Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1989, p. 47

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WuFREE pRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19,1989, PAGE 47 DAYCARE- WITH- A DIF- FERENCE. A house is nota home without children. I know from personal experience that no one can duplicate the love and care you gîvo your child but this loving,- responsiblo mother of one wiIl try. Our large, foncod backyard and huge ýdock Is an open Invtation to sandbox play, bail hockey, summrrer forts or quiet stories. The children are unaware of the diligent supervision they receive because it-,*is given in a relaxed and loving 'manner that g ives your child the opportunity to f eel f ree to learn and g rown in an enriched whome-away-from home" atmosphere. If this is the kind of daycare ,yur child needs, please caî1 666-1869, ask for Christine. ANDERSON & DUNDAS area - Responsible, reliable mother would like to provide daycare in her home. Playroom, deck, fenced backyard and hot meals. Phone 430-2087. NEAR Bonacord and McQuay. Experienced home daycare, quality care, nutritious meals, stimulating activities, compan- ionship and lots of huqs. Rea- sonable rates, reférences and receipts. 430-6686. GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus free shipping prograni. luy from the sanie source as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 (604)682-6636. B NORTHER N FOOD TREES. Old-fashioned applos, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, ever- greens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Cata- logue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank, Ontario. KOK 2L0. No phone. B SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark and Sylvania Lamps. Hydroponic kits and books plus much much more. Send $2 for catalogue. Green- house and hydroponic store, 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont. NSW 5W7 (519)452-3919. B A GARDENER'S extra limited supply. Blue spruce - $10.00 and up; cedars - $4.00; maple, ash - $7.00; strawberry, asparagus - 20 cents; raspberry - 50 cents; iris, rubarb, horseradish, mint- $1.00. Al information - 655-4525. SHRUBS AND TREES- Blue spruce - $10.00; white birch - $15.00; Russian olive - $10-00; Nanking Cherry - $5.00; Mock orange - $5.00; Bridai wreath - $5.00. Phone evenings - 655- 8088. BEFORE buying your next house, have t inspected by Listro Consulting . Phone 427-0659. or 428- 8913. REUIABLE. CANADIAN and Oriental ladies (ail ages) seek housekeeping opruntex- change for, shared* accommoda- tion, new locations, compan- ionship, etc. Request -further informiation (0)4-00any- time (7 days). B WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELA- TIONSHIPS. For help cail the Denise Hlouse for women and cildren. Tolfree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality as- sured. (Formerly Auberge). BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counselling. Free and confidential, avallable Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Clinic every Thursday 3:00 p.lto 6:00 p.m. For further information, cali 420-8781 or 433-8901. CHILDREN having Academic Problems? Try our 6-week sum- mer school for basics and up- grading. P.T.R 3 to 1. Caîl (705) 424-1110. Sheila Morrison School, 13.1312, Utopia, Ont. LOM ITO. B BAHAI FAITH. Love revealeth with unfailing and limitless power the mysteries latent in the uni- verse. CalI 668-8665. THANKS to St. Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors received. IMay the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hope- less, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eig hth da yorpae Il be answered, regardlesr éof how hopeless your staion seems. Publication must be promised. B.P. l'Il tell my SECRET! Accidently mixed two common cookini- gredients. Lost 30 lbs. Husbn lost 48 Ibs. Works likçe magic. No willpower needed. No hunger, safle. Details. Send S.A.S.E., Trudi Fitzner, Box 65, Stn. wA, Kelow- na, B.C. B AS 0F Monday, April 17, 1989, take notice that GISELA BUCZEK will not be responsible for any and ail debts incurred by her husband, EDWARD BUCZEK. LEARN TO DANCE TONIGHT. ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO (singles and couples welcome). Phone 430-0014. Help keep Red Cross ready. .me TEREE MEMBERS of the St. Mark's Quilters show off one of the many quilts at a. show last Friday and Saturday. From Jean MeCrorie, and Jessie Alkerto left to right are Johanna Wagner >on. Fir.. Preum photo Sehool board director is guest speaker, Pauline Laing, new Director of Education for Durham Board of Education, will be the guest speaker at the annual spring breakfast of the Counsellors' Association of the Region of Dur- Multicultural symnposium A 'Multicultural and Multira- cial Health Symposium' will be held Ma 16, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at urbamn Colleqge. The. sym posium h as been organize yb the Nurses Con- tinuingEducation Club of Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital. «For Durhamn Region, this is a frt»says organizer Maureen Wooding-T.Ihornhill, a registered nurse and clinical nurse special- ist at the Whiby hospital. The symposium, she said, "will enrg the community in miulti- ctural issues» andprvd "isensitive ways to provide ser- vices» for patients of different cultural backgrounds, whiletpro- viding an awareness of teir concerns. Nurses, physicians, social ser- vice agencies and eomniunity workers would be interested in the sym 1osium, says Wooding- 'Pe, le immediate1l put color to it. Beut it isn't. It isn't racial. It's culture across the board," saYs Wooding-Thornhill. 'Culture doesn't have color.» A number of prominent speak. ers have been seheduled for the day (most will be involved in afternoon workshops): - Dr. Granville deCosta, psy- chiatrist at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry and a member of th fecderal task force for îneiitui health issues of refugees and immigrants; - Dr. Wilson Head, p ast pre- sident of the Urban Alliance on Race Relations; - Murad Valachi (Don Milis MPP), parliamientary assistant to the Minister of Citizenship; - Dr. Malida Disman, from the faculty of medecine at the University of Toronto; . Francine Wynn, registered nurse and senor tutor in riursing at the University of Toronto; - Dr. K. Sohail, psyhiatrist at Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital; - Carrelina Barwick, eom- munity consultant at the Clarke Institute and also a member of the federal task foroe; - Trevor Wilson, senior policy advisor for the Ministry of Citi- zenship. Wooding-Thornhill said with redevelopn'ent planned for Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital, pro- granswill be branehing out and community agencies will have to be addressed. She notes that as Durham Region grows, there are more and more. people of dif- ferent ethnie origins. Early registration (deadline April 30) for the symposium costs $85 (includes lunch), late registration eosts $100. Cost for students is $40. Cail 668-5881, ext. 5326). Golden driddle Restuarant on Thursday, April 20 at 7 ar. Laing's subject will be counsel- ling, education and the com- munity as we move into the '90's. For more information call 683- 4760. ThecWnr Anipuf niios of Casnda... iI SaIcty Is CHAMP PLAYSAFE No Accident Program CORPORATION 0F THE ....TOWN ..F.WHITBY CONTRACT W89-45 SUPPLY AND INSTALL CERAMIC TILE Tenders wlll be recelved by Ms.,GaIl Goslelgh, Purchasing Agent until 2.00 pin., Wednesday, May 3, 1989 for the supply and installation'of ceramlc tule in dressing rooms and the referees' roomn at 'Iroquois Park Gomplex - Arena # 1. Specif ications and tender forms are available at the Town of Whitby Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whftby, Ontario. Telephone (416) 668-5803, extension 236. Lowest or any tender not necessaily accepted. MRS. GAIL GOSLEIGH PURCHASING AGENT. CORPORATION 0F THE *T0WN0OF WHITBY PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE WHIT BV - LONGUEUIL 21ST TWINMNIG There will be a public meeting held Tuesday, April 25th at 7-00 pin. in Commttee Room 2, Whitby Municipal Buildng, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby. The meeting is to discuss the tentative program of the Whitby - Lonigueuil 2lst Twinining and to invite residents of Whitby to attend. The twinning weekend is scheduled for June l6th to l8th inclusively. For more information, cal 668-5803, ext. 229. -7-77-7- lie, ...........

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