PAÇxf12oy , ITY RVPlES EDNEPDAy, APRIL 19,i1989 213 BYRON STREET S. WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 4P7 Telephone: (416) 666-3958 SToronto Une: (416) 683-7785 * $ W ?Bulletin Board System: o /ER~(416) 668-2078 e * SPECIAL with this ad X* Only $50.00 off any XTCompatible Computer System r. 8088 4.77/10 Mhz Mother Board wlth 640K of memory e V20 Speed upgrade (Norton SI = 3.7) e *Awa360KufloppyIdriV.0 e One 3rdKTurbopBIOSive.0 e Monographlcs or Color Graphlc Card e Serial, Paraltel, Games ports and Real Time Clock e. Enhanced AT-Style Keyboard (101 keys) e AT- Style Fllp Top Turbo Case (3 LEDS & 3 Swtches) e150 Watt CSA Approved Power Supply e .One Year warranty Parts and Labour *Fully Assembled and tested at our Whltby Location. Systemn with amber monochrome monItor Systemn with Color Graphics monitor (DC2O5S) * System wth EGA card and monitor (DC355) * 20 MEG Hard DUs Drive (Controller & Cables> 30 MEG Hard Dlsk Drive (Controller & Cables> $935.00 $1 175.00 $1 575.00 $430.00 $495.00 EvMr computer syNteni soki( IncIudes the IoIlumwlng software: 0Wiordpriwessor, sprendslmert. daia Ibase program uand desk orgarnizer. This off er valld until Aprît 29,1989 XT end AT are regisiered tradematice of International Busin«es Machines Ai systemne are CSA and DOC approved, opiional MS DOS avaliabie Friendly, Personal Service 24 Hours - 7 Days a week I HO MESCOOP PORK & BEEF ICE CREAM SALAMI $1.79 Lb I38 2 L Bas00g DINNER ROMAINE ROLLS LETTUCE 6 for a STAR BRAND BACON 89 500 gpkg. ONYAALAL T Prickering excluded.from dial"gaea The south Pickering exchange is not part of the Toronto area on the survey to determine direct dialling from Whitby because an insufficient number of calîs are made to the exchangre. Orma Lyttle, Bell Canada sec- tion manager for the business office, said south Pickering doesn't meet the ýcriteria and so is not part of the area for which application bas been made for direct dialling service from Whitby to Toronto. Sityper cent of residents in theWxhitby exchange have to, make one or more calîs per month to the exchange to meet criteria. Figures show only 27 per cent of residents make one or more cails. The survey bas been mailed to Whitby homes in the exchaiiWe area for'an "in favor» or "not in favor" opinion of direct dialling to Toronto. Lyttie says. some responses have been mailed in while somne inquiries have been made. She éxpects many responses to arrive at the Bell office next week. Fifty-one per cent of Whitbv residents in the 668, 666 and 430 exchange have to vote in favor of direct dialline and the additional monthly charge in order'to make 'the change. Lyttle says survey resuits wil June and. then published. If direct dialling is approvedi, in- stallation will take place in 1990. Recently approved wats irect dialling fron Aurora to Toronto, Blackstock to Oshawa and New- castle to Oshawa. Direct dialling froin Oshawa to Toronto -will be assessed sorne- time during the flirst haif of 1989;- Consultant, hired to study seniors' centre expansion Whitby's opérations committee has reconimended that the Town hire a consultant to study the expansion of thé Whitby Seniors Centre on.Brock St. S. The study is exp.ected to cost $20 000. Ti-.c consultant will be askced to investigate tiiree, options avail- able for expansion: - expansion to, the south, which woulci result in the relocationof the lawn bowling facilities; - expansion to the north; - addition of multiple stories.; Youth charged after car theft A 15-year-old Whitby youth was arrested and charged with steaing a car after a 1986 Chev- rolet Cavalier was stolen from Nurse Chev Olda at 1230 Dun- das St. E~. Mondiay night. Durhani Regional Police say the youth cut a hole in a fence and then sinashed a window in the car. H1e was caught in Oshawa by police shortly after the theft. nhe youths cannot be identi- fied under the Young Offenders Act. Save 20% PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE it.t %vhat yoiivew ied al along. Soild Cherry Dining Room Exquisitely gracefuil styling - sav- ings! Group includes china and buffet, table, 4 side chairs, 2 arm chairs. to25 Buy One Piece Save 20% Buy Two or More Pieces Save 25%1 Choose from our beautiful room settmngs including, Solid Cherry, Mahogany and Wicker furnishings and our Customn Upholstery Collection. SALE ENDS Sat. Apr'i29th Corne visit or Galery and &mcoer the fine Qualty and Desig n mail of uir frihn ~P'f*',I ~ Time Is Runnrng Out to Buy More for Less and .7r! -_ , ýý 7;1 - - ý - 1 - --- - - - - à .'l , - 1 ý -- Il - > Uqqm"ý ý il 1 lail