PAGE 14, WHITY FREE PRSS, WEDNESDAýy, APRIL 5, 1989 REESOETEINS (left), Progressive ConservativeMP for Ontario riding, held te frst of his monthly.' public forums at the Whitby library Friday night. And last week, Paul Martin Jr. (below), considered as a contende'r for a future federal Liberal party leadership change, was guest speaker at the annualI general meeting of the Durham Liberal riding asso- ciation. ARE YOU READY FOR A SMOkE-FREE LIFE?' STOP SMOKING WITH LASER THERAPY VV i nwthe reasons why we shouki quit ancient terpy echniues proven over cen- smkng e ail tnied t0 stop by one luries andth hi g lechnotogy etetvely m ansothrand just find that in most used throughouîlie'rd odSna hys ical and psychological Laser'Therapy Centre can help people ike addiction is too g mat. Now theres SunRay you achiee what they can't do alone - Laser Therapy Centre which combines STOP SMOKING. OSHAWA 192 King Street West 571-7867 NOW US THE lIME TO BUTT OUT LaM CAIL NDW FOR APPOINIMEf HOUAS: 9S Oa.M. - 5MOP.nLDgy II~iI PICKERING NEW ROUGEMOUNT SQUARE M75Khg.tonRoad :NT 286-9444 MeFarlae first' with grouped portable unit, IBy Debbie Lchk Lesli MFartae ubic school in Whitby will be tl e first Dur- ham Board of Education school to receive a grouped portable unit. The property and transpor- tation comniîttee recommenda- tion was ratified by the board last week. The decision to make Leslie McFarlane the first school to have- the unit of six attached portables was based on six fac- tors: - projected enrolment for the next five years confirms the need for ladditional portables; - projected pupils for the school are from an indigenous area; - the school bas play facilities which may be encroached on if more portables are placed on site; - the portables are located at an unusually long distance from the school's entrances; - the school bas the potential for portables te be attached, to the building; - the physical site layout allows for t he developrnent, of groupeki portables. Oter, Whitby public. schools considered for the pilot and sub- sequent projects are Bellwood Colonel -J.E. Farewell anâ Florence M. Heard. If the project is successful, three schools will be considered for grou d portble, projects: col . J. E. Farewell, Westney. Heights, 'Ajax and Harmony Heights, Ajax. Property and transportation, committee will review the niatter, netyear. Sc ho00lgran ts FROM PAGE 5 secondary grant increaséd by, 25.7 per cent. Te figures will speli a highér- burden of education expenses for public school supporters. Trus- tees were concerned after the Province said initially that public: school supporters would not pay for the separate school system when the separate systern egan to receive provincial funding. Trustees on the finance and salary committee recommended' that the whole board hold a discussion on the inatter, as well as investi ante the Ontario Public School B oards Association's (OPSBA) action on the matter. :We Treat You e Lke A Star At: 0 HOIYWOOd fHaije * Fran, Karen &Luisa e DMeuK Jae*Da *t BasoJablDen ic e* no TeAttento * e x~x~i'r <A O><v,< Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore and Bali ~ 14 - 16 Days >0 'anadian Jncluding: Air and land tours, Breakfast Daily, Plus Dinner Parties, Russelil Travel 126 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-5000 I ~~LJU Iyl 1 I VIf. 10 TANNINO SESSIONSa $45,OO - Lash or l3row T-Iint Beautiful Nails By Darn Gift Certificates Available, Cal! For An Appoîntment Today d43d4-586e4 Whitby Mal a Thickson Rd. & Hwy. 2