W[TrBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8,1989, PAGE 7 PAGE SEVE-N, shi of the last ten years has been a developers' city, yet in comparison, Toronto makes them jump through hoops to gets what they want. The relationship between a developer and a municipality should be cooperative but the municipality has to remember that it is negotiating for us, the people. Sure, the developer owns the property and that gives hlm certain rights; but when a developer, like Coscan, is asking the Town to change the land use of a parcel of land as they were in the port area, then the municipality bas every obligation to get as much in return as it can. Whitby bas only one waterfront and Coscan's is the first______________ development. As such it is the model and4 the precedent for zE3EE-E everything that will follow. When Town Coundil agreed to____________ remove the walkway from the Coscan plan they agreed to remove lakefront access from every development. What they9--e gave to Coscan, they will have to give to every developer. Whitby deait away its entire waterfront, except the parka we. already own. Future residents will go to Osbawa or Ajax to E ' lh e enJoy the lakefront. Whitby's waterfront will be a mecca for the fe w who can afford a priuate lakefront condominium. --------------______________________________ Coscan got a windfall worth millions. The trend in every community from Halifax to Vancouver, from Fort Churchill to Miami, over the last twenty years has been to return waterfro>nts to the people. In every municipaiity where the_ waterfront bas been allowed to be developed for private use, _ they have regretted it. In every municipaiity where it bas become public, tbey are proud of it. There are few places left where one can own private lakefront, and, mark my words on this, Coscan will seil its condominiums on the basis of that private waterfront. t will ask, and get, thousands of dollars extra per unit because of it. iAnd mdch as Coscan says that there won't be a wall around it, the moment residents complain, even one or two of them, about trespassers, the fences will go up. Councillors were quite rigbt in concluding that a 10 ft. walkway would cause more problems than it was wortb, but did none of them think that maybe they should have asked for more? Instead of a 3 metres (10ft) strip, tbey should have gone for a hundred feet. In most places, ahl the land te 60 ft beyond the high water mark belongs to the Crown automatically - should Whitby settle for any less?W r The liability question was a cop-out. The Town has limi- ' ted liability on ail its lands - wby a lakefront walkway is any special problem, only our poiticians know for sure. Every development should be subject to the marble test. When a developer packs up bis marbles and goes elsewhere, then you've pushed too hard. If he only tbreatens te, he's probably blufflng but you niay lie getting close. What governments fail te understand is that all the developer wants to do is make money - lie doesn't have to liue there. As long as be makes a reasonable return on bis investment, he will build. The governxnent's responsibility, on our behaîf, is to get as many concessions out of hlm as possible. The only way to tell when you've pumped the well MMESO IIB EEBI water- out of--4it. NoM 'M 0F WÎI-IfBYf FIRif MrGAX)E, 1885 What bappened in Toronto was that Eaton's tried te set for 47 years. th gnabut the City wouldn't buy it. In Whitby, Csa * Police Chief George Rankine reports four fatalities but no major crimes in Whitby in 1963. ddtthe agenda anCy h eaiswrCngtae. Dr. John H. Wall is the president of the Whitby brancb of the Canadian Red Cross. Whitby sbould bave responded to the original proposai of 3, 22 storey towers, by demanding no more than 3 towers of, say, 12 storeys, 100 feet of public parkland along the 75 YEARS AGO waefot eshui overaîl, more on space and from the Thursday, March 5,1914 edition of the wuatrfrntedpuls accusing ple 6%ofte grud.YuWHITBY GAZETITE AND CHRONICLE dtgra t pubi accesst tlast 0 o hegoude o A fierce winter sterm last week blew many of the slates off the roof of the Ontario County Would Coscan bave waiked away from it? Maybe. There House of Refuge. wa nl newy ofidou.Even if tbey did pack up their Scbool children in Whitby are growing Hyacintbs for the horticultural society's fbower was onlysoneway te find iut. hr, twl nces nshow on Marcb 9. vale,as o wat the lnd smstili the t hl iosnrai- A Toronte man was charged with drunk diving when his automobile ran into a snowdrift valseue ndown ewlmre, oebody, hthoertyCoscn ef on the Kingston Road near John D. Howden's residence. suseuet nr would poetheieredevef lp that poperton hterms The Whitby Gun Club is active with shooting parties and euchre nights.' --- ------------ - m