PAGE, 46. WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19,1989 FARM AUCTION AUCTION SALE SUNDAY AUCTION SAT. APRIL 22 - 10:.30 A.M. SAT., APRIL 29 - 1100 A.M. THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 23RD 1-.0 P.M. - PREVIEW: NOON Selling a full lino of farm ma- chinery, 3 tractors & some furn- ituro, the proporty of MRS. JOY BRIGHT,. R.R.#1, Oshawa, Thorn- tan Rd. Narth btween Conc. 8 & 9 or 1 mile west of Raglan then South. Watch for signs. Farm Sold. 510 Belarus 80 h.p. tractor with« H/D loader (950 hrs.), 165 Massey tractar, M/F 50 tractor & loader, M/F 60 combine P.T.O., 273 N/H baier, 479 haybino, M/F side rake, #3 M/H baler, 32' Mayrath grain & hay elevatar wth under carniage, 7' mower, M/F manure spreader, 7' Lucknow snow blower, 3 wagons, 3-furrow M/F plough, 17-row seed drill, 10' cultivator, 9' double disc, 1' 1200 A/C cultivatar with wings, harraws, post-hole auger, hammer miii, tractar chainis, 7' blader, 24' grain auger, scaies, fanning miii, steel gates, barn fans, cedar posts, snaw fonce & steel posts, rails of new fence wiro, compressars, shap vac, niew pumrp & tank, curcular saw, 200 bales of straw, wagon-laad of smali items & many tools, pile af scrap metai. Kenmare 30" 'stave, 19 cu. it. freezer, chesterfield & chair, dressers, aid trunks, dishes, T.V., add chairs, sewing machine, 8-sided games table, aid waoden washing machine, -antique pump vac., aid law books, lawn furniture& much more. LUNCH A VA ILA BLE. TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE WITH . Owner & Auctianeer wili not be, responsible for accident or injury in cannect ion with this sale. DON & PHIL COCHRANE AUCTIONEERS 985- 2788 Port -Perry AUCTION SALE KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSu --every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north af Hwy. #401 (exit #399. Featuring oe7r Wed. an excellent selection at antiques, fi!ne f urniture, glass, chna, cailectables, primitives, and the unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. and participate in one af Ontario's "Trueu Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. wConsignment & estate solling aur specialty. Cali us today. Proviews f rom 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTIOti SERVICES (416)683-0041 GO1NG OUT-OF.BUSINESS AUCTION THURS., APRIL 20 - 10:00 A.M. at Ward Machine & WeldIng CLAREMONT Compiete shap equipment, tools, including welders, lathes, milling machine, 75-ton hydraulic press, drill press, metal roller, brake, etc. mIn. 275 diesel tractor with hy- draulic loader & rear fork lft, 784 Chev. 4 x 4 with piow. Phone for flyer or see ist April llth. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS Barry MoLean Auctioneer Lndsay 324-2783 DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL SERYIICE? if so, advertmse in aur Em poyment Wanted sectIon of The Whitby Free Press. No lob too big or small Cali 668-6111 and watch the business ral ln. Selling a 3-bedroomn brick bun- galow with a new 20' x 30' ga- rage on a high country lot with a panoranic view for miles, plus furniture and appliances, the pro- perty of George and Hattie lrwin, R.R. #2, Port Perry, 1 mile south of Prince Albert on Simncae St., between Conc. 2 & 3, Scugog Township West inghouse fridge, 24" Findlay elect. stovLe, 21 cu. ft. Viking freezer, wringer-washer, 2 an- tique washstands, 2 old dressers in good condition, sideboard with mirrar, china cabinet with glass front, 2 iran beds, cedar chest, 6 cane-back. chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, arm chair, chesterfield & chair, old Singer sewing machine, small tables, bookcase, vacuum cleaner, telephane bench, 2 aId buffets, dishes, silverware & chest, setting for 6 , Staffordshire dishos, many cups and. saucers, small appliances, linon & bedding, riding lawn mower,'. gas push mower, Terry Rota-tiller, gardon tools, and much more. Viewing af Real Estate on Sat.