PAGE 6, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5,1989 VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whitby newspaper independent1j Whithyresidents for Whitby residents. By 677209 Ontario lnc. I.. Phone: 668-6111 I f Doug Anderson l3lBrcstetrth ýhe Free Press Building y owned and operated by P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Maurice Pifher Editor PetQ.r Irvine Advertising Manager Alexandra'Simon Production Manager Not long after Town counclils decision to remove. a public walkway planned along the waterfront in the Coscan developmnent, comes an application ta locate the retired Canadian destroyer 'HMCS Ottawa' in the harbor - in waters immediately south of the Coscan development. t's that location which is the only one that appears feasible, due to water depth, accarding to a planning department repart. However, bath Coscan and planning staff have rejected that site at the easterly shorewall area south of the Coscan former Cartier- McNamara) property, as it is "not HMCS Ottawa compatible" with existing and future harbar area land uses. We agree. Recause of a council decision, that part of Whitby is not a public place, just as Coscan had intended in plans ta erect condominiums and keep that waterfrant area private property. Plans ta use the destroyer as an active naval museumn are appealing as a taurist attraction, as Mayor Bob Attersley has previously noted. Also appealing are comments that the destroyer could be used, with management, for more activities, such as a facility for receptions and banquets. However, responses to planning department concerns must be answered by the association and a suitable site has ta be located. Perhaps this application could be considered as part of the longterm harbor development, more specifically, the part that pertains ta recreational activity for the public. Let's do development riglit in Port Whithy To the editor. Bravo for your stand on the public path/walkway around the proposed Coscan developinent. I would also like to lend my support to Jennifer Leet and ber group (Save Our Shore) in their effort to have council reconsider their decision. I'm for good dlevelopinent in Port Whitby. But let's do it right. On Sept. 19 last, I chaired the planning committee meeting on the matter. The Mayor later gave nie a blast for allowing the To thé editor. Re: Residents' meeting concerning walkway at Whitby harbor Did you ever go to a meeting where everybody seems to know everything?That was the feeling I got fromn the meeting at library Thursday, March 23. Where were these people when we, residents of Port Whitby, asked for sewer? Where were they when we complained about the stink froin the sewaze which pours into the harbor caily...for 50 years? Where were they when we asked that the beach be cleanecl. up? And the creek val- public to speak at that meeting. The inatter of the sidewalk was introduced and it was at that turne the question of llability camne forward from the manager for the developer. I would like to know 'what's wrong with council taking the lead and having the developer provide the construction, maintenance and responsibility (iability) for this sidewalk -- of course the developer would pay ail costs. I do not believe or guess that there is a municipality in North ley? And a new bridge? A changeroom at the beach? Refreshinent stand? Where were y ou people then? A developer h as finallydecided to change this dungeon (the lowest thought of part of WJhitby) into something worthy of our support. Now people corne out of the woodwork and say 'No ;>we don't want this developxent.'. You only come on weekends. NWe live here. Port Wvhitby deserves the best. We waited the longest. Rues Wilde Port Whitby resident for 57 years Air conditionng To the editor: If the mayor and councillors wish to stick te their guns about not having a bylaw passed in Whitby to ban those needless train whistles, I think the only way residents can partially cor- rect this problem during summer is to instaîl air conditioning sys- teins in their homes. Then resi- dents will block the sound- and not have to open their windows to receive cool air. But the cost of air conditioning units should be deducted from, the mayor's and councillors' wages. If the mayor and councillors truly wish to help residents, Pin sure they will agree with this simple suggestion. Thank you John Southern Whitby America that is, willingly, giving up the opportunity to have total public access to its waterfront. These lands do require a rezoning and the people will have an excellent opportunity to persuade council to open up the laefront for public acoess, and stop, what I think,ý is an exaznple of a large developer telling council what t6 do. Yours very truly, Gerry Emm Ashburn Appalled at ti*cketing downtown To the editor: I arn appalled at the way Whitby merchants are treated in the downtown area. We have our own business just like many others do. We pay business taxes to the Town and support the Town the best we can. What do we get in return? Well let me tell you. There is a so-called gentleman who goes around and writes out tickets. My opinion, if it's worth anything, is that he loves bis job. As business persons, we have te pull up in front of our stores at turnes to load stock for delivery. Well, can you believe that every turne we do my husband receives a $20 parking ticket. Now tell me, is that fair? If Whitby wants our support then when are they going to start supporting us? Everyone wonders why people don't stop in Whitby. Well the answer to that is 'Ask the icket Man.! I have sat in my store and watched as rnany a turne he stands by the meter and waits for it to expire so he can write out a ticket. What can a person do? Does the Town of Whitby, or better stili, the mayor, want downtown businesses to close their doors because some of us have te pull up to load and unload? Give us a break, Mr. Attorsley. We're trying to make a go of our business in Whitby but if this nonsense keeps up then we may as well say goodbye. A Concerned Merchant Whitby (Name witheld*by request) wC Where were you befoire? LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the Editor on any subject of concern to our readers. Letters should be brief and to the point - rarely-more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the name, address and phone number of the writer; however, on request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the right to reject or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario LiN 5S1 or drop through our maîlsiot at 131 Brock St. N. i