F F 14 r E E E i s -Council Meeting Monday, March 13 Recommendations from the Operations Committee That the parks and recreation department be given approval to prepare a contract for the Durham Board of Education for use of Palmerston Public- School as a community school. Approved That parking on Crawforth St., Allan St. and Johnson Ave. from Anderson St. to Stewart St., be restricted f rom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The streets are in the vicinity of Anderson CVI. Residents ln the neighborhood have constantly complained about *students parking on their streets. Approved That the parks and recreation department investigate the possibility of establistiing a Bocce recreation facility north of Rossland Rd. Approved That the existing east and westbound yield signs at the intersection of Maple St. W. and Palace St. be removed and replaced with stop signs and that a westbound stop sign be installed on Maple St. at Hillcrest Dr. Approved Recommendations from the Planning Committee That council begin proceed- mnas to have the William Robson Ho use at 300 Byron St. N., designated as a heritage structure. The house was home to Robson, who was Mayor of Whitby in 1905. Approved. That council approve the severance of a lot at 225 Kendalwood Rd. The owner, Marcel Provenzano, plans to remove a garage and single family dwelling from the lot and buiîd a house on each property. Apoe NwBusiness on a recommendation f rom regional councillor Tom Edwards, cou noil unani- noulsy agreed to send a letter of congratulations to New Democratic Party leader Ed Broadbent who resigned as leader lasi week. Approved Fast ward councillor Dennis :ox has requested that staff isk the owner of the Whitby All to dlean up the property. =ox said he was at the maIl :aturday, and garbage was iled around the building. "lt sa complete mess," said Dox. Bylaws 2583-89 To establish a irking meter zone on the :ast side of Byron St. N. fo 0 metres N of Mary St. Sing- a-long EDOUARD and Micha, a singing team, recently visited Florence M. Heard students. Edouard is seen with students who enjoyed the performance. Frec Press photo WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESIDAY, MARCH 15, 1989, PAGE 3 Computer stolen from YMCA/£« Items from Whitby Couneil agenda(s) several offices in the building were broken into. A Hewlett-Packard computer, an electric drill and a small amount of cash were stolen from the YMCA. mai' for a limited time only with the purchase of a Central Air Conditioning system by HEAT1NG & AMR CONDMTONING by Putting it on Your Ga's Bill AIRM AIRk AIR CONTROL CONTROL HEA-riNG AND AIR CONDITIONING LTD. 600 EUCLID ST- UNIT #10 WHIIBY 430-3633 oR 686-3511 Serving Durham Region . Residential. Commercial & Custom Homes Coleman., - You've seen Oie Ilght Now feel the comfort. HEeN &AIR CONDITONI FREE 5 Yr. Warranty 'parts & labour Y IFREE or Electronlo Air jCeaner Ip E 41 More than $7,000' worth of computer equipment was stolen from the' Whitby YMCA when someone broke -into the Centen- niai Building at 416 Centre St. S. last Thursday. Durham regional police say moiomq.çm%