& Sun, April lSth & l6th, 2:00 ta 4:00 p.m., also on Sun., April 23rd, 2:00 ta 5:00 _ and each evening of the week preceding sale f rom 6:30 ta 8:00 p.m. TERMS: Property selîs subj oct ta a reasanabie reserve bid with $10,000.00 down ýday of sale, balance due in 30 days or before. Lunch available. Owner and auctioneor will not be responsible for accident or injury in connec- tion with this sale. Sale managed and sold by: DON & PHIL COCHRANE AUCTIONEERS PORT PERRY 985-2788 AUCTION SALE SAT., APRIL 22 - 6MO P.M. at Oddfeîiows Hall, Port Perry Antique lamps, china, glass, MTD snowblower, 225 arc welder & tools, washer & dryer, housohold & baby furniture, a desk, moped, new counter tops, and lots more. VIE WING FROM 3.00 P.M. SALE DAY. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 GARAGE & YfARD SALEJ MOVING SALE - EVERYTHING MUST GO! Saturday, April 22 - 9:00 amn. ta 3-00 p.mT., 925 Byron Street South, Whitby. Something for everyonel HUGE SIX-FAMILY GARAGE SALE. Fumiture, appliances, hardware, plywood, books, art supplies, housewares. Something for the whole familyl 9 Churchhiîl Crescent, Whitby. Durham #23, south of Highway #2. Saturday, April 22nd, from 8-00 arn. YARD SALE, Saturday, Apr. 22, 9am - 4pm. 506 Byron St. S. Furnîture, ornaments, dishos, records, books, awnmowor, lamps, tralien accessorles. Owners moving. Knights ai Columbus Club 133 Brock Street North, Whltby Antiques, traditional furnishings, collectibles, including; large mir- rored-back sideboard, 3-pce. turn- af-century bed set, pine banches, harvest table, oak washstand, pine dresser, 3- & 5-drawer silver chests, press-back rocker, claw- foot bookcase, Orientai carpets, oak bow-frant china cabinet, love seat, duck decays, variaus parlaur & occasional tables, curia shelves, brass bed & rails, coffee & end table set, lamps, shaving stand, country bed, assorted dressers, chests and vanity, pariaur chairs, Nippon, German, Bavarian, En- .glish, American, glass & china, cheval mirrar, brass, copper & cast iran decoratar pces., capper weathervane & stand, oak parlaur stand, oak desk, coat rack plus many items flot listed here. TERMS: CASH, CHEQUE. SNACK BAR AUCTIONS UNUMITED 519-527-1847 AUCTION SALE SAT., APRIL 22 - 1111:0 A.M. Estate af MRS. MERCER on the main street in Orana. Household, furniture, antiques, coilectables, tools, pinejupbard, buff et, aId rugs, pine bxsail iamps, ches- terfieîd, dining-room table, dres- sers, mantle dlock, lawn mower, number af tools, drap-leai table, cane rocker, dishes, many mare pieces. TERMS:- CASH. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-5398 East Central Ontario HEREFORD Zone Grass Roots Sale May Sth 1989, Peterborough Fairgrounds. Show 4:30 p.m. - sale 7.00 p.m. Catalogues availabie. Contact Ka- thy Hadden (613)962-2414. B CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., APRIL 21- 6:00 P.M. Refinished oak sideboard (with mirror), unfinished oak side-by- sîde, mahogany vanity, wainut tea wagon, oak drop-leaf tables, wal- nut whatnat stand, 6' pîne storage cupboard, oak dressers & chests- of-drawers, cedar chest, wicker baby carniage, 4 ice-cream parlour chairs & table, Victorian chester- field, walnut. coffee & end tables, aak hall seat, q uantity of china, glass & callectable items. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.IR. #11 Little Brtain (705)786-2183 Exceptlonal Antique Furniturs AUCTION SALE SAT., APRIL 22 - 5:30 P.M. PETHICKS AUCTION BARN Haydon 10 mlles northoast of Oshawa Exceptional quality antiques hlgh- ighted by 9-plece ornately- carved oak dining-roomn suite, ex- ceptionai 6-pce. walnut bedroom suite, spectaculai' aak parlour chalrs, several Jacobean parlour tables, washstand, rockers, lamps, lots of antiquus, collectablos and much mnore. wThe Friendly Auction". STEVE UPTAY à GARRY POWELL 263-8710 IPrivate Sale BRO OKLIN' $1859 3+1 Bedroom Bnao I on large treed lot, I garden, paved drive.* Llbrary, public and I Catholic primary schools, parka within, walking distance. 8 Heberdown Crescent, Cail: 725-9382 I for Appointment. Please no agents SHORE FRONTAGE - Prince Edward Island. Twa parcels each containing 750 foot of frontage. Located Western' P.E.l. Contact Alan Warren, AMorton, RLR. #2, P.E.l., COB iBO. (902)853-2455. B 1,000 SQUARE feet, hoist, office, washroom, air supplied, parking, $800.00 a manth. Phono 985- 0422 (days); 649-3434 (evenings). WHITBY 3-bedraom townhouso, 1-1/2 baths, 4 appliances. *$990-00 pus utiliti:s - May 1s9 - f irst and as. Poe683-3940 ovenings. FARMERS WANTED - who nee a botter tax returnl When we prepare your tax roturn, yau'iI receive eqvery break coming ta yau. You'll pay the Ieast tax possible. And you'il get ail the new Tax Reform tax credits. Cal! FBC - Toil Free 1-800-265-1002. Home appaintments are stili available for 1988 Tax Returnsl B Replace 2 Windows at the O.P.P. Detachment, WHITBY, Ont. TENDER #0131-89-019 Sealed Tenders wiIl be recel- ved until 2:00 p.m. Local time on - THURSDA Y, MAY 110 1989 Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Govern ment Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontarlo. L3V 6K7 Note: For further information regarding the Tenders, please caîl the Tenders Office at the above address, telephone <705) 325-7403. screen replacements at the. Psychiatric Hospital, Nurse's Residence, WHITBY, Ont. TENDER #QBL-BLD-M Sealed Tenders wiIl be recel- yod until 2:00 p.m. Local time on - TifSDAyiMAY9, 198 Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Govemmrent Ser- vices, Orillia District Off ice, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3 6K7 Note: For further Information regarding the Tenders, please cal the Tenders Off ice at the above address, telephone (705) 325-74.03. BUILDINGS - Factory lnventory 28x40 - $3,986; 40x60 - $5,450; 46x90 - $8,900; 60x120 - $17,000. Clear Span Widths.from i20 foot ta 240 foot. Cal now 1-800-387- 2203 or (416)792-2704. B BEST BUILDING BUYS .- Com- pare - Complote Commercial quaiity straightwalls 4Qx64x15 - $8,840. (Not. quonsot type). Si- milar savings on varioùs - limitod steel. Serious buyors only. PARA- GON 1-800-263-8499) (24 hours). BUILDINGS FOR SALE by manufacturer: Pioneer quonset 19x9x26 $1,999; 40x14x60 $5,899; with endwall and endwall with sliding doors. Econospan staightwali 24x8x20 $2,999; 40x14x60 $8999. Wood-steel with endwails. Limited stock. Cali 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). B A-Z Pre-Eng. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, actioh & answers (416)626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 p.m. weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. B BUILDING SPECIAL Clearance - 20 x24 ft. -$2,500; 24 x24 ft. - $2,800; 28 x 36 ft. - $4,000; 32 x 36 ft. - $4,500; 36 x 48 ft. - $6,600; 40 x 60 t. - $8,300. Cal 985-7930.