WHry FME pRESS , WEiDNEsDAY, MAY 3j 1989. PAGE 33 Mock council urges beach dlean-up A Whitby mock council last week ' turned down the purchase of a $64,000 iron sculpture for the front lawn of the municipal building and will begin dlean-up of the Port Whitby beach. The xnock council is the cul- mination of a nine-week administration course sponsored by the Town of Whitby. Students from Anderson CVI and Henry Street High School acted as co;uncillors and staff and carried out municipal duties dur- ingthe meetinq. This y ear s mayor was Natasha Prasad fromn Anderson. The council turned down the sculpture 'Democracy' (by Michael D. Angelo) after the sculpture was recommended in a report from treasurer Niki Brant o f-Henry St. Brant reported that 42 artists submitted bids. Angel's iece is a 20-ft. high, 10-ft.wid iron structure. Mock council also approved a report by parks and recreation director, Chad Allen from Henry St., recommending improve- ments to WIhitby's beach area. Allen recommended Lake Ontario's waters be cleaned up and pollution controls be impIe- mented to keep the water at the beach relatively dlean. Allen also suggested a super- vised swimming area, picnic area, concessions stand, chan gerooms. and a possible boardwalk. While no costs were available for the work, Allen recommended that the mock council try to obtain a grant from the Province. Mock council also approved the amalgamation of the Whitby, Oshawa,' Ajax transit systems, and voted not to allow depart- ment heads to participate in council debates. The mock council was com- glised of- Prasad as mayor; ichael Stein, Anderson, administrator; Sean Kane, Anderson, regional councillor; Neil Stuchbury, Anderson, regional councillor; Terry Saw- don, Henry St., regional council- lor; Antonio Teixeira, Anderson, ward 1 councillor; Kelly O'Hare, Henry St., ward 2 councillor; Sean Grace, Anderson, ward 3 councillor and Sarah Woodhouse, Henry St., ward 4 councillor. Town staff were: George Hen- dry, Anderson, clerk; Kimberely Davis, Anderson, fire chief;, Chad Allen, Henry St., parks and recreation director; Jennifer Lin- dup, Henry St., planning direc- tor; Rob Cross, H en% St., direc- tor of public works;Niki Brant, Henry St., treasurer and Laura Qleto, Anderson, personnel. During the mock council the Whity ire deparient presen- ted its fire prevention poster contest awards to Whitby ele- mentary students. Winning first place in the girls' division was Paula Fiddes from Colonel J.E. Farewell public school. Matt Johnson of St. Paul's Catholic elementary school was first in the boys' division. Taking second in the girls' divisiiniwRs Melissa George from St. Theresa's Catholic ele- mentary school while third went to Justyna Bochanysz, also froni St. Theresa's. In the boys' division, Kevin Coulter from Farewell was second while Jerry Schott, also from Farewell, was third. Thousands of Can'adians are waiting for the gift of a life-saving transplant. The Kidney Foundation of Canada urges you to sigil an organ donor card. 1 Cancer rSocietyfundraiser STUDENTS AT Henry Street High Sehool held a fashion show Thursday afternoon last, week to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society. VInce Ohpreclo-F)ree Prose photo 40..e.e1ee..e..s.e.....SSS CALL A PROC)FESSIOINAL Sew.g Mchie par Ai0S ke TopARSWOD Ae.S. AJAE NTREO 683-6074 RRIP'$ -ANNU!TIE$z FOR FREEQUOTATION CALL HERB TRAN 725-6564 SMALL APPLIANCES REPAIR SERVICE Compete smail home and commercial appliancerea. Authorized service for Blak& Deoker, Proctor-Silex, Melitta. Specializing in vacuums & pol!ishers, power tos, air con- Ãtoners, ehumidifiers and lIwn mowers. 220 4%A«h ,%t. WhIltby, C rtnrIc 430-8378 AIS DRYWALL eOrnamental design Plaster work Painting & decoratiflg General contractiflg 66e688958 66616577 MR. TRIM Imu,,AWMI N MAINTENANCE a MASTER Prunng &Landcapilg ~Weed Control - Fertili'zing : Free Estimates 623 9711 Lawn Insect Control SCompete Lawn Care Programs: DECKWORKS Gov't Licenced '~ k C~omu~Dd<sOwner Operate FREE EÉimâss 576-9780 CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. CALL US FOR YOUR BUILDING INSPECTION BEFORE YOU BUY. ~jBMTER 'BUILDING DETECTJ VE" BUSINESS ~427-O~9 oeb42S-O 13 BUREAU Dd S General Contracting à e *Landscaping 9 Interlocking Stone e Fences & Decks t*1 El ~ El J9E El [WMTfBY ELECTEIO LTD. SIndubtrial, Commercial, Residential Maintenance & Construtuin Free Estimatea D E1862 655-4221 PATRICKS GENERAL SERVCES Rénovations and home improvements from your basement to your roof. Roofs, patios, decks. Phone 430-1422 *uCUSTOM-RUILT HOMES *CONCRETE WORK *BRICK AND STONE WORK *ADDITIONS *LEAING BASEMENTS, ETC. 01 WHOLES:AALE & RETAIL