WHITBY FREE PRE8S, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19,1989, PAGE 2U May bloomer PARROT TULIPS are among the most exotie looking of ail bulb flowers, yet they are no more diffi- cuit to cultivate that the others and are just as hardy. This cultivator, Karel Doorman, like most other par- rots, usually blooms in May. HOW TO OPEN YO~UR POOL *e Remnove leaves and debris f rom pool cover. Use a pump, If available, -ta remove excess water f rom cover. *Fold caver, accordian fashion, towards the shaiiow end. Remave compietely. *Conneot ail fittings for filter pump, heater, chiarinatar, etc. *F111 pool ta normal water level. *Test pH level and adjust wlth PH-UP or PH- DOWN as required. Ideal pH range is 7.2-7.6. *Remave dlssoived wastes (su perchilori nat e). " Check filiter. Refer ta, pump and filter- manual for start-up instructions. " Brush wails, sklmn surface and vacuum pool flbar. " AiIow chlarine residual ta drap below 1.5 parts per million before swimming. *Use éasy steps for year-round pool main- tenance programn ~o1us fDrham Since TREE AND TURF MANAGEMENT 17 ASOOATOWrTH G L (N) FAN 8 FOREST RESEARCH LTD 17 899 NELSON STREET, OSHAWA GSHAWA/WHITBY AJAX/PICKEBINO 723-2021 427-3991 NE !The FirstNaualORICBASED 100 Percent Granular Organio Slow Release Naturel Greening Non Burning Reduces Acidio Soul Resists Diseases Improves Soil Structure Reduces Thatch in Soul 30 to 40 "Eueryone needsaa percent in one season ientola-n. Reduoes the need for frequent tku Pest Control Applications Tested andi Proven Formulations for your Lawns and Trees FREE LAWN ANALYSIS $15.00 OFF YOUR ANNUAL PROGRAMME WITH THIiS AD Sunshine facts FROM PAGE 20 f. the most serious. It cari spread rapidly and if left untreated cari be fatal. Signs of malignant melanoma include moles or ;~pigment spots that bled, enlarge, '~cage color, become uneven, ichy or change in other ways. A proximately 16,000 new cases of sin cancer are detected in Canada every year, with about 500 reported deaths. Most deaths are the result of the malignant variety. Extensive sunlight will damiage everyone'à ssidn. Prevention is the best defense. Defenses include: 1. wear protective clothing (long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed bat) 2. wear dark glasses te prevent eye damnage 3. use lip protection 4. avoid repeated overexposure te the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.. j5. beware of reflective surfaces like snow, water,, sand and concrete 6. shade does not guarantee protection 7. protect children from too much exposure 8. avoid cocoa butter, baby and other oiîs, for they do not protect against UVR 9. avoid tanning parlors l0.use suitable sunscreens that contain PABA (para-aniino- benzoic acid) te absorb UVR. Sunscreens are rated in strength and the higher the number the greater the protection and il. use sunblock preparation that contains zinc oxide or titanium The goods news about the sun is that it provides us with light and warmthi, it- induces the production of vitamin D for Our sli ceils, and it also gives us a psychological boost. Without the sun, life would not exist on this plaýnet. - ..* u 'p-~'.~ 'If Yoar Cool ýVith Taunton Pol Ww-;Stay In The re;e- Swim of Things W itho ut Going C>ý Off The Deep End. At Taunton Pools We Now Offer e Instore Financing (O.A.C.)7 e Instant Credit Up To $3000.0O ~ftr1( e No Down Payment per0mon e Payments as Low As $65.OO per (... montli on a complete pool package AUNTO OOL0, 133 TAUNTON RD. W. (AT SOMERVILLE) OSHAWA 571-0189 mý