WH[TB FME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1989, PAGE 7 PAGE SEVEN. After weeks of titillating details, the Dubin Inquiry has adjourned for a couple of weeks. While the press is left to gossip about the next phase, Mr. Justice Charles Dubin and his staff are out softening up the next set of witnesses. Canada would like to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that drugs are endemnic in ail countries, not just here. To do this, Dubin bas carefully planned the sequence of testimony L so that each witness adds new facts while narrowing the manoeverability of future witnesses. Athietes, coaches, and officiais who today are stili denying their involvement are beéing forced to change their tune. To the press, the inquiry is a day-to-day affair, but Dubin -and bis staff know exactly what each witness will say and have laid out the questions to lead us logically tbrough the labyrinth. Unlike a court, where the judge is neutral, Charles Dubin is both judge and prosecutor. Every witness is a defendant, yet no one is on trial. Beginning the inquiry with weightlifters was a strategic move. Because several had already been caught using steroids, tbeir use could hardy be denied. Yet the line of questioning extended beyond these athietes, and implicated both their coaches and the officiais of the sport. We caugbt a_________________________________________ glimpse of weightlifters - the ultimnate jocks - using catheters________________________________________ to inJect themselves with dlean uine in the hopes of passing dope tests ... and steroid pis being bought by the thousands. We saw the extremes to wbich athletes would go to be on top. And then the inquiry moved to Cbarlie Francis. For now he is the star witness, but there are bigger fish to corne. Francis' testimony supported by Issajenko's makes 'it very difficult for Ben Johnson and Jamie Astaphan to stick to their earlier denials. Both will spend the next few weeks reassessing their positions with, no doubt, additional pressure and inducement from tbe inquiry staff itself. When the inquiry is over, I suspect Jamnie Astaphan will be seen as tbe prime witness. Although Canadian, be is now a resident of the Carribean Island of St. Kitt's and could refuse to testify. Yet tbe testimony so far bas been deliberately designed to strip any remnaining credibility if he doesn't. And when he testifies, he will spill a lot of beans. "Dr. Astaphan, can you tell the inquiry what other athietes you have given steroids to? When? How often? Were any of them in the Olympics? What countries?" "As a 'doctor who bas made a specialty of this kind of medicine, you must know others wbo have done the same. Doele you communicate with thern on a regular basis? What - athietes are they treating? Does ___ use steroids?" "Moi were you first introduced into this "branch" of medicine? Without books or courses on the subject, where did , 4 you get your information? Do many other doctors prescribe * . steroids to aspiring athletes? Is it common?" 1 liý1t*i ' "Dr. Astaphan, we have been toid of steroids being bought MYRTLE METHODIST (NOW UNIED) CHURCH, C. 1910 by thousands - where do tbey cornefrom? Are they legiti- Peter Christie, MP for South Ontario, laid tbe corner stone for this cburch on August 27, mateiy manufactured by major drug companies? Are they 1908 and the church was opened for worship in the spring of 1909. The minister was Rev. bought legaily on prescription or under the table? How can Edwy Eratus Howard. The church is stiui used todlay, with Rev. Ian MacRury as minister. Food and Drug inspectors ignore the sale of such large Whitby Archives photo quantities of drugs of su ch narrow legitimate use?" Dr. Astp4n, tstmnyiscetrl et10e ucss f The were dlean for just the previous three weeks? Were the tests done on Johnson'surine which apparently showed long terin use, done on other athletes - if so, wbat were the resuits? - if not, why weren't they? Isn't long terrn use more relevant 75 YEARS AGO than just the previous three weeks?". frorn the Thursday, Marcb 19, 1914 edition of the Tbe Olympics wiil neyer be the saine again. By the turne HTYGZ TEADCINCL the inquiry is over, hundreds of medals will be just as tainted 0 Miss Pressly is the resident nurse for the new WhiMtby branch of the VON. as Jhnsds ws. ill heytoo e rmove? Wll al te eBert Smith, an old Whiftby boy now living in Moose Jaw, Sask., has proposed the aeos o hsas. Will ey e wpoffteo ? Wiilteformation of a Wbidtby Boosters Club. reods the nast te n easbe wiped off th eoks and David W. Macdonaid and Frank Briggs received 25-year jeweis from Beethoven Lodge nodt h end, Dubns hnoewill inlude e gverybody and 100F, at Brooklin. npobosdyédWatohsappen the wrle ute venenigtheandaQuite a sensation was caused by an outbreak of hog choiera on the asyluin farm last week. problein isn't there will no longer be an option._________________________________________