i PAGE 32, WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APiRIL 19, 1989 J ~oin Tsérines has motors for bass enhusast (416) 723-3112 PortlQeshawa GREETINGS To Ail Our Boating Friends Past and Present Have a Safe & Enjoyable 1989 Season PETERBOROUGH -- The expanded Johnson GT series from Johnson Outboards includes motors to meet the needs of every bass fisherman and performance enthusiast. Witb the new produet features offered for 1989, boaters wbo run rigs powered by these motors will find that they can start their engines more quickly, operate them more smoothly, and l1aunch and retrieve their boats more easily than ever before. Introduced in mid-1988, the Johnson GT 100 model is especially designed for smaller bass and high-performance boats. Designed to meet the needs of tournament bass fishermen, the Johnson GT 150 model continues to set the standard for tournament bass engines. Features found on botb the Johnson GT 150 and the larger Johnson GT 175 models for 1989 include QuikStart electronic ignition system and the SLOW (Speed Liimiting Overbeat Warning) feature. QuikStart is an electroni engine control system the provides easy cold starts b increasing idie speedy b automatically advancing th spark until engine temperaturei up ta normal operating rang This eliminates the need ta o .e the fast idie lever as the engir warms Up. On warm starts th 4. ~, nali lime iat by by rie system operates for approimately five seconds ta ensure positive restarts. The SLOW feature senses engine overheating, sounds h overbeat warning horn and automatically limits engine speed ta approximately 2500 RPM. When the engine bas cooled, the horn will stop sounding. The SLOW function may b. reset for normal operation by stopping and restarting the motor after it bas cooled. is The Johnson GT 200 is the ge. largest engine designed for bass rk fishing in the Johnson GT series. rie Equipped with the niost he sophisticated tuned exhaust system of any engine in its class, the Johnson G 200 continues to, offer plenty of bottom-end power for quick out-of-the hole performance, even under full toumnament load, and plenty of top-end power for speed. Its advanced exbaust mufThing system. provides improved exhaust note. Designed with the user in mind, the engine's gearcase and high-performance mounting system provide easy handlingepcal at high speeds. A new power trim, switch provides added convenience in boat trailering and retrieving. Located on the lower motor cover of ail Johnson GT models, -the switch perinits the operator ta, adjust tilt without having ta, reach for the switch on the remote control. In addition ta the base engines, the Johnson GT series also includes the Johnson GT 300. The 300 horsepower.V-8 engine is the worlds most powerful production outboard. Johnson Outboards are products of Outboard, Marine Corporation. 0OSOMC adds 4-ltr odel ~ç3IlO ~PEEROROUGH -- OMO the Quickstart ignition system for Drive., This feature makesg ,%-afDi.the twn.t!vcle fflwer faster starts. Quickstart is an boat as easy tahandle as an system designed for full-transom outside-the-boat mounting, bas added a new, bigger power option ta, its 1989 product lin.. The new 4.0-litre OMO Sea Drive is a 300-borsepower,, V8 model that replaces the 275-borsepowor, 3.6-litre version that led the 1988 product lime. First available to boat builders in late-summer, 1988, the. 4.0-litre OMO Sea Drive will offer faster acceleration and improved overall performance. "The new V8 OMO Sea Drive aiso includes a number of features designed for morepor and quick starts," said Bill ixon, OMO s marketing manager for marine products. "W. have incorporated a new pistan design and newly-designod exbaust ports and transfer passages. These changes contribute ta smootber idling and botter low-end performance under full load conditions. According ta Dixon, the new 4.0-litre OMO Sea Drive features electrorne engine conitrol system that increases idie speed by automatically advancing the spark until engine temporature is Up ta normal operating range. This liminates the need ta work the fast idle lever or pump the primer as the engine warms Up. Another feature of the new egine is the Speed Limiting Oerbeat Warning, or SLOW. This feature is designed ta prevent powerhead damage that can resuit from continued high rpm operation of an engine that bas overheated. When the SLOW feature senses engin. overheating, it sounds an overbeat warning born and automatically limits engine speod to 2500 rpm. When the engin. bas cooled, tbe born stops sounding. The SLOW function Ynay be reset by stopping and restarting tbe motor ailer it bas cooled. OMC's exclusive power-assisted b draulic steering is standard on te V8 OMO Sea Boat launches have begun As the warmer woather of spring more and more shows an intention ta stay, vessels will gradually be seon off the shores of Lake Ontario, as launcbing season at the Whitby marina bas unofficially begun. There is mot a date set aside to, signify the beginning of this annuz: cceremony - as the appearance of a bandful of boats out on the water this woek already demonstrates. Howevor, a definite incroase in activit at the marina will be noticed wben oarly May roils around, attracting local avid boa- tors ta got out and bit ýthe waves for the first tîme this year. a big 1auto mobile. In tbe harbor, doclidng and maneuvering become fingertip easy. On tbe open water, handling is almost effortiesa at ail speeds and trim angles with either siul or dual engine installations. Inaddition ta power steering, countor-rotation also is aviler on twin installations. The 4.0-litre OMO Sea Drive joins a product lime that includes 3.0-litre, 2.0-litre and 1.6-litre niodels. QuickStart and SLOW aiso are standard features on tbe 3.0 and 2.0-litre models. Power-assisted bydraulic stooring is standard on the 3 .0-litre OMO Sea Drive. HMCSOttawva FROM PAGE 30 Whitby barbor and residèntial development,» says Spring. He expects the association to respond to the department's con- cerns witbin two montbs. The HMCS Ottawa is an anti- submarine escort buit in Canada. It was launcbed in 1953. It bas an overail lengtb of 366 feet. The sbip's war complement is 16 officers and 267 men. Peace time complement 15 12 officers and 198 mon. The Ottawa is now boing used for NATO training exorcises. She also bas a hanger dock, large belicopter filgbt dock and café- toia facilites. r mai