce our N gtUNISEX WIMAGE We no w offer complet e hair care service for the entire family No appointment necessary Closed Monday, Open Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 pm. , Saturday 8.10 am. - 5 pan Whitby Mail (Thickson & Dundas) 723-0211

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