Storefront branch of library to open at Rossland plaza As part of its $1.1-million in grants to various agencies this year, Whitby council has alloca- ted $308,690 for the Whitby Pub- lic Library to open a storefront branch at the shopping plaza now under construction at the southeast corner of Rossland Rd. and Garden St. The library has planned to locate a branch in the new recreation centre. But since that will not be possible for another five years, the library board deci- ded to open a storefront branch to now serve residents in north Whitby. The branch is expected to be open for the latter half of 1989. Other grants approved by council.were: -$2 843 for the Ajax-Pickering and W«hitby Association for the Mentally Retarded -$200 for Brooklin Women's Institute -$300 for Burns Presbyterian Church cemetery board - $4,000 for the City of Oshawa Mlarine Rescue Association - _. $30,~00 for Whitby Arts Inc. (subject to a meeting with ope- rations committee) - $12,000 for Whitby Brass Band - $420,000 for Whitby Cham- ber of Commerce Pote fire led to blaekout A pole fire is being blamed for a blackout that left a large por- tion of the town without power last Thursday night. Hydro was off for one hour and 15 minutes, according to Whitby H dro general manager Tom esaid a fire to a pole on Ma ple St. cut power from four feeder stations in town. Ail of Brooklin, much of the downtown and the Rossland and Thickson Rd. area were ail affec- ted. May said damage to the pole is estimated at $5,000 to $101000. REALTY CORPORATION 668-4000 4% MLS RESIDENTIAL 3% MLS COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 668m4000 - 2,500 for Whitby Archives - 4,500 for Whitby Jaycees - $16,400 for Groveside Cerne- tery Board. WHflBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCHI 22, 1989, PAGE 9 DO YOU NEE D ASSISTANCE? We can help you with: eLight Housekee p ng e Shopping eMeal Pre parai on *Lau ndry Perso rai Care Care of <our Feet (Nails, Corn, Calluses) "8FR VING THE DURHAM REGION SINGE 1982" VALMED EFALTH SERVICES INC. (46)433- 1494 24 HOUR NURSING AND HOMEMAKING SERVICES *FOOT CARÊe 'VISITINO NURSES // -1k~ U~ ~, ' Desi q UaII1Ly. 'JIUVV ~ ~ ,~ - -releasing S.C.U. covers appri 6000 sq. ft. *Reg. Price $24.z #1 Doorcrasher Special wom;flr - only THEe use of!pedrwt THE fertilizer purchase. (limiA E ag GARDEN 'vMR', per customer> SMALL BUSINESS Opportunity? - Problem? For INDEPENDENT opinion, evaluation or assistance BY AN EXPERIENCED BUSINESSMAN cail CASE- (Counselling Assistance to SmaII Enterprises) - A non-prof it service to small business that you CAN AFFORD. Contact: FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK L.D. MACINNIS, CO-ORDINATOR f, (416) 571-1355 Canadd BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS