- A PAGE 30, WEMJY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1989 OPP gie alert about fraudulent, phone soicitation. Residents ina number of aireas of the province have recently been subjected to, misleading or fraudulent telephone solicitations and the Ontario Federaf Provincial Police would like ta Give as geneiu)usly as you are able. w ;d Or.LNILSB An Amily idA"1Wy CORPORATION 0F THE ~ TOWN OF WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, May 159 1989, 7:45 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whltby Municipal Building Whltby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning Developmeflt Committee of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to amend the Whitby Off iciai Plan and Zoning By-law:2585, as submitted by the YMCA of Metropoiitafl Toronto. The subject property is located on the Brock Street, Municipally known as 814 North as thown in the sketch beiow. west side of Brock Street AVENUE M The purpose of the application to amend the Officiai Plan is to permit by exception, the additionai use of an off ice in the existing Commercial Node designation. The purpose of the rezoning application is to add an off ice use by exception to the existing 'C2-S' zone regulating the subject property. These amendments would permit the applicant to convert the existing clweiiing to office uses. The purpose of this meeting is to provide adequate information to the public and to permit interested persons the opportunity to make representation in respect of the rezoning application. If you are unable to attendJ the meeting, your representation can be filed in writing by mail or personai deiivery to reach the Planning Department not later than regular working hours on May 22, 1989. lnterested persons may inspect additional information relating to the above application in the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rosslandi Road East during regular working hours, MondJay to Friday or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Director of Planning Corpo ration of the Town of WhItby alert citizens ta the common elements of niany of these schemes. Typically, these telephone solicitors advise people they have, won a prize, or have an i"opportunitYe' ta do so. Usually there is some purchase ta be made before the prize con be collected. The caler suggests that payment for the product or service being purchased be miade by credit card, and aska for a credit card nuxnber. One the number le given, the customer la imxnediately, charged the agreed-upon amount. "The majority of these types of telephone solicitations are designed ta mlslead potential custamers - to rnake thein beleve they're going ta, get somethlngat a much botter price than onywhere else," sad Insp. Ken Christopherson of the OPP's anti-rackets branch. "The value or nature of the clailmltng it, may be misrepreented,"sad Christopherson. "What yau thiink you heard and what was actually said may be two different things, but even if what you heard was exactly what was said, lts difficuit to prove misrepresentation." a probleni may be his or her creclit card statement. Persona who believe they've purchased a bargain holiday fromn a so-called travel agent," for example, may find their credit card statement indicate s the money went ta aa restaurant, car rental agency or soine other business. This is probably because the telephone solicitor has no arrangement with a credit card compony, ond la using an imprinting machine belonging. ta some other business ta process orders. ____ CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLI MEETINGQ Monday, May 15, 1989 0 7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wil be heid by the Planning and Deveiopmnft Committee of Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to consider an application to amend the Town of Whitby and Region of Durham Officiai Plan, as submitted by East Gien Properties. The subject property is located corner of South Blair Street and shown below. Water Street, as 1 * 318 Dundas St. E.. Wh itby * 668-3552 *After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 I Iomc appointm cnts gladly arranged The purpose of the application is to designate the subject property "Residential" with an indication of 1"Hi1gh Density" in order to permit the development of 375 residential units on a 12.49 acre site. The subject property is currently designated "Industrialu in the Officiai Plans, and zoned "General Industrial" in Zoning By-law 2585. The purpose of this meeting is to provide adequate information to the public and to permit interested persons the opportunity to make representation in respect of the Officiai Plan amendment application. If you are unabie to attend the meeting, your representation can be f iled in writing by mail or personal delivery to reach the Planning Department not later than regular working hours on May 23, 1989. lnterested persons may inspect additionai information reiating to the above application in the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rcissland Road East during regular working hours, Monday to Frday or miay contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803.' ROBERTIB. SHORT Director of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby something is wrong, its too late,'1 Christopherson said. "The mo ney la gone." These telephone scains usually involve no more thon a few hundred dollars each, %-but throughout North America, -it's estimated' they bring li hundreds ofililions of dollars a year. 'There are two key rules to rememnber- when dealing with telephone soicitos,"l Christophersoli said. 'Nover reveal your credit card nuxnber over the phone, and if it sounds too good ta be true, it probably Obituaries JOHN LITLE John Pearson Little (Little Jack Little), -of the Algonquin Begiment liWorld War il,died on SundayApril 23 1989, at St. Michaels Hospital. le was 78. He is suried by wife Mar- g aret Mary Corrne Dodd of Brooklip, son Jackson Edward of Brooklin, son William Dodd of ,Oshawa, daughter Mary Ellen Stuart of Bannie River, New ]Brunswick and son Pearson John (Perry) of Edmnonton, Alta. Also survived by il grandchlldren and seven great-grandchildrefl. The funeral service was held at the Carson Funeral Home and Chapýel,' Brooklin, on Wednesday, ,April 26, 1989. Interment at Gro- veside cemetery. Donations to the Whitby General Hota fund. OINTWIêG John David Twigg of Whitby died on Sunday, ApriI 30 as a resuit of a motorcycle accident. He was 17. He was the son of John and Mary Twigg of Whitbyr, brother of RoDbertTWi.gof Os gawaand grandson of rn Seabrook of Witby. He is also lovingly remenibered by aunts, uncles and friends. Funeral services were held at the Armstrong Funeral Home in Oshawa on 'Wednesday, May 3, at il a.m. Internient at White's cexnetery, Trenton. Donations to the Living Memnorial Fund or Gideori Memorial Bible Pian.- ANNE SAWDON Anne Sawdon died o npIl 24, 1989, at her home in Witby. She was 75. She was born on April 12, 1914, li Hyas, Saskatchewan, daughter of George -and Katy (Ostafichuk) Toffan. She mnarried Charles Fredrick Sawdon on June 20, 1931. She lived li Whitby for 62 years. Mrs. Sawdon was a laundry supervisor at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. She -was a member of the Baptist church. She is survived by son Chuck of Whitby and grandchildren, Heather and husband Ian Porter of B:trayntn, Kimberly and 1 lui Lu m Ubi vu 1%0