LIVING WELL A Living Well program lecture will be held Thursday, April 20, 1:30 p.m. at the Whitby Public Library. Guest speakér is occu- pational therapist Fred Kooy who will discuss leisure time re-planning. Admission is $1 ana covers refreshments and -chance for dinner for two at the Golden Griddle Restaurant. Call 430-7729. SUPPORT GROUP Friends of Schizophrenics, a support group for families and friends of schizophrenics, will meet on Thursday, April 20, 7 .m., at St. Mark's Church ouse, 200 Byron St. S., Whitby. Guest speaker is Dr. H. Shah of WhitbyPsychiatric Hospital. For more information call 666-2598. CLOTHING SALE The Durham Reion Twins and Triplets Club wi hold a toy and clothing sale on Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Kingsview United Church, 505 Adeaide St. E., Oshawa. For more information call 666-1130. BINGO A fundraising 'Midnight Mad- ness Monster Bingo' wil be held at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering on Friday, April_21, 11:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. There will be $10,000 in prizes and a $5,000 jackpot. BRIGHT CHI.DREN The Association for Bright Children works to increase understanding and acceptance of bright children at home, at school and in the community. A eneral meeting will be eld esday, April 25, 7:30 p.m. at the Whitby Public Library. New members are welcome. For more information call Martin Reid at 436-3767. EUCHRE The Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 112 of the Legion will hold a euchre at the Legion, 117 Byron St. S., on Thursday, April 20, 8 p.m. Prizes and lunch. ost is $2. All welcome. LEARNING DISABILITY The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario, Oshawa chapter, will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, A ril 27, 7:30 .m., at the itby Public Library. Laurie Cook special needs coordinator for burham College, will talk about the availale opportunities for learning disability students in post-secondary education. The association is a parent support group. All welcome. For more information call 623-4934 or 723- 9048. ST USERS ST Users of Durham meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 .m. in room 106, Anderson CVI. opic for the Tuesday, May 9 meeting will be "Computer Animation." For more informa- tion call 666-3958. MEETING Ontario Friends of Schizo- phrenics (Durham Region), a support group for family mem- bers and relatives, will hold their monthly meeting at St. Mark's Church House, Byron St. S., Whitby, on Thursday, April 20, 7 p.m. WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1989, PAGE 43 NURSING DEGREL • Registered nurses in Durham Region who have considered obtaining a degree can attend two sessions to learn about the nursingdegree program. Ryerson Polytecenical Institute, in coop- eration with Durham College, offers the proram (first session) Wednesday,May 3, 1:30 to 3 f.m., at Whitby General Hospital second floor dining room) and (second session) at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, building 30 auditorium, 4 to 5 .m. Speaker will be M. Booth, Ryerson nurs- ing coordinator. For more infor- mation call 668-5881 (ext. 5306). FLEA MARKET The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold a flea market on Saturday, April 29, 1 to 3:30 p.m. Plants, home baking, books hardware, white elephant and nearly new items will be fea- tured. Admission is free. 10TIANNIVERSARY The East Whitby Housing Co- operative on Ribblesdale Dr. will celebrate its 10th anniversary with an open house on Saturday. April 22, 1 to 4 p.m. at the co-op, and a dinner-dance, 6 p.m. to 1 a.m., at Holy Family Church (across the street from co-op). Former co-op members or those who know wherebouts of former members should call Chris Mer- lin at 668-0125 or Irene Carey at 668-2716 by April 1. Coming events FLEA MARKET The annual indoor/outdoor flea market, craft and bake sale will be held at Kathleen Rowe public school on Athol St. on Saturday, April 29, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is held as a fundraiser for Gr. 8. To rent space or for more information call Cheryl Irvine at 668-1862. GIANT SALE The