WHJTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAy, ApRIL 19,19g89, PAGE 9 m Sunday aftiernoons of Grand Oie musie By Debbie Luchuk Country nmusic lovêrs of Dur- ham Region are in for a treat if À they- check out Moodie's Motor Inn in 'Pickering on a Sunday aftemnoon.' The Grand Oie Country Club hosts professional and amateur counitry musicians from across Durham Region for a free-form, jmsession with backup band 'The Grand Oie Country Band!' From 2 until 6 p.nx. Sundays, Moodie's has been filled to capa- city with the musicians and country music fans. "The club operates in a similar way to that of Grand Oie Opry. It's for entertainers and for those who want to be entertained," ; s s ounerChester Senior o "It started three weeks ago, and in the third week, we hacLa ful bouse and barely standing Senior, master of ceremonies for the club and member of the 11j Grand Oie Country Band (key- board, guitar, accordion, five string banjo and vocalist), said that the club "is not for, profit. (We're here) for the joy of doing it. "It's the oniy place where pro- fsinimusicians' can meet eacèh other if they're workinq six ni hits a week at a nightlub.' g nior said there is "someone totaliy different every * 10 minutes" to entertain the crowd. At a recent "sessi.on," there were 18 musicians, inciuding four from Whitby, performing. Food is available, with a full menu, and food served to the table if desired, he said. Adacent to the club is Moodie's full res- taurant. .Those wanting to kick up their heels and dance can do so on a dance floor near the musical action. The Gr.'ind OIe Country Club wili "'stay at Moodie's. It is the perfect country atmosphere, and lais a whiolesciiie atlauspI1ert:, tè reia.xed." Other founders of the club have also been "instrumentai" in its success: band manager Herb Wasson, Tommy Bowman inpro- motion, and sound manager Gord Marengeur. «Why did I do this, why did it start? First of ail, I love country music. Second, the hours I enjoy. It's good for the community.» The Grand Oie Country Club welconies anyone Uwith a song to Slflocdie's Motor Inn is located at 778 Kingston Rd. W., Picker- ing. 'Pienie' to be stageil in May As a treat juat before the summer season, the Whitby Courthouse Theatre presents « Picnic, ' the final production of their 1988-89 season. 'Plcnic,' a story of young love and romance, was originally written for the Broadway stage in the early sixties. At that time the play featured two up and coming young actors nanied Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward who later becamne one of Hoilywood's most famous married couples. Nick Nolte also played in a revival of the show in New York. Soon 'Picnic' was miade into a memorable film with actors HrITBY MAYOR Bob Attersley signs a proclama- tion recognizing April 17 to 22 as Kiwanis Music Festival Week. Looking on are Orest Salmers, chairman of the festival, and John Hawson, chair- man of the adjudicators committee. Fe rmpoo William Holden and Km Novak. Director John H. Foote and producer Chris Francom have assembled a -talented, dedlcated cast for the Courthouse production. Ail have been working diligently to create a sensitive and realistic portrayal of young love. Cast members include Sherri Todd who plays Mrs. Potts, Steve Foote as Hal Carter (a role once p layed by Nick Nolte), Frances Heiyar as Mille Owens and Geof Vickers as Bomber. .Pain Dyck is Madge Owens <a role played by Joanne Woodward), Cheri Nelles-Bakker is Flo Owens and Joan Roantree plays Rosemary. Other cast members include Jason Birch as Alan Seymor (the role originaily played by Paul Newman), Sandra Brown as Irmna, Ingrid Sellers as Christine and Bill Peel as Howard. Showdates for Picnic are May 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 and 13 at 8 p.m. in the Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S. Tickets are available at the door on performance night or by calling Middleton's at 664-2492 (113 Dundas St. W). Ticket prices are $7 for Thursday and $9 for Friday and Saturday. On opening night there is a special ticket price of two-for-one. This offer is only for the oppening night show on May 4. For further ticket information, cail 433-0490. GRAND Oie Country Band members are (clockwise, from front) Tommy Bowman (with guitar), Ches Senior, Herbie Wasson, Bob Arnold and Roger Duval. Fr.. Prom. photo For 125th anniversarýy Band meémbers wanted A volunteer brass and reed band wili be assembied te pre- pare for the 125th anniversary of the Ontario Regiment (RCAC). Under the direction of Lt. Elliott Tremeer, the regimental band wili be unique to Durham Region, perforrning bath in a concert format and as adjunct te regimental parades. Rehearsais wiil take place every Thursday evening from 6:30 to 9:30 p .m. in the lower band room of the MeLaughlin bandshell in Oshawa. Band members wili be sup- plied with a uniform. music. and some instruments for loan. Anyone between ages 15 and 50 who are interested in joining can cali Tremeer at 623-2677 (evening) cr 728-8321 (mes- sages). iWe Treat Youi :Like AStarAt [HoIywooc HiHa2j eme aeM 25 ThiKaren Rd.L N. s (Ars r nmBel P:April 27; 28, 29,30 May 4,5,6, 7 - May 11, 12, 13, 14 May 18, 19, 20 : ? '~Tickets at Saywells 14 Simcoe St. S,~ .or at Box Office the night of performance, ,'Students $750 . 1-0 --Th :..62.Russett Avenue sýaw' 1 1 :Entertainirnent.ce m 1