Two local teanis are in touch football league For the first time in its bis- tory, the Scarborough Touch Footbai League is promoting a women's division. The division wili have six tearns, two of them from Osh- awa. "We are out for the exercise and good timnes. There is no biocking, pushing or shoving. «We are a recreationai team," says Mardi Melas, manager of one of the two teams, Oshawa Double Blue. The second team is still iooking for a srnor.q o a Oshawa Double Buenw a 15players but is iooýkinigfo2. layers, are aged ) from high school to "Whatever," according to Melas. "We have ladies that are 40. There is no generation gap on the teani." Cost is $25, and there is no equipment to be purchased. Gamnes are played Sunday mornings in Scarborough with the league games being piayed from July to Octoer. According to Melas, the league will also provide an ail-star game, photo identification and sponsors will provide sweaters. Melas says the league hopes to ex p and to'12 teanis next year. he team is already practising and is looking for more players. Anyone interested is asked to cail Melas at 668-6674. LETTER: Frustrating To the editor.s As the hockey season comes to an end, a speciai thanks goes to our coaches for a great job done this season, teachingour boys to play a teani sport onestIy and that winning isn't as important as having fun. After hours spent in the* cod stands, ýwhat a great. reward it is for us parents, to watch wobbly legs stop athe puck, or to watcb a young defenceman- -score his firet .goal.- UJnfortunatLy, nhotl al ýCcchs have- the same ouïtooIk, aà Oirs did. Someféol you haveéý- fli yo U have to be jm.first plae and will stop at nothing to ge.t thore. How frustrating it is as a -apeceta-. tor to watch ruies broken 'and physicai abuse taking place on the ice, and a hockey officiai turning a blind eye to these. What happened te penalties? Did someone tbrow away the ruie. book? As parents, it's up to us to encourage our kids te play fait- The Dubin inquiiry bas expoÉéd a lot of Canaia athietes who took drugs te, be the best and fastest (and te, end up in first liace). Is this what we offer Our kids in the future? Tke a god look around. Hockey parents and coaches out te, win ail the tinie oniy encourage what the Dubin inquiy is condemning. Where did the violence in the NHL corne froni if not from people like you? My oniy ho p e for next year is that our offiiais wili simply w ear gasses and we can get through another season having as much fun as we did this year. Keep up the-good work, boys, you're doing a great job. We're proud of you. P1eas let's keep Cpolitics in -Ottawa'.where -it blngs nd ntin,,Broolklin/ WhitbyM I okey. Namne wt:heldy requestm. Curling FRObf PAGE 40 YEA.R-END Capturing the Keith Adair memorial trophy as winner of the year-end spring spiel for Little Rockers (aged6 to 12) was the rink skipped by Jobhn Owens. With Owens were vice Marlee Wastle, second Darren Muirbead and lead Andrea Tooze. Runner- Uwas the rink of skip Clayton Law, vice Melissa Winters, second Ryan Milford and iead Lyndsay Portier. WHJITBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 19,1989, PAGE 41 Reach For And Save! SUPER *SPECUAL 1 [SUPER *SPECUAL SCENTED, UNSCENTED Tide Detergent 10 LITRE BOX WITH COUPON BELOW SUPER * SPECIAL GRAVES Pure Apple Juice 48 OZ TIN .99B LIMIT: 4 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE TOMATO Heinz Ketchup 1 LITRE JAR WITH COUPON BELOW ISUPER * SPECIAL,ý WrTHTI~S SAVE 201 ASSORTED FLAVOVES IEXCWOiNG UIME RIC I<YBUER LEMON COtWNS MIX ICanada Dry ' I Beverages ', CASE OF 24 - 20 ML TINS (unit cost .0pr10m ILIMIT 1 case pr cupon. L OR VALIO thru April ?2ncI 19M9 (emtu rhOut coupon 699)1'. l T, gourmi ~25l~i~USTAINLESS STEEL ~,Y IVA RE, u5-,«Piece PlaceSetting WITH 20 SAVER SjTAMPS OnIy SEE STORE, FOR COMPLETE DETAILS ÀSSORTED PLA'ýOURS (EXCLUD1tING LIME RICKY BITTER LEMOiN, COLLINS .:m-iX Canada Dry 49 (Ui7 s 50 PLUS MO PER BTDEOI ÀÉSORTED FOLAVOURS - HERITAGE FARM I4MIT: 13 PER FAMILY PURCIIASE"'ý Very-Special.2~g Ir~2 LITRE ~~m ~~uu M U B- w - :. GENERAL WITH EVERY ONE ADMISSION $5.0OPURCHASE TICKET OFFER AT Receive $2.00 off regular $40OO General Admission Ticketsi. Offer subject to availability of seats. (Valid thru May 28, 18. EIH THI C 1E.00 IIWITH THIS CM SAVE.u *COUPON E~SV COUPON SCENTED OR UNSCENTEO 1 TOMATO ITide I1IHeunz I DetergentKetchup 10 LITRE BOX 1LITRE BTI. l6m9ER 1B99 uuff 1 bx pu couon.UMff: 1 bd pe« cupon VAU eruApr Zid 1MOFl VAUDO tnu Apnl 22nd 190 L (Feelt- pnoe outout tcoupon 7») S.C #E Jj (u m paco w&Oioucoupon Z20sC,#6 70 THICKSON RD@ Se ,WHITBY