Durham Region Parents of Multiples Club will hold a giant nearly new sale of kids' clothes, toys and baby needs on Satur- day, April 22 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Kingsview United Church, 505 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa. For more information call 666-1130 or 433-0617. STATION GALLERY The exhibition, 'Art Track '89: Whitby Students Art,' will be held at The Station Gallery April 8 to 30. The exhibition shows the progressive development of art education from kindergarten to Gr. 13 in the Whitby-Brooklin public and secondary schools. LECTURE The Living Well program for seniors will continue the lecture series with 'So What Do I Do with the Rest of My Life?' on ThursdayApril 20, 1:30 p.m., at Whitby ublic Library. Occupa- tional therapist Fred Kooy.will discuss leisure time re-planning. CALL A PROFESSIONAL *e.....F..eeeeeeeesFe.... roSt~E ALS DRYWALL • Ornamental design ceilings L e Plaster work Painting & decorating General contracting 668.8958 666.1657 Scotty'i AI is i si a si za isiil i sBlin. LAWN MASTER Weed Control - Ferilizing Lawn Insect Control Complete Lawn Care Programs ; Gov't Licenced - Owner Operated S~728- 3589 i is iU il i smm =i aosaisialam i§% D and S i General Contracting i 9 • Landscaping 9 i •Interlockin Stone 9 4 • -Fences ecks S 430-6364 PATRICK'SGENERAL SERVICES Renovations and home improvements from your basement to your roof. Roofs, patios, decks. Phone 430-1422 SMALL APPLIANCES REPAIR SERVICE Complote small home and commercial appliance repair. Authorized service for Black & Docker, Proctor-Silex, Eureka, Melitta. Specializing in vacuums & pol- ishers, power tools, air con- ditioners, dehumidifiers and lawn mowers. 220 Ash St. Whity, Onta3 r 43o-837e Sewing Machine Repairs All Makes ' COMPLETETUNE'UP $34.95 REÇONDITIONEDSEWING MACHINES FROM Ç40.00 57,14385 ToplineSewinq Centre ..400 King St.W.,,,.,, Dines Plaza, Oshawa SQUEEGEE KING WINDOW CLEANING LTD. Residential Windows, Screens & Frames Eavestrcugh & Aluminum Siding Cleaning OSHAWA-WHITBY•AJAX 432-2~160 MR. TRIM LAWN & GARDEN MAINTENANCE Pruning & Landscaping Free Estimates 623 9711 RRIF'S- ANNUITIES FOR FREEQUOTATION CALL HERBTRAN 725-6564 m wwwww- BIKE RIDE Whitb Kiwanis will hold their annual'Bike Ride for Cancer' on Saturday May 6, startin at 10 a.m., atédentennial Park.tIPrxzes, free bot dogs, yop. Sponsor sheets available at local stores, schools and banks. For more information call 427-5655 or 434- 6899. CRAFT SHOW incraft show and sale will bee don Sunday, Aril 30, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,, at eyden- shore Pavilion in Whitby. Admis- sion is $1 (children under 12 free). Door prizes and 41 exhibi#s of crafts on display. BAKE SALE 'Odds 'n Ends 'n Bake Sale' will be held Saturday, April 29, 1 p.m., at All Saints' Anglican Church in Whitby. Dishes, linens, small appliances toys, sporting goods, books, clothing jewelry, pictures, plants. Pro- ceeds to Outreach projects in Durham Region. HELP FOR VETERANS Veterans or members of veterans' families can obtain in- formation about pensions, allowance and medical assistance on Tuesday, April 25, 9:30 a.m. to noon, at the Legion branch in Whitby. For more information call enis (Miles) Delaney at 668-2730. FASHION SHOW Henry Street High School will hold a fashion show at the school on Thursday, April 27, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., as a fundraiser for cancer research. Tickets are $3, available at the school. For more information call the school at 668-2731 and ask for Ms Elliott, Mrs. Reiart, Melissa Korach, Michelle Rai, Larry Hall or Erica Wendstrom. ' *CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES •CONCRETE WORK *BRICK AND STONE WORK *ADDITIONS *LEAKING BASEMENTS, ETC. CONSTRUCTION CO.LTD. CALL US FOR YOUR BUILDING INSPECTION BEFOR1E YOU BUY. BErrER "BUILDING DETECTIVE" BUSINESS 42'7-O59 c 428-8-13 BUREA BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE TH ERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVE. S. AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 m - % VýHOLESALE & RETAIL* -1-ýl -ý- -mm- -fflo- ýffl- -ý- -mmý -ý- ýffl- -UNI- ýffl- ý